Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1849: The old tradition of Japanese pirates

  The time was about the same as Zhu Ping'an estimated, that is, after half an hour, the Japanese pirate camp started to move.

   After breakfast, the Japanese pirates began to dismantle their tents and packed up their belongings, including looted gold, silver and jewelry, food, grass and supplies, as well as cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, and prepared to go back to Tuolin's lair.

This time, their property shrunk greatly. Due to the early warning of the Zhejiang army, most of the surrounding people took their belongings with them to Suzhou City or hid in the wilderness. More than ten times, and the casualties have also greatly increased.

"Zhu Ping'an, the dog, it's all your fault. I've greatly reduced my harvest, and I've lost several good friends. Don't let me meet you again in the wild, or you will be smashed into pieces and smashed into ashes." !"

   "That's right, he must be shredded into pieces and his bones turned into ashes, in order to express the anger in his heart."

  A group of Japanese pirates scolded Zhu Pingan, the chief culprit, while packing up their belongings.

   "That means he ran quickly into the city, otherwise he would have been torn to pieces by me in front of the city gate."

   This was a Japanese pirate who was originally at the Northwest Gate. They received a signal from Xu Hai. When they rushed over, they saw Zhu Pingan and other Zhejiang troops retreating into the city and closing the city gate.

  He believed that if Zhu Ping'an hadn't retreated into the city, he would have been chopped into pieces by their reinforcements, and his body would be torn into pieces!


   Leader Xu hated him to the bone. He heard that Leader Xu talked in his sleep at night, and he said that he would smash Zhu Ping'an's body into thousands of pieces!

   If Zhu Ping'an were blocked outside the city gate, he would definitely be chopped into pieces by Chief Xu!

"Brother Chen, Brother Ma, I would like to trouble you to explain to your respective subordinates later. When retreating, you must be tight on the outside and tight on the inside, and be ready to counterattack at any time. In addition, you each choose five hundred elite soldiers, and I will also choose five hundred elite soldiers. Join forces, and set up an ambush in advance on the only way we must retreat."

  Xu Hai looked at Suzhou City in the distance with a face full of unwillingness, then turned around and said to Chen Dong and Ma Ye seriously.

   This is their old tradition of Japanese pirates.

Sometimes when the battle situation is not going well, they will deliberately retreat, but they will secretly set up ambushes in dense forests, reed marshes and other places. Once the Ming army pursues them and falls into the ambush circle, their ambushes will all come out, rush into the Ming army formation, and kill the Ming army. Jun Sha was caught off guard and fell into disarray.

   This trick has been tried and tested, and it often succeeds.

  Of course, sometimes when the battle situation goes well, they will pretend to retreat, lure the Ming army to pursue, and take the opportunity to ambush the Ming army.

  In short, retreat, ambush... This is the old tradition of their Japanese pirates.

Hearing Xu Hai's words, Chen Dong and Ma Ye looked at each other and smiled, "Hahaha, just now we have told the subordinates to loosen the outside and tighten the inside, and deliberately leave some openings when retreating, to see if we can lure the Ming army out of the city to pursue The elite have already been selected, but instead of 500 people, there are 800 people."

Hearing this, Xu Hai couldn't help laughing, "Okay! Okay! Those who know me, Brother Chen and Brother Ma also! Since Brother Chen and Brother Ma each picked 800 elites, then 800, I will also choose 800 elites !"

   "If the Ming army dares to chase after them, they will definitely be overwhelmed." Chen Dong and Ma Ye said to themselves.

   "Let's go?! Come, don't even think about leaving! I want them to be buried here!" Xu Hai gritted his teeth.

This defeat in Suzhou greatly reduced his prestige, and his momentum of taking off was almost interrupted. He wished he could slaughter the city of Suzhou to vent his anger, especially that kid surnamed Zhu, wished he could cut him into pieces and dismember him. Thousands of paragraphs!

  When the Japanese pirates packed up their belongings and prepared to retreat, the Zhe army in Suzhou city had already had their breakfast and was recharging their energy in the tent set up under the city.

   Eight hundred and ninety-three mules and horses collected were eating grass and drinking light salt water under the city.

Originally only more than 400 mules and horses were recruited, and more than 400 good horses were forcibly recruited from the defenders in the city. A total of 893 mules and horses were recruited, all of which were ridden by people. Mules and horses can be ridden with hands.

  Based on the number of mules and horses, Zhu Pingan selected 893 soldiers of the Zhejiang Army who were better at riding horses, and they would follow him out of the city to send off the Japanese pirates later. The remaining Zhejiang army stayed in the city to help defend in case of accidents.

   "Zihou, think again." Shang Zhifu was still worried about Zhu Ping'an leaving the city.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Shang, I plan to act later. I have already made arrangements before entering the city."

  Zhu Ping'an smiled confidently.

   Seeing Zhu Ping'an's insistence, Shang Zhifu had no choice but to tell Zhu Ping'an to be careful in everything, and if he found something wrong, he would run away and run away. Safety is the top priority.

  Zhu Ping'an naturally responded again and again.

  Sent away the worried Shang Zhifu, Zhu Pingan told the left-behind Zhejiang Army that no matter whether the Japanese pirates broke camp or left, they would wake him up in two quarters of an hour, that is, half an hour later.

   Then, Zhu Ping'an walked into the handsome tent, lay down with all his clothes on, and recharged his batteries. He has to take a nap to keep his energy up.

  Due to staying up all night last night, after Zhu Ping lay down, he soon fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep.

  After Zhu Ping'an and the others fell asleep, the Japanese pirates were still packing up their tents and belongings. Without discipline, they were messy and slow to clean up.

  Two quarters of an hour passed, and Zhu Ping'an was woken up by the left-behind Zhejiang army.

  Zhu Ping'an came out of the handsome tent, stretched his waist, young is good, he didn't sleep all night last night, this time he only slept for a quarter of an hour, the fatigue all over his body disappeared, and he was full of energy again.

   "Have the Japanese pirates left their camp?" Zhu Ping'an asked.

   "My lord, the Japanese pirates haven't left their camp yet, and they haven't finished cleaning up yet." The soldiers of the Zhejiang army replied.

   Really slow enough.

  Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to complain about the organization and discipline of the Japanese pirates.

   "Sir, do you want to wake them up?"

  The soldiers of the Zhejiang Army pointed to a row of tents and asked, the people lying inside were all the Zhejiang Army who were going out of the city with Zhu Pingan this time.

   "No, let them sleep a little longer, and it won't be too late to wake them up after the Japanese pirates set off from camp."

  Zhu Pingan shook his head, picked up the steps, and slowly walked up the city wall.

   At this time, it was already high in the sun, and the Japanese pirates outside the city were almost packed up, and the only thing left was to load the carts with food and supplies.

  The Japanese pirates also began to gather, and the huge number of Japanese pirates lined up in a queue that didn't form a queue.

   It can be vaguely distinguished that the Japanese pirates are gathering on the three squares.

   During the siege of the city in the past few days, I also found out the inside story of the Japanese pirates. This group of Japanese pirates was originally a loose alliance formed by the four chieftains who were not in command of each other, namely Xu Hai, Ma Ye, Chen Dong and Hojo Dosan, among which Xu Hai was the most powerful.

   On the first day, during the battle in front of the Fengqiao camp, the Japanese Chief Hojo Dosan was killed, and the Japanese pirates under his command were annexed by Xu Hai and the others.

  There are only three parts of this group of Japanese pirates left.

   Today, it is understandable that the Japanese pirates have assembled into three square formations.

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