Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1788: bang

  Chapter 1788 Boom

Although the trench trap of the Zhejiang Army caused the Japanese pirates to lose hundreds of people, except for the candied haws Japanese pirates at the bottom of the ditch, the other Japanese pirates were very excited. They had fought for a long time and knew that this was the last struggle of the Zhejiang Army. After passing this trench , the Zhe Army will let them be slaughtered!

  Besides, it's just a trench three meters wide and two meters deep, so it's not that difficult to deal with.

  How many counties have been captured by the Japanese pirates? The trenches in front of any county town are wider and deeper than this, and some of them have more than one trench. The trenches in front of the Zhejiang army are not worth mentioning to them.

   "The ditch is only about two meters deep. You jump in carefully, cut off the spearhead, clear out an open space, throw in a few shields, and lay them on a slant at the bottom of the ditch. Let's step on the shields and jump across."

An experienced team leader in the Japanese pirate vanguard yelled and ordered three Japanese pirates to carefully avoid the spearheads and jump in, cut off a piece of spearheads, cleared a two-meter-wide road, and then ordered the shields Throw it into the ditch, and simply build a **** for the Japanese pirates to trample and jump out of the ditch.

  The nearby Japanese pirates also followed suit, and soon built a dozen or so slopes with shields in the trench for passing.

Of course, the Zhejiang army would not just watch the Japanese pirates calmly deal with the trenches. During the period, two rounds of firecrackers were fired, which took away the lives of many Japanese pirates, especially the Japanese pirates who cleaned up the spearheads and shields in the trenches. Focusing on care, the Japanese pirates lost two groups of people before they built a shield **** at the bottom of the ditch.

  In addition, taking advantage of this opportunity, the Zhejiang Army, which had finished firing the firecrackers, also took the opportunity to load the firecrackers and spare barrels with ammunition.

   "Brothers, kill, charge, charge up, and chop up all these turtles who only know how to shoot fire!"

  The Japanese pirate who had built the shield screamed ferociously, stepping on the **** of the shield and jumped up at once.

  A dozen or so shield slopes have made the passage for Japanese pirates to attack.

Originally, the Zhe Army formation was next to the Grand Canal, and the field in front of the formation was not wide enough to spread out the soldiers and horses of the Japanese pirates. Now they can only attack through these ten or so shield slopes, so it is even more difficult to spread out. More than 2,000 Japanese pirates The striker stretched fifty or sixty meters long in front of the Zhejiang army, like a ferocious python.

  Seeing the last line of defense of the Zhejiang Army—the trench, covered with shields to pave a dozen **** roads, the reinforcement Japanese pirates were all excited, like sharks smelling blood, full of horsepower, and rushed forward frantically.

   After a few breaths, I successfully joined forces with the striker Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirate team stretched for 130 to 40 meters long.

  A place about 100 meters in front of the Zhe Army's formation used to be a temporary pier, which was slightly wider. There were also many Japanese pirates concentrated here, and nearly half of the Japanese pirates' soldiers and horses were concentrated.

From a height, or from a distance, the Japanese pirates with six or seven thousand people are like a giant python that has just swallowed a giant and is stretched. It is stretched a hundred meters before the Zhejiang army big belly.

   "Baga! Baga! Get out of the way, get out of the way, let me get out of the way, let Ben Du rush forward!"

Hojo Dosan, who came behind, led his retainers and personal guards, and arrived at the tail of the giant python, brandishing a Japanese sword, shouting and unreasonably rushing forward, and charged forward murderously. go.

  All the Japanese pirates knew that this Japanese chief had a bad temper, so they hurriedly avoided him, and Hojo Michizo rushed forward with his retainers and personal guards.

Although the Zhejiang Army's firearms are sharp, the number of Japanese pirates is limited after all, and there are too many Japanese pirates. Although they can only pounce on the Zhejiang Army's positions through a dozen shield slopes, they continue to flow. Although many Japanese pirates fell, many Japanese pirates succeeded. One of them rushed to the front of the Zhejiang army, brandishing a weapon and stabbing the Zhejiang army behind the wall.

   "Hahahaha, the big event has been decided, the Zhejiang army is over!""

  Xu Hai, who was in the back, waited for the chieftain to see this, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing proudly.

  The entire Japanese pirate army was filled with the air of joy of victory.

  Compared to the joy of the Japanese pirates' victory, there was a depressive and heavy air above Suzhou City in the distance.

  At this time, the sky was already half-dark, and the visibility was much better than at the beginning of the battle. They could vaguely see the fierce battle of the Fengqiao camp on the high city wall.

  At this moment, they also saw that the second wave of Japanese pirates attacking the Fengqiao camp had rushed to the front of the Zhejiang army, and the third wave of Japanese pirates who supported them had also joined forces in victory. The Japanese pirates who attacked the Fengqiao camp stretched for more than 100 meters. There were as many Japanese pirates as ants, and there were countless pirates.

   Not to mention, the Japanese pirate army behind the formation is also slowly moving towards the Zhejiang army camp.

  In addition, it is faintly visible that among the Japanese pirate army, there are groups of murderous Japanese pirates who broke away from the Japanese pirate army and rushed towards the Zhe army's position. "

  The densely packed Japanese pirates were like roaring ear chariots, ruthlessly rolling towards the Zhe army's position, while the Zhejiang army's position was like a praying mantis stretching out its arms to block the car, the end was doomed.

   "Oh, the Zhejiang army is over..."

   "I thought they could resist for a while longer, but I didn't expect it to be over so soon...".

  Before and after the vast number of Japanese pirates rushed to the front and rear of the Zhejiang army, everyone on the city wall sighed.

"The Zhejiang Army has only two thousand people in total. They can repel a wave of Japanese pirates. There are too many Japanese pirates in this wave. At the beginning, there were four or five thousand people, and then four or five thousand were added. They have been able to resist until now, which has far exceeded expectations. gone."

  When someone complained that the Zhejiang Army was over so quickly, someone immediately spoke up for the Zhejiang Army, which aroused a lot of sympathy.

   "Oh, it's weird, it's weird, you see, the Zhe Army's position was immediately breached by Japanese pirates, why don't Master Zhu and the others run away on horseback, or it will be too late..."

   Someone on the city wall noticed that there was not even a single horse running in the Zhe Army's position, and couldn't help being surprised.

"That's right, none of the Zhejiang army ran away. Don't they have a thousand horses?! Keep the green hills, don't worry about running out of firewood, take a step back and open up the sky, Mr. Zhu will not be overwhelmed, and want to live and die with the position Bar?"

  Others also noticed this, and kept shaking their heads.

"Which, when Master Zhu opened the city gate for the common people at the base of the city, he said that they would swear to the death to stop the Japanese pirates. If the Japanese pirates came, they would first step over the corpses of their Zhe army. Unexpectedly, Master Zhu did not just talk, but was serious." , actually vowed to stop the Japanese pirates..."

   Someone murmured.

"What do you mean you can't think about it?! Man, do what you want, and don't do what you don't! This is what my Ming court officials look like! We should do the same. If Suzhou City is here, we are here. If Suzhou City is not here, our corpses will be there too! Shang Wei, the prefect of Suzhou, couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded sullenly.

"Yes Yes…"

   A group of officials have been taught on the surface, but they don't take it seriously in their hearts. They don't think too much about life.


  I don't know who started it, and soon there was a sigh on the city wall, even Shang Wei was no exception.

  Seeing the Japanese pirates swarming towards the Zhe Army's positions like ants, everyone mourned silently as if they were attending a memorial service.

   If there are no accidents, a lot of paper money will be sprinkled outside the city tonight to comfort Zhu Pingan and the spirits of the Zhe Army...

   "Kill, rush!"

   "Silver woman, just ahead!"

   "Kill it, die, die..."

  The vast number of Japanese pirates shouted ferociously, rushing towards the Zhejiang army one after another, eager to kill.

   "The big event is over, the Zhejiang army is over, let's get ready for breakfast!"

  Xu Hai and other Japanese chieftains sat in the rear, looking at the brave Japanese pirates, the smiles on their faces were as bright as flowers.

   Right at this moment, a big change happened!


There was a loud and violent loud noise suddenly, the sound was like thunder, the ground was cracked, the ground was shaking, and a huge black fire pit was exploded about 100 meters in front of the Zhe army, setting off seven The eight-meter-high mushroom cloud mixed with earth, stone, gunpowder and smoke.

  In an instant, the ground shook like a dragon turning over, and the city of Suzhou in the distance seemed to be shaking.

  (end of this chapter)

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