Rise From the Humble

Chapter 215: My son has been sensible since he was a child

  Chapter 215 My son has been sensible since he was a child

  Winter is the most comfortable time in the village. Every household has no farm work, and it is rare to rest at home comfortably. Especially when it snows, every household is too lazy to go out, guarding the bed or the stove to do some handicrafts, or sleeping in peace of mind.

  But today, Xiahe Village is an exception. Although snowflakes are flying outside and the north wind is howling, the cold air has not froze the enthusiasm of the people. The whole Xiahe Village is booming and cheering.

  What caused Xiahe Village to be abnormal was one thing: the thirteen-year-old son of Zhu Shouyi's family was elected.

  After the firecrackers were set off by the annunciation guards at the head of the village early in the morning, the bustle of the whole village never calmed down. Even if the messenger who announced the good news finished receiving the red envelopes, rode a fast horse and left Xiahe Village, Xiahe Village was still a bustling ocean.

  Zhu Ping'an's house is full of people, and the yard is also crowded with people.

In addition to the folks in the village, the grandparents, uncles and aunts in Zhu's old house, the slim little Yuer, uncle and aunt, as well as the eldest aunt and Zhu Pingjun are all at Zhu Ping'an's house, but uncle Zhu Shouren is absent, er, uncle Zhu Shouren yesterday I caught a cold after reading late into the night, and I am "recovering" in the bed of the old house. But in the eyes of the villagers, the uncle Zhu Shouren pretended to be sick because he was ashamed and embarrassed.

Grandfather sat in the house and smoked the dry smoke, listening to the congratulations of the villagers, he was happy but sighed a few times; as for the fourth uncle and four aunts, they happily walked sideways among the villagers, but the grandmother and eldest aunt were a little bit Not very happy, with a sour taste, if possible, they would prefer to be the uncle.

  Although the villagers congratulated Zhu Ping'an's family, they also congratulated the people in Zhu's old house. But in the yard, there are still many villagers secretly thinking about the separation of Zhu's family ten years ago, secretly laughing at the grandfather who must have regretted what happened back then.

  If you don't separate your family. Grandfather and the others are a hundred times more glorious than they are now. The eldest son who was optimistic at the beginning didn't even pass the exam as a scholar. The second son who was forced to take the scapegoat not only became rich, but even the younger grandson was not only selected as a scholar, but also a middle-ranking candidate within a year.

Zhongju mentioned that besides the promotion of status, etc., the most direct benefit is the exemption from taxes and corvee, but it is a pity that in order to take care of the reputation of the boss, the Zhu family's old house insisted on calling the chief and others to divide the house, and all of them were registered in the county. If you have registered, you will not be able to enjoy this benefit! Zhu's old house is probably full of remorse and will not be able to eat in the past few days.

  The happiest thing was Zhu Ping'an's parents and elder brother, especially his mother, Chen Shi, who was so happy that she didn't know how to close her mouth.

   "His second aunt, you are the master of Juren. You are really enviable. Tell us, how did you train Juren?"

  The villagers asked Zhu Ping'an's mother, Mrs. Chen, enviously, curiously and flatteringly.

  Hearing this, the smile on mother Chen’s face became even brighter, and she waved her hands humbly, but her voice had nothing to do with modesty:

   "I don't know how to cultivate, so I just raise it like everyone else. But, don't tell me, my son has been sensible since he was a child, and he will be sensible when he is only two years old, and he will feel sorry for his mother."

   Heard the words. The people in the village were both curious and flattering, and kept asking how the unique Juren master in Xiahe village was so sensible when he was two years old.

When Mrs. Chen heard the words, her jaw almost went up to the sky, and she looked proud of her son, "You don't know. Our family is safe and sensible since we were young. When we were two years old, we were still in our infancy. Well, life was not going well at that time. Once I quarreled with your second brother at home, don’t think your second brother is honest. The angry people came and went, and I cried in anger at that time. There's a swaddling pig. Guess what?"

   "What's the matter? Hehehe, the second sister-in-law beat the second brother." A villager booed, making everyone laugh.

When everyone's laughter was over, Mrs. Chen shook her head, and said proudly and gratifiedly, "He has rough skin and thick flesh. If you beat him, you have to let go of my painful hand. At that time, our pig , I’m only two years old, seeing me cry, I know I’m going to pull out a diaper from my swaddle to wipe my tears.”

  Only two years old, he knows how to feel sorry for others. When he was young, he was very stubborn, and he didn't become sensible until he recovered from illness at the age of five. He is two years old and has not been weaned yet, so he knows what to do!

   "He's a pee nest." Father Zhu couldn't bear to listen anymore, so he couldn't help interjecting.

  Then the whole yard laughed kindly, full of joy.

   Mrs. Chen was on the verge of getting excited. After being thrown such cold water by Zhu's father, Mrs. Chen naturally quit. She gave the innocent Zhu Shouyi a hard look, and bowed his head like a quail before finishing.

Then, like a victorious big rooster, Mrs. Chen continued to raise her head to share with the villagers the story of Zhu Ping'an's cleverness, sensibleness, diligence, and learning when she was a child. After that, Mrs. Chen became even more energetic, boasting that Zhu Ping'an was the only one in the sky and the only one on earth. If Zhu Ping'an was here, he would definitely blush when he heard it.

For Zhu Ping'an's praise, the Chen family is not the only one. Zhu Pingjun on the other side also talked about Zhu Ping'an's childhood with the villagers regardless of his mother's bad face. Of course, he was involved in everything, some positive and some negative , but Zhu Pingjun didn't care, he was frothy when he said it, this one was also crazy, and he hasn't enjoyed the feeling of being supported by everyone for a long time.

"Let me tell you, yes, Brother Xi didn't have a chance in the Tongsheng Examination. It was only because of a sudden accident at the family of one of our senior brothers that Ding You had to stay at home. Ding You didn't know if he was filial piety, so a spot was vacated. Master originally wanted me to go, but I said, no, let brother Xi go, brother Xi just went. Otherwise, brother Xi would have today.”

"Don't you believe it, it's true. Why did you give it up to my brother, because my brother is a little smarter than me. Let me tell you about my childhood. When I was young, my brother and I kissed, and we basically always played together. .

   Once Brother Xi wanted to go with Brother Dachuan to pick fruit on the mountain, and I wanted to play with Brother Xi again, but Brother Xi wanted to go pick fruit with Brother Dachuan. So, Brother Zhu told me to play a game of hide-and-seek, and if he couldn’t find it, he had to keep looking for it, and he must never come out by himself.”

   Speaking of this, Zhu Pingjun sighed and looked up at the sky at forty-five degrees.

   "That day, I foolishly hid on my stomach in the pile of firewood for a long time until my mother made dinner and lit the fire"

  At this moment, the eldest aunt on the other side wanted to push her son who was a fortune teller and Wenqu star to the earth and beat him up, this shameless bastard.

  On this day, the entire Xiahe Village has been bustling all day long, and the villagers gradually dispersed in the evening. People from Zhu's old house stayed at Zhu Ping'an's house for dinner, and did not follow Xueming back to the old house until dark.

  (end of this chapter)

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