Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1801: Defensive victory

  Chapter 1801 Defending the city and winning

  Under General Wang’s scolding, a group of guarding officers and soldiers mustered up their courage, and terrifiedly shot arrows, stones and logs, and poured boiling water down the city.

  It's just that they, who have been out of battle for a long time, are frightened now, their hands and feet are trembling, and their archery is similar to that of a blind man, with no accuracy.

   Especially the crossbows defending the city are powerful and have a long range, but because of their great power and long range, they are too far away. They all went to grandma's house, flew high above the heads of Japanese pirates, and shot into the moat.

  However, even so, as soon as they fought, the city guards also achieved some results.

Feather arrows were so small that they missed the target by a large margin, but there were too many stones and rolling logs thrown down the city. When they hit the city with a bang, they rolled out under the effect of inertia, and killed a lot of unlucky people. Japanese pirates.

  Seeing the meritorious deeds made by rolling stones and rolling trees, the officers and soldiers in the city couldn't help being a little excited. It seems that the Japanese pirates are nothing special, and they are all made of meat.

  Since the archery is inaccurate, we can throw rocks and logs, such a big one, throwing it down the city with eyes closed, can make merit.

  Ever since, the officers and soldiers on the city became enlightened, made full use of their strengths and avoided their weaknesses, and rushed to throw stones and rolling logs down the city.

  For a while, rocks and logs fell like rain, so many rocks and logs hit many Japanese pirates.

   "Hahaha, Japanese pirates are nothing special..."

  The officers and soldiers on the city became excited for a while, and the fear of facing the Japanese pirates in their hearts began to slowly dissipate.

   At this moment, just listening to the sound of "Boom!"

  Although these ladders were made hastily and simply in one night, the Japanese pirates obviously put their minds to it and installed iron claw barbs on the top of the ladders.

  After the ladder was put on the city wall, the Japanese pirates below the city pulled the ladder back and forth. The iron claws on the ladder firmly hooked on the wall, preventing the defenders on the city from overturning the ladder.

  Then, the pirates began to climb up the ladder like ants.

  The officers and soldiers in the city began to focus on taking care of the ladders. One by one, they held the rocks and the rolling logs and smashed down on the ladders.

A brave officer and soldier wanted to overthrow the Japanese pirates' ladder and let the Japanese pirates on it be buried with the ladder. As a result, the ladder had iron claws holding on to the city wall and couldn't move it. Thinking of destroying the iron claws of the ladder hooking the city wall first, and then pushing down the ladder.

  However, soon the Japanese pirates' feather arrows and firecrackers taught them how to behave.

  As the Japanese pirates' ladders were erected on the city wall, the Japanese longbowmen and gunners were mobilized to protect the ladders.

  The officers and soldiers in the city were inaccurate in shooting, but the Japanese pirates were good at shooting. Not to mention that their arrows never failed, they hit six out of ten shots.

  The officers and soldiers rushing to throw stones and roll logs in the city were shot by arrows or shot by gunfire, causing heavy casualties.

  The brave officer and soldier who chopped down the iron claws of the ladder was the worst. He was taken care of by the Japanese archers and died of several arrows in his body.

   Almost shot into a hedgehog by Japanese pirates.

  For a while, the officers and soldiers on the city were dominated by the fear of Japanese pirates again, and no officers and soldiers dared to throw stones and logs down.

"A bunch of waste! We are condescending and protected by the city wall, but we were suppressed by the Japanese pirates' bows and arrows. I am really mad. The archers and crossbowmen, listen to me, let me concentrate on shooting the Japanese pirates' archers. The Japanese pirates don't have many archers, wouldn't it be good to shoot them to death!"

  General Wang couldn't help cursing when he saw that the officers and soldiers on the city were suppressed by hundreds of Japanese archers.

  Under General Wang's scolding, the archers on the city wall pointed their heads in fear at the Japanese pirate archers below the city and shot arrows.

  Although they are not very accurate, they are condescending and protected by the city wall. They are not at a disadvantage when shooting against Japanese pirate archers.

  The archers of the officers and soldiers on the city wall and the archers of the Japanese pirates under the city were killed and injured each other, and the battle was about 50-50.

  In a short period of time, dozens of people from both sides fell down.

   "As for the city guard crossbow, and the general's cannon, let me aim at the Japanese pirate archers. Let's defeat them first!"

  General Wang cursed in dissatisfaction, and ordered again to mobilize the defensive crossbows and general guns to deal with the Japanese archers.

  The city guard crossbow was fine, it was inaccurate, one in ten shots hit the level, but the General Cannon should not be underestimated, although it was also inaccurate, but it was powerful, and it could affect the surrounding Japanese pirates even a little bit.

  As the defensive crossbows and the general's guns joined in the confrontation, the Japanese archers soon couldn't hold on, and they scattered and fled.

  The pressure on the defenders on the city suddenly dropped greatly.

   "Hahaha, fight for me, you are still a little tender, I am a family of generals from five generations!"

  General Wang couldn’t help laughing out loud when he saw the Japanese archers fleeing in all directions. He raised his arms and called out, “The Japanese archers were disabled, so I threw rocks and logs down the wall to kill these turtle grandsons.”

  At the same time, the Japanese pirates under the city also took advantage of the city to focus on taking care of the Japanese pirate archers, ignoring their gaps, and stepped on the ladder to emerge on the city wall.

   "Don't let the Japanese pirates come up, poke with spears, chop with knives, pour boiling water, don't let them come up!"

   General Wang roared.

The officers and soldiers of the city guarded tremblingly, and hurriedly greeted the Japanese pirates with their swords and spears. Due to the large number of people and the condescension, and the Japanese archers under the city were scattered again, the officers and soldiers of the city guards were completely in control. out of the situation.


   There was a scream, and the pirates who appeared screamed and fell down the city wall, and smashed down several pirates who were climbing the ladder.

  For a while, the officers and soldiers guarding the city had the upper hand. Rocks and logs rolled down, and the Japanese pirates screamed;

   "Haha, I killed several Japanese pirates! Let me see who dares to say that I am a softie!"

   "The Japanese pirates aren't that bad either. Did you see that, just now a Japanese pirate attacked me, and when I went down with the knife, I knocked him off the ladder and fell to the bottom of the city, **** and bloody, and he couldn't die anymore."

   "No wonder the Zhejiang army won a big victory yesterday. These Japanese pirates are soft and skinny, not strong at all."

   "I saw several Japanese pirates and wanted to be deserters. They were so cowardly that they were beheaded by the Japanese pirates who supervised the army behind them."

  The officers and soldiers defending the city fought more and more smoothly, and at least hundreds of Japanese pirates died in their hands, and they couldn't help but floated up.

   "Run away, look, the Japanese pirates under the city started to run back, hahahaha, we won, we beat the Japanese pirates who attacked the city away."

   "Long live! Long live! The pirates are gone! We won!"

   There was a burst of cheers.

  In an instant, the city wall became a sea of ​​cheers, in stark contrast to it, and the Japanese pirates under the city fled in embarrassment.

  (end of this chapter)

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