Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1797: unusual pirate

  Chapter 1797 Abnormal Japanese pirates

  The sun rises, hangs high, and sets again. The dusk falls slowly, the willows are on the moon, and the surrounding fields are silent.

  For a whole day, until late at night, the Japanese pirates stayed on the river beach ten miles away, and did not attack the Zhe army's position, and did not even appear to attack. It was unbelievable to be honest.

  On the city wall of Suzhou, a group of officials arranged the city wall under the light of torches, strengthened inspections, and guarded against Japanese pirates.

  The soldiers on the city wall looked at the Japanese camp in the distance outside the city, and began to point and discuss, with relaxed expressions.

"It seems that the Japanese pirates were beaten to death in front of the Zhejiang army, and the loss was not small. They didn't recover all day, and they didn't dare to attack the Zhejiang army's position for a whole day. Hehe, look, the Japanese pirates seem to have been interrupted. A dog-legged wild dog only dares to stare and show its teeth from a distance, and has no guts to turn around and fight back."

   "Hahahaha, Japanese pirates are nothing more than that"

  The atmosphere on the city wall is much more relaxed than it was early in the morning, and I can't help feeling a little contemptuous of the Japanese pirates outside the city.

"The Japanese pirates are treacherous. They didn't attack the city during the day. They may be paralyzing us. In the middle of the night, they may bypass the south gate guarded by the Zhejiang Army and attack other gates. You must take precautions to prevent the Japanese pirates from taking advantage of it. "

  Suzhou magistrate still maintains that every time he inspects a section of the city wall, he will take the trouble to call the generals and officials in charge and emphasize to them.

   "Yes, Fu Zun, don't worry, the lives of the elders in the city are at stake, and the humble family is also in the city, so they dare not relax at all."

   A group of officials and generals repeatedly assured Shang Zhifu.

"Of course, there is no need for everyone to be on high alert. They can be divided into two or three shifts. One shift is on high alert, and the rest rest on the spot. The elders in the city sent more than 3,000 bedding, plus our inherent There are more than enough quilts for one person and two quilts, and sleeping on the ground will not cause you to suffer from cold and starvation."

"There are more fires on the city wall, first to create the image of numerous soldiers and horses, to confuse the Japanese pirates, and make them daunting; second, it is cold and freezing, and more fires can also be used to keep everyone warm and drive away the cold; third, Well, cook a large pot of broth on the fire, bake scones by the fire, and give the soldiers a supper to supplement nutrition."

  Prefect Su made arrangements for the soldiers.

   A group of soldiers responded repeatedly. They were able to work in three shifts, and they could also light more fires and add a supper. They were naturally happy.

  Prefect Su inspected the city wall, but did not go down the city wall. He went directly to the city gate tower. In the simple Chen gate tower, like all the soldiers, he spread a bedding on the ground and took a nap against the wall.

"Fu Zun, it's late at night, and there is no sign of Japanese pirates mobilizing troops. We are watching on the city wall. Go back to the mansion and get a good sleep. You have worked too hard this day, even hard-working people I can't bear it."

   A group of officials persuaded again and again.

"Haha, I'm not an old man. It's not a problem to stay up for a month, let alone one night. A few months ago, when Zihou was in power in Jingnan County, he was besieged by Japanese pirates. Ascend to the city, and make an oath that the Japanese pirates will not retreat and the city wall will not go down, and this official will do the same at this time, the Japanese pirates will not retreat, and this official will not go down the city wall."

  Prefect Su waved his hand and said firmly.

   "Master Fu, at this time and at that time, outside the city, Lord Zhu led the Zhe army to sit in the Fengqiao camp, and there are us in the city, you"

  A group of officials continued to persuade.

Before they finished speaking, they were interrupted by the prefect Su, "You don't need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind. Of course, the same is true for you. The Japanese bandits will not retreat, and no one is allowed to go down the city wall. Otherwise, they will be punished as fleeing the battle." !"

  A group of officials.

  In the dead of night, the soldiers on the city wall did not dare to relax at all. Except for the soldiers on rest lying on the ground, all the soldiers on duty stared at the distance with wide-eyed eyes, not letting go of any trouble.

  The Japanese pirate army is still more than ten miles away, and has not yet retreated. There is a possibility of attacking the city at any time. Although during the day the Zhejiang army dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese pirates, the Zhejiang army only had 2,000 people and could only sit in the Fengqiao camp. However, there are many gates in all directions in Suzhou City, and the Japanese pirates can completely bypass the southern area where the Zhejiang army is stationed. , and turned to attack the gates in other directions.

   Therefore, the soldiers on the city did not dare to relax in the slightest.

  Suzhou prefect Shangwei came out to inspect the city wall again in the middle of the night, and nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the soldiers were on duty seriously.

  In the distance, at the gate of the village in front of the Zhejiang Army's Fengqiao camp, a sound of horseshoes sounded, and more than a hundred horsemen stopped in front of the camp.

   "Code, code, you can only enter the door if you match the code." The soldiers in front of the gate of the village shouted vigilantly.

   "Water can carry a boat." Immediately afterwards, the soldiers in front of the gate of the village shouted a code word.

   "Can also row."

  The cavalrymen replied one after another.

   "The signal is correct, open the gate of the village." The whistle chief who was guarding the gate of the village waved his hand to signal the soldiers under his command to open the gate of the village.

  Water can carry a boat or row a rowing boat. This is a secret code designed by Zhu Ping'an, and it has a bad taste that reminds us of modern times.

  Of course, the main thing is the confidentiality of the code. If people in this era heard the last sentence, "Water can carry a boat", they probably thought that the next game would be "It can also capsize a boat." Unless there is someone who travels from modern times, only those who are told the secret code by Zhu Pingan Only then did the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army know that the next sentence is "You can also row boats".

"My lord, we spread out and monitored the Japanese pirate camp from a distance, until Battalion Commander Zhang led someone to replace us to monitor the Japanese pirates. We saw a full three hours, and we didn't find a single Japanese pirate out of the camp. The Japanese pirate army was all in the camp. In the camp."

  After leading the chief king Xiong back to the camp with more than a hundred riders, he handed over the horses to his subordinates to take them away to add fodder and warm water. He entered the account and reported the reconnaissance situation to Zhu Pingan.


  In the battalion, Zhu Ping'an was checking the battalion commander's wartime merit list and drafting an official letter of merit. Hearing Wang Xiong's report, don't be stunned for a moment.

  Zhu Pingan thought that the Japanese pirates would secretly send out several groups of troops to bypass the Fengqiao camp guarded by the Zhejiang army at night and attack the city gate of Suzhou from other directions. Unexpectedly, the Japanese pirates actually hid in the temporary camp.

   This made Zhu Pingan a little confused. Although the Japanese pirates lost six or seven thousand soldiers in front of the Zhejiang army during the day, the main force of the Japanese pirates still remained.

  The Japanese pirates must be planning some kind of conspiracy?

  Zhu Ping'an thought about it for a while, but he didn't know. However, he must do his own thing well and not give the Japanese pirates an opportunity.

   "Okay, I see, you have worked hard, Mr. Wang, go back to the account and have a good rest."

  Zhu Pingan asked Wang Xiong to go down to rest, and took Liu Mu and others out of the camp to inspect the camp, checking for gaps and making up for omissions.

  In order to prevent accidents, Zhu Pingan sent out three more rangers to cruise in the other three directions of Suzhou to monitor the movements of Japanese pirates.

  Zhu Ping'an specially explained to them that once the Japanese pirates are found, they should give priority to warning, and there is no need to fight with the Japanese pirates.

  (end of this chapter)

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