Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1754: Say my name, scare your guts out

  Breakfast time came, and Zhu Ping'an asked his uncle Zhu Shouren and the others to fetch a set of cutlery for them to eat together.

   "Hey, we didn't perform well this time, we didn't write the documents well, and we didn't answer the military strategy question and answer well."

   On the way to dinner, Xia Qiang said worriedly, very worried about their performance today.

  Hu Wei was also a little worried.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren did not take it seriously, and was very generous, "We are literate and familiar with the books of sages. Although our performance today is not satisfactory, isn't it a hundred times better than these big-headed soldiers who don't know much?!"

  Hey, it makes sense. Hu Wei and Xia Qiang couldn't help but nodded after hearing what their uncle Zhu Shouren said, and their moods improved a lot.

  Although it was the first time for the three of them to eat big pot rice, they didn't have to worry about finding a place. They walked to the food area after smelling the aroma.

   "So many soldiers, when will we line up?" Xia Qiang frowned as he looked at the long cooking line.

   "Whatever line you are in, just go and get dinner." Uncle Zhu Shouren smiled, and took the lead to walk to the front of the line.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren brought the two of them to the front of the Dafan, and got in the front without saying a word.

   "Hey, hey, who are the three of you, how did you jump in the line? You are not the one who won the drill! Where are the people from the surveillance battalion? Someone jumped in the line here"

  The soldiers who were cut in line were unhappy and shouted. This was the first time anyone dared to jump in line.

"Who am I? Hehe, tell me my name. I'm afraid you won't be able to eat. You all listen carefully. I am your uncle Zhu Pingan, Master Zhu--Zhu Shouren. I am the clerk personally appointed by my nephew." .Now you all know, right? Both of them are clerks personally appointed by the nephew.”

  Uncle Zhu Shouren perfectly interpreted what it means to be a fox pretending to be a tiger, and said to the protesting soldiers with his fingers behind his back.

   "Are you our lord's uncle? Are you the clerk appointed by our lord?" The protesting soldier laughed.

"Of course, if it's fake." Uncle Zhu Shouren nodded vigorously, turned around in a normal way, and said proudly, "I can vaguely see the appearance of your lords from my face. My lord and I My father is a real brother, with five or six points of likeness, and three parts like your adults."

   "So what?" The protesting soldiers were dismissive.

"So what?! I am your lord's uncle, and we are the clerks appointed by your lord. Isn't it right for us to jump in line for a meal? Do you have any opinions?! If you have any opinions, swallow them down, otherwise If so, be careful, I will tell my nephew, so that you can't eat and go around!"

  Uncle Zhu Shouren raised his head high, looked at the protesting soldiers with distaste, and said threateningly.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren had just finished speaking, when he saw the faces of the soldiers lining up couldn't help but laugh.

  What's going on? What are you laughing at? Did I wear my clothes backwards? Or did I get ink on my body while writing?

  Uncle Zhu Shouren checked it himself with his head down. The clothes were clean and tidy, and he didn't see anything wrong.

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang were also stunned, unable to react for a while, why did these soldiers have such expressions.

   Shouldn't you be afraid? Shouldn't you admit your mistake? Why is it that he can't help but look like this? !

   At their bewildered gazes, the nearby soldiers laughed.

   "What are you laughing at?" Uncle Zhu Shouren was angry.

   "It's good to teach you, uncle, that we adults also line up every time we eat, and every time we are the last in line, the last one to eat."

  The soldiers said in a hurry.

   "What? My nephew is also queuing for dinner?! You are still at the end?! What are you kidding, what is your identity, what are your identities?" After hearing this, the uncle and the three couldn't believe it, and felt that these big soldiers were bluffing them.

   "You don't believe me, do you? Look back, you must be our lord at the end of the line. If it's not our lord, then it means our lord hasn't come yet." The soldiers said with confidence.

  Uncle and the others turned their heads suspiciously and looked back, then they were taken aback. Zhu Pingan was really at the end of the line.

   When did my nephew come? !

  Uncle and the three of them hurriedly got up and got out of the way. Zhu Pingan was still in the queue, and they were still at the end.

   "Ahem, nephew, why are you still queuing up? As the commander of the first army, it's no exaggeration to be the first to eat?"

  Uncle Zhu Shouren and the others came in front of Zhu Pingan and lined up behind Zhu Pingan, said uncle Zhu Shouren.

   "Uncle, this is setting an example. The Master said: 'If your body is upright, you will follow orders; if your body is not upright, you will not follow orders.'"

   Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren and the others disagreed.

   When it was finally time for them to eat, there was only one bottom of the big pot of rice left, and the expressions on the faces of uncle Zhu Shouren and the others froze.

   "Nephew, do you eat this kind of meal every day?" Uncle Zhu Shouren asked in disbelief.

"Actually, the soldiers are thinking about me, and they left me a lot of good food on purpose. The visitors are guests, so you fight first, Wang Er, give them the good things." Zhu Pingan asked the uncle and the others to fight first. For the rice, Wang Er, who directed the cooking, gave priority to the few remaining good dishes such as meat slices and tofu to the uncle and the three of them.

   After dinner, uncle Zhu Shouren and the others followed Zhu Pingan to find an empty table and sat down to eat.

"Nephew, don't you open a small stove or something? How can you eat a big pot of rice with the soldiers and eat leftovers at the end? You are really disrespectful. If you let other generals and adults know , I don't know how to laugh at you. In the future, what face do you have to talk and laugh with them?"

  Uncle Zhu Shouren said in a heartbroken voice.

"Uncle, what's the matter with the big pot of rice? What about the last meal? How can you lose your status? Throughout the ages, how many famous generals ate and lived with the soldiers, such as Wu Qi in the Warring States Period, Feng Yi in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yue Fei in the Song Dynasty, etc., and their final achievements were outstanding. It is admirable to go down in the annals of history, and I have never seen them lose their status and make people laugh!"

"Sun Tzu's Art of War says: 'Therefore, there are five additional victories: those who know what can be fought and what cannot be fought will win; those who know how to use the few will win; The one who wins.' Among them, the so-called 'the one who wants to win' means that only when the top and bottom are united can the army have cohesion. To achieve this, sharing joys and sorrows with the soldiers and gaining the love of the soldiers is a very good way."

   "If the army has cohesion, it will have combat effectiveness, and if it has combat effectiveness, it will be able to win on the battlefield."

   "In this way, it is too late for others to envy, how can they laugh at me."

   Zhu Pingan shrugged and said with a smile.

  Uncle's words ended in sarcasm.

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