Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1815: the dead are great

  Chapter 1815 The dead are big

   "What's going on?" Shang Zhifu's heart skipped a beat, and he trotted forward to check.

   Don't make any more fools! While trotting, Shang Zhifu begged anxiously in his heart.

   "My lord, look, there is a soldier marching towards my east gate in the distance." The deputy general pointed to the distance and told Shang Zhifu.

Shang Zhifu squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the lieutenant-general's finger. Sure enough, he saw a soldier and horse winding towards the east gate in the distance. The distance was estimated to be seven or eight li away. This soldier and horse was like a group of small black dots. Same, come straight to the east gate.

  Seeing the soldiers and horses rushing towards the east gate, Shang Zhifu's heart suddenly became tense.

  Who is this army? !

   Is General Wang returning to the city? !

   Or did General Wang fall for the Japanese pirates' trick to lure the enemy, the whole army was wiped out, and the Japanese pirates took victory and attacked the city? !

Shang Zhifu was very nervous, looked at the lieutenant general, and asked again and again, "Is the city gate closed? Is the roof beam on the top? Put twenty carts of stones, and if necessary, fill the passages of the city gate with stones. Never let a Japanese pirate enter the city." !"

"Reporting to the mansion, the city gate has been closed, and the top beams have been topped up. There are eight top beams. I will ask people to pull the stones. Once the city gate is in danger of falling, they will fill the city with stones. doorway."

  The deputy general reported back, and then ordered his men to go down to the city to collect carriages to pull stones, and put them outside the city gate passage for backup.

  The distance of seven or eight miles is not too far. The soldiers and horses in the distance are getting bigger and bigger in the sight of Shang Zhifu and others. From the size of an ant at the beginning, it becomes the size of a peanut, and then becomes the size of a fist.

   is getting closer.

  The hearts of Shang Zhifu and others on the city wall were all raised to their throats.

  As the soldiers and horses became the size of fists in the field of vision, Shang Zhifu and others found that there seemed to be a lot of soldiers and horses.

  That’s right, after a rough estimate, there are about 2,000 people, at least 1,600 to 700 people.

  General Wang only brought a thousand soldiers out of the city, and these sixteen or seven hundred soldiers were obviously not like General Wang.

   "Fu, Fu Zun, this army seems to be a little too much." The lieutenant general said tremblingly.

   "How much do you estimate?" Shang Zhifu swallowed and asked, at this moment he hoped that his estimate was wrong.

   "About 1,600 to 700 people." The lieutenant general estimated again and reported to Shang Zhifu.

  I didn't make a mistake in my estimate. Shang Zhifu was very disappointed. The next second he thought of an impossible possibility.

   "How many people did General Wang bring out of the city to chase after the Japanese pirates?" Shang Zhifu asked knowingly, with a little fantasy, hoping that he remembered wrongly.

   "One thousand soldiers and horses." The lieutenant general replied.

   "Then the one thousand six or seven hundred soldiers and horses, don't you mean that they are not General Wang and the others?" Shang Zhifu's voice was a little fluttering.

   "The Fu Zun is wise, and the last general also thought that this army was not like General Wang and the others. The number did not match, and it might be Japanese pirates."

  The deputy general swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Hey, why didn't General Wang listen to my warning? I came here again and again to warn, and clearly asked not to go out of the city to chase after the Japanese pirates, but I didn't listen to my words, and insisted on going out of the city to chase the Japanese pirates. Look, this Isn't something wrong?" Shang Zhifu couldn't help but sighed a long time, and complained angrily.

  The deputy general didn't know how to answer.

   "The Japanese pirates attacked again, what can I do?" After complaining for a while, Shang Zhifu asked the deputy general for advice.

"Fu Fuzun, General Wang and his party may be in danger, but there is no need to worry about Suzhou City. Suzhou City is tall and strong, and there are 1,000 reinforcements and 500 young men called by Fu Fuzun. This wave of Japanese pirates is only a thousand and sixty-seven Hundreds of people, if you want to take Suzhou City, this number of soldiers and horses is not enough, at least five times as many troops as ours is possible. The Japanese invaders have failed to attack the city a few times before, and this time is no exception."

  The lieutenant general thought for a while, then cupped his hands and replied.

"The people who attacked the city in the past few times were all the people who were captured by the Japanese pirates. They deliberately sent them to death to paralyze us, so as to lure us out of the city to pursue them; Not the same."

  After hearing the words of the deputy general, Shang Zhifu did not let go of his heart, shook his head slightly, and said with a worried face.

Hearing the words, the deputy general became more worried. Of course, he still had confidence in defending the city, but as Shang Zhifu said, in the previous waves of attacking the city, it was Japanese pirates who used ordinary people to attack the city and lure the enemy. That's why I feel that the Japanese pirates' combat effectiveness is not good, but the Japanese pirates killed in this wave are likely to be pure Japanese pirates.

  The Japanese pirates are notoriously fierce and good at fighting. Although the Japanese pirates with 1,600 or 700 people cannot attack the city, they will inevitably cause serious casualties to the defenders.

  On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes, and there is still Zhifu sitting in charge to supervise the battle, so the lieutenant general can't stay behind.


   Just when Zhifu Shang and the deputy general were worried, they heard a commotion from around them, and an unexpected and exciting voice sounded.

   "What's the matter?" Shang Zhifu, the deputy general and others hurriedly looked out, fearing that there would be another bad news.

"Look, the people who come here are wearing our armor, not the Japanese pirates' armor. The leader is still more than a hundred cavalry. Isn't General Wang's personal guard just over a hundred cavalry? It seems that the people who come here are from us, not Japanese pirates. .”

   "Huh?! Really, although it is a little farther away, the style of the armor can still be distinguished. The clothes worn by the Japanese pirates are quite different from ours. The people who came here are indeed ours."

   "The people who come here are our people, not Japanese pirates."

  The officers and soldiers on the city wall couldn't help cheering, the unexpected joy fell from the sky, how could they not cheer.

   "Our people?!"

  Amidst the cheers of the officers and soldiers, Shang Zhifu and the deputy general looked at the soldiers and horses approaching from a distance in disbelief. After a closer look, they could see that the armor on the soldiers and horses in the distance was indeed the armor of the Ming army.

   Not Japanese pirates, but General Wang? !

  Shang Zhifu and the deputy general looked at each other, both of them had disbelief and suspicion on their faces, and felt that the matter was too suspicious.

  First of all, the most important thing is that the number of people does not match.

  General Wang went out of the city to chase down the Japanese pirates, did he bring only a thousand soldiers and horses, and returned with 1,600 or 700 soldiers? !

  How is this possible? It’s not like going out of town to give birth!

  If it was Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates came to the east gate wearing the armor of the Ming army. Their purpose is self-evident. They must be pretending to be the Ming army and tricking them into opening the city gate.

  The Japanese pirates can change into the clothes of the Ming army, and the end of General Wang and the others is also obvious. General Wang and the others must have encountered an accident.

   "Oh." Shang Zhifu couldn't help but sighed again, mourning for General Wang and his party who left the city without authorization.

  Although General Wang went out of the city to pursue the Japanese pirates without authorization, which annoyed Shang Zhifu, but now the people are gone, the dead are the most important, let him pass the past. Even at this moment, Shang Zhifu has already conceived General Wang's elegiac couplet.

  (end of this chapter)

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