Rise From the Humble

Chapter 200: Seventy-two sages of Confucianism

  Chapter 200 Confucian Seventy-two Sages

  Early in the morning of the second day, Zhu Ping'an woke up from his sleep, lifted the rabbit fur blanket and opened his eyes. Only one of them felt cold.

   Then I was surprised to find that it was snowing outside, the snow was not small, dense white snowflakes fell freely from the sky, and fell profusely on the roof, the ground, the trees, and fell on all possible places. The outside is snow-white, and the ground seems to be covered with a snow-white carpet. Occasionally, several rows of footprints can be seen, probably left by the soldiers outside when they changed their guard.

  I was a wolf in the north, but I was frozen into a dog in Nanjing.

I used to be puzzled when I heard this sentence in modern times. Nanjing belongs to the south. How could it be so cold? Just kidding, but now I have experienced it personally. The quilt was shivering from the cold, but fortunately, I had already prepared and brought enough clothes.

  After Zhu Pingan got up, he picked up another rabbit fur coat from his luggage and put it on, only then did he feel warm. After washing his face, he ate breakfast in a charcoal brazier. Zhu Pingan cleaned up the dormitory, restored it to the table and chairs, and then devoted himself to answering questions again.

Zhu Pingan's only remaining man next door put all the clothes on his body, still shivering from the cold, and couldn't help but put his hands on the brazier to roast after writing a few words, and he had to always pay attention not to let the cold runny nose on test paper. At this time, this dear friend is very envious of the naive young man next door who came in with a huge bag on his back

  The heavy snow fell all day long, and on this day Zhu Pingan also finished writing the remaining four stereotyped essays. The last one was written at dusk, with a little bit of candle.

   These four stereotyped essays are all stereotyped essays of the five classics, and they are not difficult. However, one of the questions is very interesting: I think about it when I am ignorant. This sentence comes from "Shangshu Qin Oath", ambiguous originally means ambiguous thinking, that is, deep diving and quiet thinking (that is, I think secretly in my heart).

  There is still a joke about this topic in modern times. It is said that there was a scientific examination in the late Qing Dynasty. But one examinee had never read the "Shangshu Qin Oath" and mistook the "ambiguous" for "sister", so the whole article was about elder brother and younger sister, and a declaration of love between you and me. The examiner couldn't laugh or cry after reading it. He was silent, and commented on the side: "Brother, you are wrong." It was a joke for a while.

   I wonder if anyone will make the same mistake in this exam.

   This evening. The snow stopped.

  But on the third day, the weather was even colder. It is obvious that the snow is not cold and the snow is cold.

  At about five o'clock in the afternoon on the third day, Zhu Ping'an had already neatly copied all seven stereotyped essays on the test paper. After checking it several times, he was waiting to hand in the paper.

  This is the first and most important test of the rural examination. For example, the marking is based on the seven eight-legged essays in the first round, and then combined with the situation in the second and third rounds. Read and discuss with each other, and decide on the middle amount.

   This day is the date for submitting papers. This day will be divided into three batches, one batch in the morning, one batch in the afternoon, and one batch in the evening. The cursive official issues a signature for each volume collected, and the signatures match. Examination papers are vaguely named, and before marking, a copyist uses a red pen to transcribe, and the examiner reviews the red paper and marks it with a blue pen.

  Zhu Ping'an rushed to hand in the paper in the evening and packed up his things. Followed the crowd out of Jiangnan Gongyuan.

  When Zhu Ping'an came out, there were still candidates in the Gongyuan who were racing against time. The rural examination stipulated that the field should be cleared at Xu time, that is, around 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. If they haven't finished by then, they can only fail the ranking.

Wish you guys good luck.

  When Zhu Pingan left the examination room, he said something silently.

   It is the same as the modern exam. When I left the examination room, I saw people in twos and threes gathering together, talking about the examination room. Of course, the main thing is to discuss the exam questions, you say something and I say something. Their faces were flushed red from the fight, and then someone felt that something was wrong, and finally their complexions turned pale.

  Why bother, the psychological quality is not enough, why should we discuss the exam questions at this time. Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, curled his lips, and strode towards the inn.

   "Zhu, Brother Zhu, wait for me."

   Fatty’s voice came from behind, and Zhu Ping’an stopped in his tracks. Turning around, he saw the fatty running over tremblingly.

  The fat man walked up to Zhu Ping'an, saw the two-layer rabbit fur coat on Zhu Ping'an's body, his eyes lit up, and he rushed to take off one to put it on again, and yelled from the inside, that the godmother was partial.

   "There's one more thing in the bag, I'll give it to you." Zhu Ping'an staggered, and then threw the bag he was carrying into the hands of the fat man.

   Then the fat man hurriedly found out the rabbit fur coat from the bag, and then couldn't wait to put on the rabbit fur. In an instant, the long-lost warmth struck again, and the fat man's happy eyes were so narrowed that he couldn't find them anymore.

  Because there will be an exam tomorrow, Zhu Pingan and Fatty simply had a sumptuous dinner at the inn for dinner, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

   In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Pingan and other candidates lined up in front of the Jiangnan Tribute Academy again to wait for admission. This time everyone brought more things, including more clothes.

  At about three o'clock, the Gongyuan began to check and enter the venue, and at about six o'clock, Zhu Ping'an arrived at yesterday's dormitory.

  This is the second round of the provincial examination. There is one trial theory, five verdicts, one imperial edict, imperial edict, and internal medicine.

  This exam was not difficult, and it was almost all official application essays. Zhu Pingan finished this exam as if he was wasting his time, and the quality of the answers was also very good. He handed in the paper in the afternoon of the third day.

   Then it was early in the morning to queue up for the third exam,

  This exam is much more difficult, and Shi Ce has five questions. The first policy topic is nothing, but seeing the second question, 80% of the candidates are about to collapse.

   "Confucius has seventy-two sages, what can the sages do?"

  Nima, I can’t tell you all about the seventy-two disciples of Confucius, but let me tell you what skills they have! So many candidates collapsed.

   Zhu Pingan was a little happy when he saw this question. For himself with a super memory, this question is not difficult. I have deliberately checked the relevant materials of Confucius' seventy-two disciples on the Internet before, including "Confucius Family", "Spring and Autumn" and other scattered records, such as "Historical Records Confucius Family" records: "Confucius started There are three thousand disciples in poetry, books, rites, and music education, and there are seventy-two people who master the six arts." Therefore, this question is hardly difficult for Zhu Ping'an.

  Yan Hui is Confucius’ favorite disciple, studious and benevolent; Min Sun, famous for virtue; Ran Qiu, versatile, famous for political affairs; Zai Yu, good at rhetoric; Duan Muci, excellent in politics and diplomacy, excellent in financial management and business

  In addition to this policy topic, there is another interesting topic on other policy topics, which is about the policy of governance.

  Zhu Ping'an almost didn't have to think about it. After polishing the strategy he had made to control the Japanese, he copied it directly on the draft paper.

   At dusk on the third day, the creaking sound of the door of Jiangnan Gongyuan shattered the loneliness of the street.

  A young man in a rabbit fur coat walked out of the door, walked and stopped, looked back at the gate of Jiangnan Gongyuan, raised the corners of his lips confidently, showed a silly smile, and then disappeared into the vast snowstorm.

  (end of this chapter)

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