Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1803: breakout camp

  Chapter 1803 Breaking out of the camp

   What conspiracy and tricks are the Japanese pirates brewing? !

  After reading Fei Ge's biography, Zhu Ping'an closed his eyes and meditated for a long time. His mind was full of thoughts, but he couldn't figure it out for a while. The main reason is that there is too little information, and it is not easy to judge what conspiracy the pirates are brewing.

  Know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

  Thinking of this, Zhu Pingan summoned Liu Dadao and other battalion-level generals, analyzed the anomalies of the Japanese pirates, and expressed his doubts and worries.

"My lord is right to be worried. I feel weird today. Compared to the day before yesterday when they stormed our position, their attack today is just like playing house. Not only is the siege not strong enough, but the siege time is too short. I also I feel that the Japanese pirates must be trying to use some kind of conspiracy to gain Suzhou City."

  Liu Mu nodded vigorously. He felt that the Japanese pirates were weird today. They surrounded their Zhe army positions and did not attack. Attacking Suzhou City was just like playing a house.

   "My lord, the Japanese pirates are full of bad things, and they must be holding back." Liu Dadao agreed without hesitation.

"It's definitely not normal. The Japanese pirates attacked our position, and they went on and on. They were as fierce as hungry wolves, and thousands of people died; but I heard the battle report read by your son. The Japanese pirates attacked the three gates of Suzhou City at the same time, but only a few people died." There are only a hundred people, although I don't like the old soldiers in the city, but Suzhou City is so tall, condescending, and has such a great advantage, there must be fewer people who died of Japanese pirates."

   "It's really not normal"

  The rest of the people also nodded one after another. They all felt that the pirates were abnormal, and they didn't know what they were holding back.

"The so-called know the enemy and know yourself and win a hundred battles. Now I have a difficult task that requires your help. I need two people, each leading two hundred rangers, to break out of the camp and investigate every move of the Japanese pirates. Report to me in time; Also, try to find out what the pirates have done since last night."

   "When a bird flies by, there must be traces. No matter what conspiracy and tricks the Japanese pirates are holding up, they will definitely leave traces."

   "As long as you have a good grasp of the Japanese pirates' every move and what they do, their conspiracies and tricks will be invisible."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at the crowd, and said slowly, explaining the reason for calling them here.

   "I'll go!" Liu Dadao was the first to get up.

   "I'll go!" Liu Mu and the others were not to be outdone, and almost unanimously got up and volunteered.

   "Brother Mu, you should assist the young master in the camp, your skills are not as good as mine." Liu Dadao smiled confidently.

   "Da Dao, this task requires more brains, let me do it." Liu Mu smiled slightly.

   "Hehe, let me go."

   "I'm going, I'm going"

  People are vying to join the battle.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Ping'an was very satisfied. This is the spirit of the army. Breaking out of the camp to investigate the Japanese pirates is much more dangerous than staying in the camp. Everyone can actively invite Ying to break out of the camp. The spirit of the army is available. This is evident.

   "Da Dao, Brother Mu, entrust the two of you with the task of investigating. After breaking out of the camp, you should cooperate with each other. If there is any disagreement, Brother Mu will take the lead."

  Zhu Pingan handed over the task of investigation to Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, and arranged for Liu Mu to be the main one.

Liu Mu has a flexible mind, is relatively calm in situations, and is good at thinking. He is responsible for detecting Japanese pirates, and he can't make any big mistakes; up to the task.

   "My son, don't worry, we are willing to issue a military order and we will surely complete the task." Liu Mu and Liu Dadao accepted the order excitedly.

   "My lord, why do you favor one over another? If Liu Mu and Liu Dadao can do it, we can do it too." Ruofeng and others said with pandemonium.

   "Hehe, I also have more important work for you. Dadao and Brother Mu led the rangers to break out of the camp to investigate the Japanese pirates. You are responsible for opening a breakthrough for them and escorting them out of the camp."

  Zhu Pingan smiled and patted Ruofeng and the others on the shoulder, comforting them.

   "Don't worry, my lord, the Japanese pirates who surrounded our camp must have never imagined that we would send people to break out of the camp. We loaded the firearms in advance, and if we did the mental calculations or not, we would be able to easily tear open a gap and **** Da Dao and Mu Boy out of the camp."

   Ruofeng and the others said confidently.

   Soon, it was time to break out of the siege. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao each led 200 rangers and got on their horses.

The four hundred rangers wore full cotton armor, and each of them brought two loaded firecrackers, a small iron barrel of gunpowder wrapped in paper, a small iron barrel of lead pellets, iron pellets, a long knife, and three days' worth of gunpowder. simple rations.

   They are ready.

Ruofeng, Xia Laoqi, Zhang Hu, and Liu Dachui also led two hundred elites each, and they were also fully armed. A musket.

  There are also tiger squatting guns. The tiger squatting guns of the whole battalion are all loaded and distributed to Ruofeng and the others.

"If Battalion Commander, Xia Battalion Commander, each of you lead two hundred elites, concentrate your forces to attack the Japanese pirates in the direction of the main gate of Yuanmen. You don't want to kill many Japanese pirates, but you must create a movement for me. The bigger the better, send as many Japanese pirates as possible." The Japanese pirates are attracted to your side." Zhu Pingan gave Ruofeng and Xia Laoqi an order.

   "Of order. Don't worry, my lord, we will give the Japanese pirates a big gift." Ruofeng and Xia Laoqi patted their tiger crouching guns and said confidently.

   "Sledgehammer, and a camp tent, each of you leads two hundred elites, and after Battalion Commander Ruo and the others have attracted the Japanese pirates encircling the camp, you will concentrate your firepower and tear apart the Japanese pirates' siege from the direction of the back gate of the gate."

   Then, Zhu Pingan gave the order to Liu Dachui and Zhang Hu.

   This is a simple tactic, simple, but easy to use. Since ancient times, it has been verified by many predecessors and has been tried and tested.

Ruofeng and Xia Laoqi made a feint attack from the front door, aiming to attract the attention of the Japanese pirates. After mobilizing the attention and strength of the Japanese pirates who surrounded the Zhe Army camp to the front door, Liu Dachui and Zhang Hu suddenly killed them from the back door. At this time, the attention and strength of the Japanese pirates are concentrated in the direction of the main entrance, and there are relatively few Japanese pirates in the direction of the back door. If they suddenly break out, they will definitely be able to catch the Japanese pirates by surprise, tear open the encirclement of the Japanese pirates, and penetrate a gap.

"Da Dao, Brother Mu, after Sledgehammer and Zhang Hu tore apart the Japanese pirates' siege, you all rushed out on horseback. There must be many surviving people outside. While you are watching every move of the Japanese pirates, you can send someone to find them." Look, see if the common people have discovered anything, maybe there is an accidental discovery."

   Zhu Pingan explained to Liu Dadao and Liu Mu.

   "Young Master, don't worry, we will definitely live up to your expectations." Liu Mu and Liu Dadao clasped their fists together.

  (end of this chapter)

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