Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1832: Anxiety

  Below the city, the battle between the Japanese pirates and the Zhejiang army was fierce and anxious.

Although the Japanese pirates in the front row were caught off guard by the Zhejiang army's bayonets, the Japanese pirates in the back were aggressive and confident. They thought that as long as they got close, the victory belonged to them. Their waist knives are not as long as theirs. The so-called one inch long is one inch dangerous, and the length of the weapon has an advantage.

  So, the Japanese pirates stepped on the corpses of the Japanese pirates in the front row, and continued to pounce on them, trying to chop the Zhejiang army into pieces.

However, the Zhejiang Army's bayonets severely hit their self-confidence. The Zhejiang Army's formation was neat, and the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army stabbed the bayonets mechanically together. Like spears, longer than their Japanese swords, they hadn't hit the Zhejiang Army yet, the Zhejiang Army's bayonet had already stabbed them.

The Zhe Army is like a hedgehog, which makes them unable to speak. They are very annoyed and scream ferociously. They use Japanese swords to chop the Zhe Army's bayonet. However, the Zhe Army's bayonet looks only as thick as a thumb, but it is made of refined steel. , strong and tight, the Japanese sword did not break the bayonet, but the Japanese sword was knocked out of the gap. For a while, the Japanese pirates were stabbed one by one by the Zhejiang army's bayonet and failed to break into the Zhejiang army's bayonet formation.

   "Mother Xipi, look at me!" A Japanese pirate with bald hair and a string of rosary beads hanging around his neck cursed fiercely, then grabbed a thin Japanese pirate beside him, and lifted it up.

   "Fuck, Monk, why did you lift me up?! This is no joke, put me down!"

  The emaciated Japanese pirate danced and screamed like a big turtle in fright.

   "Okay, I'll let you down now!" The bald Japanese pirate grinned, gritted his teeth and yelled, the veins in his hands and arms collapsed, and he threw the thin Japanese pirate in his hand to the bayonet formation of the Zhejiang army on the opposite side.

  The bald Japanese pirate was as powerful as a cow, and the thin Japanese pirate was like a huge boulder in his hands, roaring towards the bayonet formation of the Zhejiang Army.

   "Damn it, I won't let it go even if I die"

  The emaciated Japanese pirate didn't even finish his last words, and fell on the bayonet formation of the Zhejiang Army like a piece of rotten meat.

  The thin and weak Japanese pirates said they were about 100 catties thinner, and the bald Japanese pirates threw it with all their strength, the kinetic energy plus the heavy energy, and they hit the Zhejiang Army's bayonet army at once, causing an impact of at least 300 catties.

  The three Zhejiang troops who were facing the onslaught were suddenly hit by a somersault.

A gap was smashed into the tightly-fitting Zhejiang army formation. The bald Japanese pirate screamed strangely, and like a tiger on the mountain, he rushed into the gap with a long-handled weapon in the shape of a crescent shovel. Before the Zhejiang army could turn the bayonet, it was shoveled to the ground by the bald Japanese pirates.

   Fortunately, all members of the Zhejiang Army were wearing cotton armor with strong protection. Although they were shoveled to the ground, their mouths and noses were bleeding, and their injuries were serious, their lives were safe.

  Only one soldier was unlucky. He was shoveled on the front door by the bald Japanese pirate Yiyueya and died on the spot.

The bald Japanese pirates were extremely brave, like a human-shaped monster, charging left and right in the Zhe army's position, causing heavy casualties to the Zhe army, and the surrounding Zhe army was invincible for a while, and the neat army formation was torn apart abruptly. gap.

  The Japanese pirates at the back saw the bald Japanese pirates tearing open the Zhe army formation, and rushed in with the bald Japanese pirates without hesitation.

  The strong Japanese pirates around were inspired, and they also wanted to follow suit. They looked around for the Japanese pirates beside them, trying to find a thin one.

   "Fuck, what a shame, there are corpses on the ground, you can't throw them away, just stare at me!"

  A few skinny Japanese pirates were terrified, and everyone was in danger. A clever Japanese pirate pointed at the corpse of the Japanese pirate they were stepping on and shouted.

   All of a sudden, a few burly Japanese pirates came to their senses, lowered their heads, picked up the dead body on the ground, and threw it forcefully at the Zhe Army formation.

  The Zhejiang army was caught off guard, and several gaps were smashed by the Japanese pirates. In an instant, dozens of brave Japanese pirates rushed into the Zhejiang army formation.

   "Die, die, die!"

The brave Japanese pirates wield Japanese swords like flying among the Zhejiang army. The surrounding Zhejiang army can only block and stab with bayonets, which is not easy to chop and chop. As for the moves, they can only simply stab and block, one-on-one Not a Japanese pirate opponent. Three or five Zhejiang troops have to pay a lot of money to deal with a Japanese pirate.

  Especially a few brave Japanese pirates with high martial arts skills, they even knew how to cooperate and cover each other, the Zhejiang army couldn't help them for a while.

  The Japanese pirates also knew the power of the Zhejiang army's cotton armor, and they only picked the Zhejiang army's face, neck and other places that were not covered by the cotton armor to greet them.

  For a while, the Zhejiang army suffered dozens of casualties, and several openings were torn into the army formation, and the situation was not good.

   "Brothers who have not fought in the back row, aim at the Japanese pirates who are rushing into the formation!" Zhu Pingan ordered in the formation.

  Suddenly, with a few bangs, the brave Japanese pirates who were killing all directions in the Zhe Army formation fell to the ground with a scream.

  The bald Japanese pirate who was the first to break into the formation was given special attention. He was hit by more than a dozen guns and became a blood sieve.

  At such a short distance, with so many firecrackers aimed at him, no matter how advanced his martial arts skills are, there is no room for him to display them.

   "Fight the enemy in the front row, fire the guns in the back, go straight to the city gate, and take the city gate from the pirates at any cost!"

   After the Zhejiang Army stabilized the situation, Zhu Ping adjusted the battle formation in time and directed the Zhejiang Army to rush to the city gate.

  The Japanese pirates have just released the signal, and the Japanese pirate army will come to support at most one more incense stick.

  If the Japanese pirate army did not seize the city gate from the Japanese pirates before they came to support, the consequences would be disastrous.

   Not to mention that Suzhou City is in danger, the Zhejiang Army is also in danger.

Due to rushing to warn, the Zhe army was not ready for field battles, and they did not have enough gunpowder and projectiles, and they did not have time to bring a van that could be used as a temporary position, and they only brought eight tiger squat guns. The rest of the tiger crouching guns were hastily wrapped in linoleum and buried in the Zhe Army's latrine.

  The tiger crouching cannon is too heavy, and the Zhejiang army is wearing cotton armor, riding and charging, and ordinary horses cannot afford to carry heavy loads, let alone long-distance galloping.

  The Zhejiang army only had a dozen good horses to bear the load, and they had to carry heavy shells, so they could only carry eight tiger squatting guns.

   "Keep them near the gate!"

  Xu Hai quickly discovered what the Zhejiang army was trying to do. With a loud shout, he ordered the remaining pirates to block the way of the Zhejiang army.

However, there are only more than 300 Japanese pirates left at this time, and the Zhejiang army has only reduced dozens of people, and there are still nearly 2,000 people. The bayonet array is like a hedgehog, making it difficult for the Japanese pirates to break through. The sound of the blunderbuss sounded like a deadly poisonous snake, which caused heavy losses to the Japanese pirates. They couldn't stop the Zhe army at all, Xu Hai gritted his teeth angrily.

   If there are enough troops, the Zhejiang army will be finished when it breaks through the formation of the Zhejiang army just now! It's a pity that there are not enough troops, and there are too few Japanese pirates who broke into the Zhe army's formation, and they were wiped out by the Zhe army's superior force, a good opportunity was missed!

   "The sons who guard the city gate in the city, come out quickly to support, attack front and back, and never let the Zhejiang army occupy the city gate."

  At the critical moment, Xu Hai gritted his teeth and ordered the Japanese pirates guarding the city gates to come out to support them, attacking the Zhejiang army back and forth.

  Damn it!

   When the reinforcements arrive and the troops are sufficient, the Zhejiang Army must die without a place to bury it!

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