Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1757: Misunderstood by cleverness (Part 1)

   "Brother Hu, you are such an amazing talent that you can even come up with this method. Sure enough, I didn't misread you. I knew that you and Brother Xia were both very human, so I recommended it to my nephew."

  Uncle Zhu Shouren was full of praise for Hu Wei, and he even praised Xia Qiang for being a man.

   "Hehe, it's also thanks to Brother Zhu's insight and ability to recommend talents to Nephew Ling that we have the opportunity to realize our ambitions."

   Hu Wei also complimented Zhu Shouren.

   "Indeed, thank you, Brother Zhu, if it wasn't for Brother Hu's recommendation, how could we have met such a big man as Mr. Zhu." Xia Cha also echoed.

  The three of them flattered each other, their self-confidence increased a lot, and they divided the work contentedly.

  Xia Qiang was in charge of letting the wind out at the window, paying attention to people coming outside, and warning in time; Hu Wei and his uncle Zhu Shouren were in charge of rummaging through the books Zhu Pingan read yesterday and the paper for writing in the handsome tent.

  Actually, they don’t need to rummage through it. There is a stack of books on the candle table made by Zhu Pingan.

   One of them was still in the middle, but the pages were just closed, and it seemed that Zhu Ping'an had only read it.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren and Hu Wei saw the book on the table at a glance, and they looked at each other.

"That's right, this book is the one my nephew read in the morning. I have an impression of the blue cover. In the morning, I noticed that my nephew was reading a book with a blue cover. It must be this book. "

  Uncle Zhu Shouren picked up the book on the table first, and said confidently.

   "Well, that's right, I also have the impression that Lord Zhu seemed to have flipped through a blue book this morning, and it should be the correct one."

  Hu Wei also nodded, he was also a little impressed.

Uncle Zhu Shouren flipped through the book quickly, and saw a slight crease on a page, he couldn't help but patted the book, and said to Hu Wei and Xia Qiang with a proud face, "This page has a crease, it should be It was my nephew who saw something interesting, so I purposely folded a corner to mark it, so that I can continue to read it next time. When I was in my hometown, I went to my second brother’s house to see my nephew’s study, and there were many pages in my nephew’s study that were creased. , and every creased page is relatively worn out, which is caused by my nephew's frequent flipping."

"Well, that's right. Brother Zhu really knows Mr. Zhu. This page is indeed three points older than the other pages. It must be that Mr. Zhu has stayed on this page for a long time." Hu Wei stepped forward to read the book, and clicked for sure. nod.

   "Let me take a look while there is no one outside." Xia Qiang, who was watching the wind by the window, couldn't help it anymore, and let the wind go regardless, and came to have a look.

  The three of them gathered together, staring at this page of the book to study.

   "What content on this page is worthy of my nephew looking over and over again?"

  Uncle Zhu Shouren looked it over and rubbed his head, but couldn't see any important content on this page for a while.

"This book is a collection of memorials. This page is a memorial made by a censor named Zhang Kongwu in the Song Dynasty after he inspected Sichuan. It involves politics, economy, people's livelihood and many other aspects. However, it must be the military affairs that attract Mr. Zhu. record." Xia Qiang said while stroking his chin in combination with the contents of the book and the front and back pages.

   "Oh, let me see, um, it's about the military." The uncle Zhu Shouren was inspired, and immediately looked down for that sentence.

   "'There is a general named Zhang Hao in Bashu, who has the style of training soldiers in front of the Wu Palace, and he can be entrusted with important tasks as appropriate.' This is the only sentence in this memorial that is related to military affairs. Is it worth reading for so long?!"

  The uncle Zhu Shouren found it quickly, and then shook his head in disappointment.

   "Hehe, brother Zhu, this sentence should have attracted Master Zhu's attention." Hu Wei said with a smile.

   "That's right, that's it." Xia Qiang also echoed.

   "What is the deep meaning of this sentence?" Uncle Zhu Shouren looked at the two suspiciously and asked.

   "Brother Zhu, do you know the allusion of the military training in front of the Wu Kingdom Hall?" Hu Wei smiled and asked his uncle Zhu Shouren.

   "Ahem, I didn't sleep well last night, my mind was a little dizzy, and I couldn't remember it for a while." The uncle coughed and said cheekily.

  Actually, he only reads the Four Books and Five Classics or some indescribably forbidden books between men and women. As for historical classics and other historical books, in his opinion, they are not beneficial to the imperial examination.

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang knew Zhu Shouren didn't know when they saw Zhu Shouren's appearance, but they didn't expose him either.

   "Brother Zhu, this allusion is like this. In order to test Sun Wu's ability, the King of Wu deliberately selected more than 100 court ladies for Sun Wu to practice, including the two most beloved beauties of the King of Wu."

  Hu Wei preached to Zhu Shouren.

   "Sun Wu's beauty is not shallow, there are a hundred court ladies to make arrangements." Uncle Zhu Shouren chuckled.

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang were speechless.

"Sun Wu divided the maids into two teams, left and right, and appointed the two most beloved beauties of the king of Wu as the left and right captains. He explained the military order and said that if anyone violated the order, the generals would follow the law. The court ladies responded well, but felt novel , It’s fun, they didn’t listen to orders during the drill, they laughed loudly, and the formation was in chaos. Sun Wu ordered the military order again and again, but the palace ladies still didn’t listen to the order, none of them were in good shape, their delicate bodies trembled, they laughed loudly, and the formation was scattered The captains of the two favored concubines even laughed so hard that they almost sat on the ground. So Sun Wu ordered the two captains to be beheaded in accordance with the military law."

   Hu Wei continued to preach.

   "Ah, he wants to kill the two concubines of the King of Wu? Can the King of Wu do it?" Uncle Zhu Shouren said in surprise.

"That's right. Seeing that Sun Wu wanted to kill his concubines, King Wu immediately sent someone to tell him that he already knew that Sun Wu could use troops, and asked Sun Wu to pardon his two concubines, but Sun Wu refused mercilessly. General Yan was in the army, and the king's order was not accepted, so he insisted on killing the two captains who favored concubines. Then, he appointed the leaders of the two teams as captains to continue training. When Sun Wu trained again, all the court ladies dared not disobey Sun Wu Strictly follow the military order, front, back, left, and right, advance and retreat, roll and climb, the order is prohibited, and the formation is neat. Sun Wu asked King Wu to review. However, King Wu was sad because his two beloved concubines were killed. He did not want to go to Sun Wu so he met King Wu, "Orders and prohibitions, clear rewards and punishments, this is the common law of military strategists, the general rule for generals to govern the army. You must be dignified to the soldiers. Only in this way will they obey orders and fight to defeat the enemy. After hearing this, King Wu's anger subsided. , found that his order and prohibition, just like a strong military demeanor, completely dissipated his anger, and worshiped Sun Wu as a general."

  Xia Qiang followed Hu Wei's words and slowly told the following story.

"Oh, I understand. My nephew is not so much interested in this sentence in the memorandum, as I am interested in the allusion about the military training in front of Sun Wu's palace. In this allusion, Sun Wu emphasizes the majesty of the soldiers, so that the soldiers can obey orders. It is forbidden. That is to say, my nephew wants to follow Sun Wu."

  The uncle Zhu Shouren suddenly realized after hearing this.

   "Brother Zhu, wise." Hu Wei smiled and praised.

   "Hey, where is it?" Uncle Zhu Shouren waved his hands reassuringly and laughed.

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