Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1772: on fire

  Chapter 1772 is on fire

   "Hahaha, the wind is blowing, it's still the east wind, God help me, the moon is dark and the wind is high, when killing people and setting fire."

  Xu Hai felt the east wind on the Japanese boat, and couldn't help laughing out loud, shouting for God's help.

   "With God's help, we will succeed in this trip!"

   "The good wind sent me to Sioux City by force, hahaha."

   "It seems that we can arrive at the city of Suzhou earlier than expected, hahaha, we have already arrived before they wake up from sleep."

  Michizo Hojo, Maya, Chen Dong and the others couldn't help laughing out loud.

  All the Japanese pirates were very optimistic. They boarded the boat in the second shift, arrived in Taicang Haikou in the third shift, and reached Suzhou in the fourth shift. Turning a bend in the river, Suzhou is within easy reach, only 30 miles away.

  Now that the east wind is blowing again, their Japanese boats have a smooth wind, and they can arrive at the city of Suzhou earlier than expected. The defenders must still be asleep.

   Their sudden attack will definitely capture Suzhou City with ease.

  There are mountains of gold, silver and jewels, and countless young ladies from Suzhou, all waiting for them to seize them.

  The more the Japanese pirates thought about it, the more excited they became. The paddling hands were full of strength, no matter how hard they tried, they didn't get tired, and the boat flew like flying.

   whoosh whoosh

  The Japanese boats followed the arc of the river and turned a corner, only thirty miles away from Suzhou.

  The Japanese pirates were even more excited, and they were already imagining the wonderful life of burning, killing and looting after entering Suzhou City.

  However, what they didn't notice was that when their Japanese boat just turned the river, there were six people lying on the ground deep in the dead woods beside the river, staring at them without blinking.

  The night was as thick as ink, you couldn't see your fingers, and the dead trees were lush. These six people lay on the ground again, with grass in their mouths, making no sound at all. The ambush was very good, and no Japanese pirates found them.

  These six were exactly one of the fifteen rangers sent by Zhu Ping'an.

   After the Japanese boat turned the corner from the river, the six people crawled and slowly retreated into the woods behind them, untiing the horses tied to the trees.

  The horses also have sticks in their mouths, which are fixed on both sides of the horse's face with ropes to prevent the horses from making noise.

  The six of them mounted their horses and rode non-stop to the beacon tower on a high **** one mile away.

  There are four soldiers on duty in front of the beacon tower, two of them are sleeping on a bunk of hay, and two of them are on duty at night.

The night watchman soon discovered the six people who rode the horses. Before you could ask why you came, they heard the six people who rode the horses shouting, "Light it up quickly, the beacon fire that was a warning at night, the Japanese pirates are coming!" Already!"

   "The Japanese pirates are coming?!"

  When the two night watchmen heard this, without saying a word, they quickly lit a torch with a torch, and stretched the torch to a pile of beacon fires that had been prepared long ago.

  The two people who were sleeping on the straw bunk also heard the movement, and got up quickly to help light the beacon.

  The beacon fire pile is made of hay, dry firewood, etc., and it is also covered with grease. When the torch is touched, it will burn blazingly.

   Soon the flames went up.

   "Okay, the beacon fire has been lit, everyone quickly mount their horses, beat the gong to warn the common people, the Japanese pirates are coming!"

   "The Japanese pirates came from the river. There are seventy or eighty Japanese ships, and there are as many as 20,000 to 30,000 people."

   "We can hear clearly, many of them are speaking bird language, it must be Japanese pirates."

   "Hurry up and remind the common people, hide and don't be blocked into the village by Japanese pirates."

  The rangers on horseback breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the beacon fire ignited. When the beacon fire ignited, their main task was completed.

  The next step is to ride the horse to warn the people nearby.

  All the rangers mounted their horses, each with a gong, and under the arrangement of the captain, they galloped towards the nearby villages and towns in groups of two.

   "Boom, boom, boom"

  The loud gong sounded again and again.

   "The Japanese pirates are coming, folks, hurry up and pack up your things and hide." The warning sounds of the rangers came one after another.

   Soon, one village after another was alarmed. When people heard that the Japanese pirates were coming, they hurriedly cleaned up. Quickly put the dry food and clothes for food into the bag, and ran out with the old and the young.

  The Japanese pirates kill without blinking an eye. Once they come to the village, they will kill, rob, and burn them all. They are like inhuman animals.

  There are many places to hide outside the village, in the field, in the woods, in caves, in meadows, in river ditches

  As long as you don’t get blocked in the village by Japanese pirates and hide in the wild, as long as your luck is not too bad, it is generally not easy for Japanese pirates to find you.

  Japanese pirates usually rush to the village, and they don’t bother to find people in the wild. They don’t have much manpower and energy.

  Xu Hai and others on the Japanese boat on the river course were still imagining the divine soldiers descending from heaven and taking Suzhou City by surprise on the bow of the ship, when they suddenly heard someone shouting something was on fire.

   "What's on fire?! Which ship is on fire?! Bastard, are you looking for death? Didn't I already explain that no fires are allowed on board! We're going to Suzhou City soon, can't you bear it with such a little effort?!"

  Xu Hai and other Japanese chiefs cursed angrily after hearing this.

   "Boss, it's not our boat, it's on the shore, about a mile away from the river that caught fire."

  The Japanese pirates pointed to the direction of the shore behind and explained.

  Xu Hai and others looked along, and they saw a raging fire on a high **** more than one mile away from the shore. The flames were soaring into the sky. The flames were at least seven or eight meters high.

   "Whose family's firewood pile was lit? Or whose house was burned?" The Japanese pirates gloated.

  Xu Hai frowned, faintly feeling that things were not that simple.

   "Listen, how do you feel the sound of beating gongs?" Another Japanese pirate with sharp ears vaguely heard the sound of beating gongs, and asked in confusion.

   "It is estimated that the watchmen in the village discovered the fire, so let's beat the gong to call for help." A Japanese pirate said.

   "Well, it makes sense." The Japanese pirate who heard the sound of the gong nodded, feeling that the explanation made sense.

   "Look, there seems to be a fire in front, is the front also on fire? No, what's going on, what kind of evil is it today, why are there so many places on fire?!"

   After a while, several sharp-eyed pirates discovered that there was also a fire in the direction seven or eight miles ahead.

   It's not just this place.

   Soon, someone discovered that there was also a place in the far south that was on fire.

  The Japanese pirates feel something is wrong, what's going on, why are so many places on fire today? !

   "Not good! It's not on fire! It's a beacon fire! Damn it! We were exposed, someone found us and set off a beacon fire warning! Damn, when did Suzhou government set up beacon towers, and there are so many!"

  Xu Hai was the first to react, his body suddenly shook violently, his face full of ambition turned livid instantly, and he cursed through gritted teeth.

  (end of this chapter)

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