Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1783: charge again

  Chapter 1783 Charged again

  While a group of Japanese pirates were bewitched by his theory of three wins and three losses, Xu Hai continued to add fuel to the fire.

   "Everyone, the Zhejiang Army only has 2,000 men, and they have to reserve at least 30% of their troops as a reserve team in case of accidents. The maximum number of troops they can invest in front of the formation is only about 1,300."

"From the battle just now, we can see that in order to maintain continuous firepower, the Zhejiang army divided their army into three or four waves. Each wave has a maximum of about 300 people. That is to say, a maximum of 300 firecrackers can fire at the same time. These three or four After each wave of firing, they need time to reload the gunpowder. As long as our soldiers press on and rush forward quickly, without giving them a chance to reload the gunpowder, they will become fish on the chopping board and let us slaughter them!"

  Xu Hai analyzed the strength and firearms disadvantages of the Zhejiang Army to the Japanese pirates, raised his arms, and said confidently.

   "That's right, we have more people and they have fewer people. If we rush forward, we can tear them apart!"

   "Yes, there are only a few of them. If you don't give them a chance to load their firearms, they will die if they charge up!"

  After listening to Xu Hai's analysis, a group of Japanese pirates screamed even louder, as if the Zhejiang army had been crushed by them.

   "However, Zhejiang soldiers are few and far between. If we rush forward, we will at least face four waves of firearms from them. Which...who will rush ahead?"

  Some Japanese pirates raised a very realistic question, who would rush ahead to eat the firearms of the Zhejiang Army?

  Suddenly, the scene fell silent again.

  The Zhejiang Army’s firearms are so sharp that they can’t even hold their armor, so rushing to the front is basically tantamount to death. Who wants to rush to the front.

   "Brother Chen, Brother Ma, and Brother Hojo, let's each select a thousand warriors from our subordinates. How about a total of four thousand warriors as forwards?"

  Chen Dong and the others nodded after hearing this, and each of them sent a thousand Japanese pirates as vanguards, which was fair and impartial.

  In order to encourage the Japanese pirates to attack the Zhejiang army's defense line as pioneer warriors, Xu Hai discussed with Chen Dong, Maya, Hojo Michizo and other Japanese pirates, and agreed on a mouth-watering reward, which was announced to all the Japanese pirates.

"Warriors who are chosen as forwards will be rewarded with a pair of armor and one hundred taels of silver; in addition, after breaking through the city of Suzhou, each of you is allowed to choose two young girls who are beautiful and beautiful, and they will be your private possessions. Yan's dream; moreover, the property you robbed this time, no matter how much it is, whether it is a hundred taels, a thousand taels, or a mountain of gold, it all belongs to you privately!"

   "In addition, anyone who has become a pioneer this time can stay in the base camp and enjoy the blessing within one year!"

"Our oath today is resounding, and the people and gods will learn from each other! If we violate this oath, heaven and earth will perish, and we will die! After death, we will also go to the eighteenth level of hell. We will be tortured in the oil pot, tongue out, and miserable in the next life. , his wife and children were separated, and his family was wiped out."

  Xu Hai, Chen Dong, Maya, and Hojo Michi three and other Japanese heads stood in front of a group of Japanese pirates, announced a huge reward, and swore a fierce oath!

"What?! Is this true?! Each person has a pair of armor, one hundred taels of silver, and two watery young girls. The property they robbed this time will be returned to them. The city of Suzhou is a mountain of gold and silver. Once a small number of people can rob thousands of taels of silver, all of which belong to us, then it's really a big deal..."

   "Nonsense, the leader has made such a vicious oath that he will curse it in the next life, can it be true?!"

   "It's done, it's done, one hundred taels of silver, two girls, you can enjoy it in the base camp for a year!"

   All the Japanese pirates couldn't help swallowing their saliva after hearing the generous reward, and their eyes were all red.

"The Zhejiang army is just ordinary people who have just been drawn into the battle. They are not well trained. The hit rate of the firecrackers is definitely not high. And each of you has a stomach. Endless money, endless women, endless chicken, duck and fish, endless wine, endless good life..."

   "As Japanese pirates, we are engaged in the business of licking blood at the edge of a knife. If we stand up, there will be women with money..."

   "The number of places is limited, first stand, first served! It's too late, it's too late to cry!"

  Chen Dong, Maya, and Hojo Dosan are also guys who are good at grasping people's hearts, and they bewitched loudly.

   "One hundred taels of silver and two girls, one thousand!"

   "You may not be able to have a hundred taels of silver in your life, as long as you stand up, you will get it, do it!"

   "The Zhejiang army can only fire with 300 firearms in one round. We rushed up to 4,000 people in this wave. Only one out of ten people can get caught. My luck has never been bad. It must not be me. Fight!"

   "Hahaha, I have become a pioneer this time, and I can enjoy happiness in the base camp for a year in the future. There are silver flowers and women. Isn't this the life of a god? Don't fight me, I'll come! I'll come!"

  Under heavy rewards, there must be a brave man. This is a routine that has been unsuccessful in road tests since ancient times, and it is also effective this time.

  Under heavy rewards, one after another the Japanese pirates who wanted money but not life, or who were proud of their bravery and luck, stood up.

  Especially the Japanese pirates who stood up at the beginning. After everyone received a hundred taels of silver and a pair of excellent armor, they stimulated a group of Japanese pirates. Immediately, many Japanese pirates stood up and received silver and armor.

  Combined with the brave Japanese pirates personally named by Xu Hai and others, four thousand pioneer Japanese pirates were quickly gathered.

  Everyone is wearing armor! Almost all the armor on the Japanese pirates is concentrated on them.

   "Very good, you are all good! You are all like this! Don't be afraid, rush forward, and you will win!"

   "Don't worry about being helpless. After you rush up, we will send more reinforcements to come up in time."

  Xu Hai waited for Wo Jian to come forward, and gave a thumbs up without hesitation, telling them to just go forward.

   "Hao Erlang, rush up, go all out and tear them apart!"

  After a lot of praise, Xu Hai and others waved their hands, causing four thousand Japanese pirates to charge the Zhejiang army again.

   "Brother Chen, Brother Ma, Bei Tiaoxiong, each of us will order another thousand troops to support them at any time!"

"During the last wave of vanguards, the Zhejiang army had already fired three times, and at most one more round would have to be loaded with gunpowder. If we sent reinforcements to the top in time, maybe we would all be having breakfast in the Zhejiang army camp now. This time We have to learn a lesson, and when the Zhejiang Army’s firearms go off, we must dispatch reinforcements as soon as possible, go up in time, support the charge, and don’t give the Zhejiang Army a chance to load gunpowder!”

   "This time we must complete all our efforts and win the Zhejiang Army in one fell swoop, otherwise the morale will be damaged. The Zhejiang Army is just a small bone, and there is a bigger bone in front of it—Suzhou City, the morale can't be discouraged!"

  Xu Hai said to Chen Dong and other Japanese chieftains after the vanguard charged.

   "Brother Xu is right!"

  Chen Dong and the others took it seriously, and each ordered another thousand troops to prepare them for support at any time.

  (end of this chapter)

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