Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1835: Desperate counterattack

The sudden change of the city gate made Xu Hai furious. The Zhe army's eruption was too sudden, so he reacted a step slower. By the time he realized the Zhe army's intentions, it was already too late. A lament for the soul rang.

   In less than ten breaths, the brothers who rushed out of the city were already lying neatly on the ground, completely cold.

  As for the Zhejiang Army, the Zhejiang Army rushed into the city immediately after clearing out the Japanese pirates at the city gates.

Although the Zhejiang Army has been in the army for less than half a year, it has the most strict military discipline since its formation, and the most practiced is the formation of the formation. As soon as it enters the barracks, it drills to stand at attention, take a rest, and walk in unison. Until now, the formation is still a daily drill. The gate is narrow, and only eight people can enter the city side by side at a time, but the Zhe army entered the city in a neat queue, and the speed was extremely fast.

  Compared to the speed at which the Japanese pirates entered the city before, the Zhejiang army can be described as a high-speed train, and the Japanese pirates are just green leather cars.

   "Damn it, you can't let the Zhejiang army enter the city, entangle them and bite them to death, and don't give them a chance to close the city gate!"

  Gritting his teeth, Xu Hai looked at the corpses of Japanese pirates and the Zhe army entering the city at high speed, and shouted frantically.

  Xu Hai is in a hurry!

  Once the Zhejiang army enters the city, it is bound to close the city gate as soon as possible, and once the city gate is closed, it can basically declare that their plan in Suzhou has fallen short and failed. After the reinforcements arrived, it would be difficult to break through Suzhou City even with a strong attack. They did not have powerful siege equipment in their hands.

  If he fails this time, it will be like a bolt from the blue to him.

  Originally occupying Tuolin's lair, the Japanese pirates from all over the world came from all directions. His power has grown rapidly, and Xu Hai's momentum to take off has been achieved.

  Once he succeeds, Xu Haike will succeed in transforming the dragon, and he will be able to stand against Hui Wang Wang Zhi and become the only leader of the Japanese pirates.

   In this way, Xu Hai can siphon about half of the Japanese pirates in the world for his own use.

  Go forward, you can plunder the wealth, population, and land of Ming Dynasty, and even conspire against the artifacts of China; if you retreat, you can also occupy overseas barbarian countries and establish themselves as their own rulers, such as Luzon, such as the Japanese country that has been smashed into a pot of porridge.

   Hateful, hateful, I was about to succeed, but I met Zhu Pingan, a villain who deserves to be hacked into pieces!

  If he fails to attack Suzhou this time, then Xu Hai’s momentum of taking off will be interrupted, and it’s not as simple as being interrupted, the higher you fly, the harder you will naturally fall!.

   This attack on Suzhou is very powerful. Once he fails, Xu Haike will become a joke in the pirate circle.

  First of all, they originally wanted to sneak attack on Suzhou, and deliberately traveled by water and starry night, but unexpectedly, their whereabouts were discovered and the beacon fire was ignited.

   Then, before reaching the city of Suzhou, they were blocked by the Zhejiang army in front of the Fengqiao camp, and suffered heavy casualties. Thousands of elites were blown up by buried gunpowder, and a total of 8,000 elite Japanese pirates were lost in front of the Fengqiao camp.

   This time in the city of Suzhou, he thought that his ingenious strategy of luring snakes out of their holes, crossing the sky, and entering the city through a shell was also seen through by the evil savage Zhu Pingan who deserved to be hacked into pieces, and he suffered heavy losses again...

  If it is said that Xu Hai can win Suzhou City, the above is nothing. This series of setbacks can further prove the quality of his success. Zhu Ping'an will also become Xu Hai's stepping stone, setting off Xu Hai's tenacity, great perseverance, my ambition, and his indomitable future. He is worthy of a great responsibility.

But if he fails to win Suzhou City, it will become an indelible stain in his Japanese life and become a joke in the Japanese circle; Xu Hai will also become the foil and stepping stone for his son Zhu Pingan. In the war, Zhu Zi will definitely step on Xu Hai, become famous all over the world, and become a great civil and military talent of the Ming Dynasty.

  As for him, Xu Hai, let alone siphoning Japanese pirates from all over the world, his team of Japanese pirates in Tuolin's lair will be unstable.

Japanese pirates are very realistic. These desperadoes put their heads on their belts, and what they want is gold, silver, jewelry and women. The reason why they take refuge in themselves is because they can lead the Japanese pirates under their command to attack cities and plunder wealth. and woman.

  A leader who can't lead his subordinates to attack cities and plunder wealth is not a good leader in the eyes of Japanese pirates.

  The loss of soldiers will be so heavy this time, and if they have not been able to attack Suzhou, it will greatly damage their reputation and shake their dominance.

   Xu Hai couldn't bear this kind of ending, so Xu Hai must seize this last chance.

"The reinforcements are close at hand, and they are coming soon, bite them and prevent them from entering the city smoothly. Afterwards, everyone will reward a hundred taels of gold, a thousand taels of silver, and ten beauties, and swear by my blood, from now on you Everyone is my Xu Hai flesh and blood brother."

  When the Japanese pirates fought back desperately, Xu Hai paid a lot of money and awarded a heavy reward. He really paid a lot of money. He wiped the Japanese knife with his left hand, and the left hand was **** in an instant.

  Xu Hai's blood oath of heavy reward made the eyes of the Japanese pirates turn red, screaming and attacking the Zhejiang army without fear of death.

  The desperate counterattack of the Japanese pirates caused a lot of trouble for the Zhejiang army. It once disrupted the back row of the Zhejiang army. Several Zhejiang soldiers fell into the group of Japanese pirates and were overwhelmed by the Japanese pirates.

   "Liu Mu, Ruofeng, you lead the 500 people in the back row and stay with me in the rear! The rest of the people enter the city quickly!"

   At a critical juncture, Zhu Pingan gave a loud order to go backwards and stay behind with Liu Mu and Ruofeng who were behind the army formation.

   Being bitten by such a group of hungry wolves, if no one left the queen, it would not be so easy to enter the city.

   "Young master, you enter the city quickly, and I will stay with Commander Ruo in the rear." Liu Mu shook his head anxiously.

   "Don't worry, my lord, I'm old Ruo and Brother Mu are enough! Guaranteed not to let a pirate **** step over us."

  Ruofeng also followed Liu Mu to dissuade Zhu Pingan.

   "My lord, I will cut off the queen for you." Liu Dadao, who had already entered the city, also shouted, wanting to go out of the city to cut off the queen for Zhu Pingan.

   "Nonsense! Liu Dadao, hurry back! The order of entering the city has been interrupted by you! You can't help the Japanese!"

"Hurry up and take the soldiers who have entered the city to assist Shangzhifu to wipe out the Japanese pirates who attacked the city. After the Japanese pirates in the city are wiped out, please quickly ask Shangzhifu to send archers and musketeers to attack the Japanese pirates outside the city. Focus on the direction of the city gate. Make sure that the Japanese pirates dare not come to fight in front of the city gate!"

   "This is an order! It is about the life and death of our Zhejiang army and hundreds of thousands of people in Suzhou City! Act quickly! Make no mistakes!"

  Zhu Ping'an saw that Liu Dadao was going out of the city, so he couldn't help shouting in black, ordering him to quickly lead the troops to the top of the city to assist Shangzhifu in destroying the Japanese.

   "Young Master." Liu Dadao hesitated.

   "Hurry up!" Zhu Pingan yelled again with a black face!

   "Obey!" Liu Dadao gritted his teeth and turned around, pointed at the soldiers who had already entered the city, and shouted fiercely, "You all come with me! Kill these grandsons!"

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