Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1852: Kunshan

   "A person with a crown, a horse's hoof, the flag and the drums are quiet, the sound is restrained, and they gallop at full speed to the bank of the Kunshan River."

  After Zhu Ping'an led the Zhejiang army away from the city gate, he ordered the whole army to rush to Kunshan with hoofs wrapped in gold.

  All the soldiers of the Zhejiang army who were traveling with them bit a branch in their mouths, and they also wrapped the horseshoes with two layers of cloth. At the same time, they also tied a stick in the bridle so that the horses could also hold it in their mouths to prevent the mules and horses from neighing.

  Zhu Ping'an was no exception. He also broke off a branch and held it in his mouth, and rode his horse and whipped forward at full speed.

  The journey was uneventful, except for a flock of birds and unowned livestock, I didn’t meet a single person, and I arrived at the Kunshan River bank smoothly.

  Kunshan is also known as "Deer City". According to legend, King Shoumeng of Wu once set up gardens to raise deer in this generation for shooting and hunting. The reason why it was named Kunshan later was because the county seat was located in the northwest of Kunshan within the territory at that time, so it was named Kunshan County.

  However, Kunshan County is located in the south of the Yangtze River. Except for this Kunshan Mountain, it is a plain with dense river networks.

  Ancient bridges, small rivers, and rows of villages sleeping on the river are like landscape paintings.

  It's a pity that because of the Japanese invasion, the people in these villages have fled, and they don't hear the chickens and dogs, and they are less angry.

  Such a beautiful water town in the south of the Yangtze River and such a lifeless village made Zhu Ping'an firm in his belief in eradicating Japanese pirates as soon as possible.

  I, Zhu Ping'an, came to this era, so I can't just watch the tragedy of history repeat itself. I must clean up the Japanese invasion earlier and better than in history! Let the people of this empire live a better and more dignified life!

   "Da Dao, go to that forest to see if Chen Dacheng and the others are there?"

  After Zhu Pingan arrived at the bank of the Kunshan River, he scanned the surrounding terrain, pointed to the dense forest not far away, and said to Liu Dadao.

  When he first broke out from the Fengqiao camp, Weiping ordered Chen Dacheng to lead the 80 Zhejiang troops to lurk on the banks of the Kunshan River, where he was preparing a big gift for the Japanese pirates.

  According to the terrain, the places where they can lurk nearby, except for these dense forests, are the mountains in the distance.

  However, the mountain is too far away from the river bank, several miles away, lurking there is not conducive to monitoring the river, and it is easy to miss the opportunity of the battle, so the most likely place for Chen Dacheng and the others to lurk is this dense forest.

   "Okay, I'm going to see if Lao Chen is cats in the woods."

Liu Dadao was ordered to get off his horse, and ran towards the woods. After running into the woods, he put his fingers to his mouth, puffed up his cheeks and exerted force. .

   "chirp chirp chirp chirp..."

  Not long after Liu Dadao's bird call came out, there was a bird call from deep in the woods, which responded three times.

   "Hey, Xiao Chen is in the woods." Ruofeng touched his chin and smiled when he heard a bird song coming from the woods.

  Zhe Jun used Wuming to convey information, or Zhu Pingan asked him to teach everyone. At the beginning, their cottage used bird calls to convey information, but because of the unseasonable bird calls, they exposed themselves and learned a lesson. The bird calls they use to convey information now are all in season and in the region.

   He couldn't be more clear about the meaning of the birdsong.

   Sure enough, not long after the birdsong responded, Liu Dadao led Chen Dacheng out of the woods.

  Chen Dacheng wears a straw hat made of twigs on his head and a coir raincoat made of thatch, which is very camouflage.

   "My lord..."

Chen Dacheng came forward to meet Zhu Ping'an, feeling a little excited. They had been lurking here for a day and a night. They lived in the wind and camped in the cold winter, which was not an ordinary suffering. The biting cold wind, the wet and cold ground, in order to prevent exposure, they could not light a fire to keep warm. They couldn't even start a fire to cook, and could only eat raw and cold food. The arrival of Zhu Ping'an and the others meant that their crimes were not in vain.

  Their lurking has finally come into play, how can they not be excited.

   "Dacheng, during the cold winter months, you worked hard to eat and sleep outdoors."

  Zhu Pingan quickly stepped forward to help Chen Dacheng up, saw his face tortured by wind and frost, patted him on the shoulder, and encouraged him very touched.

   "It's not hard work, it's not hard work, what are we doing, it's hard work for you, my lord, to fight to the death with Japanese pirates." Chen Dacheng shook his head again and again.

   "I have taken all your hard work into my heart. Is everything ready?" Zhu Ping'an asked.

"It's all ready. My lord, we brought more than two thousand catties of kerosene from the camp. Except for the gift, the rest are stored in the woods and can be used at any time. We also have the rest of the things. Everything has been prepared according to your lord's instructions, and the riverside has also been arranged according to your lord's instructions."

  Chen Dacheng replied seriously.

"Very good! A credit to you. Now, quickly take us to the woods, hide the mules and horses first, and then prepare to present this great gift to the pirates." Zhu Ping'an was very satisfied after hearing Chen Dacheng's reply nodded.

   "My lord, please." Chen Dacheng led Zhu Ping'an and his party into the woods.

  This forest is very large, and it is jagged with large areas of dry reeds. There is a hidden valley in the depths of the forest, where trees and shrubs are overgrown. After Chen Dacheng and the others came out of Fengqiao camp, they hid in this valley.

   "My lord, there are three exits leading to the outside of this valley, one of which can lead a horse out of the valley, and you can ride a horse when you go out..." Chen Dacheng led Zhu Pingan into the valley, and introduced the situation of the valley along the way. "

  After Zhu Pingan walked into the ravine, he took a look and nodded in satisfaction. Putting the mules and horses here will never be exposed. There are three exits leading to the outside in the ravine, so there is no need to worry about becoming a turtle in the urn.

  Chen Dacheng's Zhe army was in the valley, dressed similarly to Chen Dacheng, with straw hats on their heads, coir raincoats, and weather-beaten faces. When they saw Zhu Ping'an, they all came forward to pay their respects.

   "It's an extraordinary time, so there is no need to be polite. You have all worked hard, and I will remember it in my heart. I will honor you after the war." Zhu Pingan waved his hand and encouraged them.

  The soldiers died for their confidantes, and all the soldiers were very excited when they heard the words, and their bodies suddenly glowed with endless motivation.

  Zhu Pingan commanded all the soldiers to gather the mules and horses in the valley, close to the valley entrance where the horses could walk, and they could ride out of the valley at any time, just in case.

  In order to prevent the horse neighing from revealing its traces and ruining the event, Zhu Pingan did not ask someone to remove the tree tree held in the horse's mouth.

   "Dacheng, wait for me to see the big gift you prepared." After hiding the mules and horses, Zhu Pingan said to Chen Dacheng.

   "My lord, this way please."

  Liu Dacheng led Zhu Pingan to the depths of the valley.

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