Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1764: Your nephew wants to borrow a head

   "We thought Mr. Zhu was worried about military rations, but that's not the case." Hu Wei shook his head vigorously.

   "What's that like?" Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang asked hastily.

   "I remind you one word, the word 'borrow', the key point is this word, you should understand it in your heart!" Hu Wei reminded the two.

   "Borrow?" Uncle Zhu Shouren was still a little confused.

"Borrow? The point is 'borrow'?" Xia Qiang thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head, as if he had a sudden realization, "Brother Hu, you mean that today's story is that Er Zhurong borrowed the head of his nephew to train soldiers; Cao Cao The point of the story is that Cao Cao borrowed the head of the grain and grass officer to calm the morale of the army, and he also borrowed the head."

Even without Hu Wei’s further reminder, Xia Qiang took the initiative to think of the story of Sun Wu, and said in disbelief, “So, we also misunderstood the story about the military training in front of Sun Wu’s palace. It was Sun Wu who borrowed the head of his concubine to train soldiers, and he also borrowed the head."

   Then, suddenly, Xia Qiang thought of something, his face turned pale, and he was terrified.

   "That's right, Brother Xia, you've thought about it too." Hu Wei swallowed and smiled wryly.

   "What are you talking about?" Uncle Zhu Shouren was slow to understand what the two were talking about.

"Hey, Brother Zhu, why don't you understand? The common point of these three stories is the borrowing of human heads. Rather than saying that Master Zhu has read three stories, it is better to say that Master Zhu has read one story, which is the story of borrowing human heads. !"

  Hu Wei looked at his uncle Zhu Shouren bitterly, and after sighing for a while, he said every word.

   "Borrow a head?" Uncle Zhu Shouren raised his eyebrows.

   "Why don't you understand? If there is any inspiration in these three stories, it is to borrow human heads. Mr. Zhu also wants to borrow human heads, and he is also thinking about borrowing human heads to train soldiers, my brother Zhu!"

  Xia Qiang said with a trembling voice.

   "What? You said that my nephew is planning to borrow heads to train soldiers?! Impossible, absolutely impossible, don't talk nonsense, my nephew is not that kind of person."

  Uncle Zhu Shouren shook his head without hesitation after hearing this, and vigorously waved his hands several times in succession.

   "Hehe, brother Zhu, what kind of person do you think your nephew is?" Hu Wei asked with a heck, looking at his uncle Zhu Shouren with burning eyes.

   "My nephew is kind, honest, and simple. He is very similar to my brother. He is the kind of person who likes to think about others. He didn't even kill a chicken when he was a child, so how can he use the head to train soldiers?"

  Uncle Zhu Shouren squinted his eyes to recall the past, and said slowly, firmly expressing that Zhu Ping'an was not that kind of person.

   "Simple and honest? Simple? Hehe, my brother Zhu, your eyes are still stuck in childhood, right?!"

  After listening to his uncle Zhu Shouren's honest and honest evaluation of Zhu Ping'an, Hu Wei laughed uglier than cried.

   "What do you mean by that? My nephew is doing the same thing now." Uncle Zhu Shouren said with a frown.

   "Brother Zhu, my brother Zhu, on the way here, and in the barracks, we also heard the stories of your nephew. Come, let me tell you one by one."

"Your virtuous nephew is recognized by the ruling and opposition parties as well as Fangli Fangwai as the 'Number One God of Ming Dynasty'. He first impeached an officer from a thousand households who had taken refuge in Mr. Yan Ge, but in the end that thousand households were beheaded, and a member of the Ministry of War was imprisoned." The boss was demoted to the people; then, he impeached the Taicang bank case, even the elder Yan Ge was fined silver, hundreds of officials were fined, and thousands of treasury officials, treasury soldiers, and servants were sent into exile. He said that the number of people who died on the road of exile was countless; then, he impeached a high-ranking official surnamed Gao, and twenty or thirty high-ranking officials were implicated and imprisoned, and they were sent to prison. Life is worse than death, which is miserable; There is Yang Jisheng who is very famous in our folk recently. He impeached Mr. Yan Ge. Didn’t your nephew also participate in it? The common people say that it would be great if Yang Jisheng listened to your nephew’s opinion and revised the impeachment memorial , If you listened to it, it is Mr. Yan Ge who is now in prison, not Yang Jisheng. It is because Yang Jisheng did not listen to your nephew's opinion, which led to his impeachment failure and imprisonment, your nephew also He was implicated and relegated to a small county in the south of the Yangtze River to be the county magistrate of Zhima."

   "Brother Zhu, your virtuous nephew, under the name of 'Da Ming's First Demonstration', has been supported by many bones."

   "Also, your nephew was relegated to a small county in the south of the Yangtze River as a county magistrate. How can he make a comeback and even go one step further to become a fourth-rank official? How did he do it? Brother Zhu, have you ever thought about it?!"

  Hu Wei pointed at his uncle Zhu Shouren's nose with hatred, and began to break him word by word.

   "My virtuous nephew has made meritorious deeds. He has made great achievements one after another, and has been promoted one level after another."

  Uncle Zhu Shouren replied without thinking.

   "Then do you know how your virtuous nephew made such contributions?" Hu Wei asked.

   Uncle scratched his head

"Let me tell you, Brother Zhu, when your virtuous nephew was in charge of Jingnan County, more than 2,000 Japanese pirates attacked, and Jingnan only had dozens of soldiers, not even enough to fill the teeth of the Japanese pirates. , regarded the people as worthless, ordered the people to guard the city, issued a beheading order, and whoever stepped back killed whose head, and forcibly took the lives of the people to defend the county, killed thousands of Japanese pirates, and even recovered a nearby county , It can be said that taking the heads of ordinary people made a great contribution, allowing him to be promoted from a seventh-rank county magistrate to a fifth-rank procurator. Under the black gauze hat on his head, counting ordinary people and Japanese pirates, there are at least several A thousand lives."

"I won't talk about the credit for disaster relief. Let's just say that he was promoted from Si Qianshi, the procurator, to the deputy deputy envoy. Dozens of Japanese pirates landed from Shaoxing and killed ten of them in one go. Several counties, seven or eight prefectures, spanning two to three thousand miles, killed countless people, and killed them all the way to the city of Liudu Yingtian. Thousands of people were killed under the city. No one could stop them. And the common people are terrified, none of the officials, whether civil or military, dare to go up; in the end, it was your nephew who, regardless of the life and death of his subordinates, drove his soldiers to kill the Japanese pirates while they were asleep."

"There is also the meritorious service that your virtuous nephew made when he sacrificed to the sea recently. I heard that he killed hundreds of Japanese pirates. Under this great achievement, which one is not a pile of bones? Since your virtuous nephew became an official, he died under him. There are eight thousand if not ten thousand."

   "Still simple and honest, honest, never killed a chicken, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as killing like hemp."

  Hu Wei broke his fingers and counted Zhu Pingan's great achievements one after another to his uncle Zhu Shouren.

"Brother Zhu, it's because you are too simple and honest. You only see the surface of your nephew, but you don't know the real face of your nephew. Before the year of the weak crown, you won the third prize, the top student in high school, and offended the powerful old Yan Ge , can make a comeback and go one step further, do you think such a character can be a simple and honest person?"

  Xia Qiang couldn't help preaching.

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