Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1791: clean up the battlefield

  Chapter 1791 Cleaning up the battlefield

   "Da Dao, take your battalion to the front to guard. This time, bring all the tiger squat guns to prevent the Japanese pirates from going back."

"The rest, step forward to clean up the battlefield. For the undead Japanese pirates, make up all the swords and decapitate them. We don't need prisoners! Repeat, for the undead Japanese pirates, make all the swords and decapitate them. We don't need prisoners! "

   "The Japanese pirates don't know when they will return. It is too late to dig a pit to bury the corpses of the Japanese pirates. They cut down trees and set up five piles of fire, pile the corpses of the Japanese pirates on top of them, and burn them with one fire, so as not to breed plague."

  After the Japanese pirates retreated, Zhu Pingan ordered to clean up the battlefield, especially emphasizing that no prisoners should be taken and no one should be left alive.

  The Japanese pirates are full of crimes, and they deserve to die.

  Even if he wanted to take back the Japanese pirates, he had to break his back with a thunderbolt first, and kill him to death.

  In Zhu Ping’an’s view, it’s not yet the time to take back the Japanese pirates, and the Japanese pirates will not submit. Now is the time to ruthlessly wipe out the Japanese pirates. We must fight the Japanese pirates fiercely on the battlefield and fight several beautiful and cruel extermination battles.

  After that, the combination of suppression and appeasement was considered.

   While cleaning the battlefield, many soldiers of the Zhejiang Army retched, the scene was too tragic.

   Thirty Japanese pirates in the center of the gunpowder in the wine jar were all blown to pieces, with broken limbs and legs, **** and bloody.

  Fortunately, we are the soldiers under the command of the adults, not the enemies of the adults. All the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army thought so.

   While the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army were cleaning the battlefield, Zhu Pingan went to see the wounded soldiers first.

   In this battle, because the Japanese pirates have never been able to break through the battlefield, the Zhejiang Army did not kill a single person, but more than 60 people were injured.

More than 30 people were injured by the loss of Japanese pirates, and their injuries were not serious; 16 people were injured by the explosion of firecrackers, and five of them were slightly more seriously injured, but none of them were life-threatening; He was injured by the lead and iron pellets that shot around when the gunpowder exploded in the wine jar. Fortunately, the Zhe army was far away and the cotton armor covered a large area, so the injuries were not serious.

   "Lead pills and iron pills are soaked in venom, bear with it, first disinfect with high-grade white wine, apply externally and take internally the antidote."

   When Zhu Pingan visited the wounded soldiers, he repeatedly urged.

  In order to pursue the maximum lethality against Japanese pirates, the iron and lead pellets in the gunpowder in the wine jar were soaked in poison.

  As long as the Japanese pirates are hit by the projectile, they will wait for the poison to die if they have no antidote. Just now, as long as the Japanese pirates who ran back from the front of the battle were injured, one counted as one. Don't look at them alive and kicking now, Hades has already predetermined their KPI.

  Of course, in order to prevent accidental injury to his own people, Zhu Pingan had prepared an antidote long ago. As long as the antidote is applied externally and taken internally, the injury will not be a problem.

  While visiting the wounded soldiers, Zhu Ping'an personally applied the secret knife wound medicine to several wounded soldiers, bandaged the wounds, and sympathized with them. He told the barracks to cook some chicken soup every day to supplement the nutrition for the wounded soldiers so that they can recover soon.

  The wounded soldiers were very moved.

   After visiting the wounded soldiers, Zhu Pingan went to the front of the battle non-stop to see the cleaning situation of the battlefield.

"Young master, there are hundreds of Japanese pirates who have not died on the battlefield. They were all executed according to your order. Many of them tried to resist in vain, but our people are in groups of two. Take advantage of it."

  Reported by Liu Muhui.

   "Well, very good." Zhu Pingan nodded, and asked again, "How many heads of Japanese pirates have you captured?"

"Master Hui, we captured a total of 5,475 heads of Japanese pirates this time. The gunpowder in the wine jar is too powerful. The nearby Japanese pirates were blown to pieces. There is no way to find their heads. Hundreds of heads can be added."

   Liu Mu reported excitedly, this is a big victory, an unprecedented victory.

  Since the war against Japanese pirates in this dynasty, I haven’t heard of that battle. More than 6,000 Japanese pirate heads were captured in the first battle.

  This is the first time.

   It's unbelievable that the Zhejiang army only had 2,000 men, but they captured the heads of more than 5,000 Japanese pirates. This is a big victory with less.

"Unfortunately, apart from the seven or eight hundred Japanese pirates who fled at the end of the battle, there are hundreds of Japanese pirates who pretended to be dead on the battlefield. When the Japanese pirate army retreated, they also got up and ran away. Struggling to run a lot, if we had caught up at that time, they would not have been able to run."

   Liu Mu finally said with regret.

  The Japanese pirates attacked in two rounds. In the first round, more than 2,000 Japanese pirates were dispatched. In the second round, 4,000 Japanese pirates were dispatched first, and more than 4,000 Japanese pirates were added later. There were also many murderous Japanese pirates who spontaneously reinforced

  After a series of big explosions, almost all Japanese pirates on the battlefield were reimbursed.

In the end, seven or eight hundred Japanese pirates escaped in battle, and hundreds of Japanese pirates pretended to be dead on the battlefield. When the Japanese pirate army retreated, they also got up and ran away. Ah was hit by a projectile and fell to the ground screaming, but he did not die. When the Japanese pirates retreated, they struggled and ran a lot.

  At that time, Liu Muyou proposed to catch up and keep the Japanese pirates behind.

  However, Zhu Pingan did not agree.

  Don't chase after the poor!

  Although the Japanese pirates have lost a lot, their main force is still there, and there are still 20,000 to 30,000 Japanese pirates. Once the Japanese pirates turn around, it will be dangerous. In the wild, without the protection of low walls and positions, the Zhejiang army is really no match for the Japanese pirates.

Even with the protection of low walls and positions, the Japanese pirates would have rushed into the position if it hadn't been for the extraordinary achievements made by the thirty wine tanks and gunpowder. Of course, it was also because Zhu Pingan suppressed and didn't use the tiger squatting cannon to lure the Japanese pirates into madness. , but even with the use of the tiger squatting cannon, Zhu Ping'an knew in his heart that it would not be easy to repel the Japanese pirates.

  One is because the number of tiger squatting guns is small, the second is because the loading of tiger squatting guns is slower than that of firecrackers, and the third is because of the limited quality. When tiger squatting guns fire several shots in a row, the barrel must be cooled, otherwise it will explode.

  If it weren't for the gunpowder in the wine jar, the Zhejiang army would have to pay a lot of money this time to repel the Japanese pirates' offensive.

   "Hehe, don't be too greedy. It is also a great luck to be able to capture the heads of more than 5,000 Japanese pirates in one battle."

  Zhu Pingan patted Liu Mu on the shoulder and smiled slightly.

   "Hey, yes." Liu Mu couldn't help but smiled, this time there was indeed a lot of luck.

If the Japanese pirates did not underestimate the enemy when attacking the formation, and be more careful, the gunpowder buried in the wine jar is not so hidden. The dust on it is still different from the surrounding ground, and there is also the gunpowder lead wire buried. If you look carefully, It is relatively easy to find clues, so long.

  Especially when the gunpowder fuze was ignited, Liu Mu's tense palms were sweating. The gunpowder fuse was ignited, and when it was burning forward, it was quite conspicuous. Liu Mu cut off the gunpowder fuse before the explosion in case the pirates would find out.

   Fortunately, the Japanese pirates underestimated the enemy and made great achievements in the gunpowder wine altar.

  (end of this chapter)

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