Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1760: Prosperous

  Chapter 1760 Prosperous Spring Breeze

Zhu Pingan ordered the Zhejiang Army to start training in equestrianism, archery, and chopping. At present, equestrianism is the main focus, and archery and chopping are supplemented by horseback riding. But everyone can ride a horse.

  Of course, the riding and shooting here refers to firecrackers, not bows and arrows.

  It is easy to order, but difficult to practice.

  First of all, the newly bought horses and mules are not used to the sound of firearms. As soon as the firearms are fired, the horses, mules and horses startle, neighing and running wildly, and it took a lot of effort to calm them down.

  In order to let them adapt to firearms as soon as possible, Zhu Pingan ordered the soldiers to practice firearms near the horses, so that they could adapt to the movement of firearms as soon as possible.

  The horses in the previous army were adapted in this way.

In addition, it is not easy to set firearms on horseback. First, the existing firearms of the Zhejiang Army are too long and not suitable for shooting immediately, which is not very convenient. Second, it is too difficult to load firearms on horseback, much more difficult than on the ground. up.

  Actually, Zhu Pingan knew that the firearm suitable for shooting immediately was not an arquebus, but a flintlock. However, technology is limited.

  Zhu Pingan could only tell the equipment battalion what he knew about the limited knowledge of flintlock guns on the sidelines, develop their ideas, let them avoid detours, and develop flintlock guns as soon as possible, but it will be impossible in a short time.

  The trigger alone is an insurmountable deep ditch, not to mention the percussion hammer, spring and flint.

  However, with the right path, their research and development speed can definitely be greatly accelerated.

  The future can be expected.

  When the Zhejiang Military Academy was dusty and the soldiers were sweating profusely in the cold winter, the uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang were a little proud of themselves.

  At noon, when they reluctantly left their tents and were about to hold their noses and line up for food, a soldier came from a distance with a food box.

  At first, Uncle Zhu Shouren and the others thought they were delivering meals to Zhu Pingan. After all, Zhu Pingan is the top coach of the Zhejiang Army, and it is only right to enjoy this privilege.

   "Hehe, Brother Zhu, look at what we said, it still has an impact on Master Zhu, you see, this is not a trivial matter."

  Hu Wei smiled slightly, and whispered to his uncle Zhu Shouren.

   "This is a good start." Xia Qiang also smiled, "In the future, Lord Zhu will accept more of our opinions."

   "If only we had this kind of treatment." Uncle Zhu Shouren said with some regret, "It's really cheap to queue up for a meal with those big soldiers. They can't read big characters, but they can be ranked in front of them."

   "Yes, it would be nice if we had this kind of treatment." Xia Qiang couldn't help but nodded, his eyes full of yearning.

  He is not yearning for a meal, but a kind of power and status behind the meal.

   "There will be such a day." Hu Wei patted Xia Qiang on the shoulder, and said slowly with confidence.

   "Let's go quickly, my nephew has a small stove, and I will definitely not go in line. I don't want to eat leftovers and leftover soup."

  The uncle shook his head and urged.

   "Let's go." Xia Qiang and Hu Wei nodded, and walked forward quickly. They didn't want to eat the leftover soup from the boss.

  They walked forward quickly, and when they were about to rendezvous with the soldiers carrying the food boxes on the opposite side, the soldiers extended their hands to greet them, and took two quick steps with the food boxes in their hands, "Secretary Zhu, Secretary Hu, Secretary Xia."

  Secretary, um, yes, this title is good, at least it has an official character. After hearing this, the uncle felt as if he had drunk fine wine in his heart.

  The same goes for Hu Wei and Xia Qiang.

  The three of them nodded and continued to move forward without any intention of stopping. They were rushing to line up. The experience in the morning was just over, so it was hard for them to jump in line again.

   Seeing that they had no intention of stopping, the soldiers carrying the food boxes couldn't help calling out to them, "Secretary Zhu, Secretary Hu, Secretary Xia, what are you doing? Don't you eat?"

   This is what we say, we don’t eat, we eat air? ! We don't have the treatment of nephew/Master Zhu.

   "Go to the kitchen and line up for food." The uncle and the three of them felt that the soldier's words were a little inexplicable.

"Secretary Zhu, Secretary Hu, Secretary Xia, what are you going to line up for? My lord asked me to deliver meals to you. My lord said, you are different from us. You are in a special situation. You have to use your brains to think about problems. You have to prepare for the exam, so, let us deliver three meals a day to your account."

  The soldier explained.

   "Ah?! Is this a meal for us?" The uncle and the three of them couldn't help opening their mouths in surprise.

   "Yes. From now on, the three clerks don't have to queue up for three meals a day, and we will deliver them to you on time."

   The soldier repeated.

   "Did you hear that? This is a meal for us." Uncle Zhu Shouren and the three of them looked at each other, and they couldn't help showing surprise.

  They were thinking about when they would get this treatment, but they didn't expect it to happen so soon.

   "Thank you, thank you, I will trouble you in the future." Hu Wei was the first to react, nodding his head to thank the soldiers.

   "Ahem, let's mention it in the tent." The uncle coughed and got up in an instant.

  The three of them returned to the tent again, and after the soldiers delivering food left, the three of them couldn't help but look at each other and laughed.

   "Master Zhu asked someone to deliver meals to us on purpose. He must have recognized our ability to give us this treatment." Xia Qiang opened the food box, looked at the food in the food box, and couldn't help but said excitedly.

   "This is natural. The so-called gold will always shine. The three of us are real gold that is not afraid of fire. It is due to be discovered by the nephew." Uncle Zhu Shouren nodded without humility, and agreed.

   "It must be our answer last time, which made Mr. Zhu look at us with admiration, which gave us the attention and treatment."

   Hu Wei analyzed.

   "It must be." Xia Qiang continued, and then said regretfully, "It's a pity that the book Master Zhu read just now, and the military officer who explained to us, failed to inspire us. Otherwise, Master Zhu will be impressed again."

"It doesn't matter, as long as our thinking is right, there are many opportunities. Let me tell you, my nephew likes to read books. When I was a child, my nephew would read with a book in his hand when he went to the latrine. My nephew will pay the bill at noon. Of course, I will not let go of the book, and when we go to the nephew's tent in the afternoon, we will definitely gain something."

  Uncle Zhu Shouren said indifferently.

  In the afternoon, before they went to Zhu Pingan's tent, another good thing happened.

  This afternoon, the Zhe Army paid their salaries, and they also received one and a half taels of silver, and they also received five taels of silver for settling down.

   This made them even more excited, and it was even more certain that Zhu Ping'an recognized their talents and value, and that's why he treated them so courteously.

   more and more proud.

  (end of this chapter)

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