Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1747: Camp placement

As the sun set, the withered vines and crows at Fengqiao came back to their nests. Zhu Pingan took his uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei, and Xia Qiang out of Suzhou City before the city gate closed. forward.

"Uncle, Mr. Xia and Mr. Hu, this is the Fengqiao camp where our Zhejiang army is stationed. The barracks is an important place, which is different from other places. Once you enter the camp, you must strictly abide by military laws and disciplines. There is no exception, and I am the same. Uncle, Are you sure you want to follow me into the camp?"

   Before bringing his uncle and the others into the camp, Zhu Ping'an confirmed to his uncle Zhu Shouren and the three of them with a serious face.

  Uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang looked at each other, and they both nodded impatiently.

  The two of them worked so hard and wronged to curry favor with Zhu Shouren, what was it that they wanted to cling to Zhu Ping'an through him, so they naturally wanted to follow him into the camp.

Uncle Zhu Shouren was no exception. If he didn't follow Zhu Pingan into the camp, how could he take advantage of Zhu Pingan's wool and take advantage of Zhu Pingan's willingness and connections? Ask Hu Wei and Xia Qiang for their opinions, and just ask them to read his favor. Then he laughed and said, "Nephew's words are superfluous, the three of us have come all this time to help nephew, of course we have to enter the camp with nephew, otherwise how can we help nephew?" .”

   "Uncle, if you enter the camp, you must strictly abide by the military law and discipline of our Zhejiang Army." Zhu Pingan reminded again.

   "It's natural, nephew, don't worry, don't dare to say anything else, we are all like this in terms of obeying the law."

  Uncle Zhu Shouren stretched out his thumb, pointed to himself, then pointed to Hu Wei and Xia Qiang, and boasted without humility.

   "Master Zhu, don't worry, we will abide by military law and discipline, and we will never cause trouble for Master Zhu."

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang also repeatedly promised.

"Okay, then follow me into the camp. I will ask people to build a big tent next to the handsome tent. You can usually prepare for the exam in the tent, and eat three meals a day with us." Zhu Pingan ordered nod.

   "Thank you my nephew/Master Zhu." Uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei, and Xia Qiang couldn't help cupping their hands in joy.

   This was the first step for them to cling to Zhu Pingan. They did it, and they were very happy.

After entering the Fengqiao camp, the uncle Zhu Shouren looked around the camp while walking. Seeing the situation in the camp, he couldn't help but blinked his eyes in doubt, pulled down Zhu Ping'an's sleeve, and asked suspiciously, "Nephew , This camp looks quite big. Didn’t it say that there are two thousand people? Why is it so quiet? Except for the sentry soldiers at five steps, one sentry at ten steps, and that group of patrolling soldiers, you can’t see them anymore. When I saw other people, I couldn’t hear any other voices. The tents in this tent are all dark and there is no sound inside, so it can’t be an empty tent? Why do you feel that there are not even two hundred people in the camp?”

   "Yeah, why does it feel like the camp is so quiet?"

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang also had similar feelings, mainly because the Zhejiang army camp was too quiet and not popular at all.

   "Oh, this is because after the Chinese army beat the drums at night, the whole army put out the fire and lights, prohibited noise and cut off pedestrians, so the camp seemed quiet."

   Zhu Pingan explained softly.

   "I see." Uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang suddenly realized.

   Arriving at the commander's tent, Zhu Ping'an asked for three waist tags, engraved the names of the uncle and the three of them, and handed them to them.

"Uncle, you have to wear your identity badges at all times, and you can't leave your body for a moment. Even if you get up at night to go to the bathroom, you must wear your belt badges with you, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch in the camp. Violators will be served with military sticks, or killed on the spot .”

   Zhu Pingan said to them with a serious face.

   "Huh?! You have to wear waist tags when going to the bathroom?!" Uncles Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang froze for a moment, and hurriedly tied the waist tags around their waists.

   "Nephew, this is too strict. It's completely unnecessary. What kind of badge do you wear to the toilet?" Uncle Zhu Shouren said disapprovingly.

   "To go to the toilet, you have to go to the toilet area designated by the military camp. There are generals and school guards in the toilet area to check the waist badge. This is to prevent young people and spies from sneaking into the military camp to cause damage. Someone in the military camp always checks the waist badge, just in case."

   Zhu Pingan explained.


  Uncle and the others still felt disapproving after hearing this. What kind of youngsters and spies sneaked into the camp to go to the toilet? !

Zhu Pingan saw the disapproval on the uncle's and the others' faces, but he didn't explain too much. Instead, he took out a booklet of military discipline and military law from the bookshelf, handed it to his uncle Zhu Shouren, and told them, "Uncle, Mr. Hu, Mr. Xia, this is the law and discipline of the Zhejiang Army, so you should memorize it by heart and follow it carefully."

   "Okay, ah, so many."

  Uncle Zhu Shouren took over the military record book, and he was dumbfounded as soon as he finished reading it. The military record book in his hand was a thick book with many pages.

"Uncle, it's getting late. You must be tired after traveling all the way. Your tent has been set up. This is a tent for ten people. It is more than enough for the three of you. However, the conditions of the military camp are limited, so it is definitely not as good as at home. Comfortable, you also overcome it, if you really can't stand it, don't be embarrassed, just tell me, I will send you out of the camp." Zhu Pingan said to them.

   "Why can't I bear it? Don't worry, my lord. We've come all this way. We've lived and slept in the open air. We haven't experienced any hardships. It's great to have a tent." Hu Wei said, cupping his hands.

   "Extremely, extremely." Xia Qiang also followed suit.

"Well, then I don't worry. Zhejiang army uniforms, I also prepared two sets for you. It is more convenient to wear military uniforms in the camp. Tomorrow morning, at five o'clock, the whole army will wake up to practice, and you will follow suit, uncle. You can also follow the exercises in the morning, if you don’t want to practice, you can read and do your homework in the morning.”

   Zhu Pingan said to them.

   "Of order." Hu Wei and Xia Qiang answered with cupped hands, then looked at Zhu Shouren and gave him a wink.

Zhu Shouren understood immediately, and pulled Zhu Pingan back with a smile, "Nephew, we are here to help you. If you don't prepare for the exam, you can prepare for the exam when we are helping you, such as at night. On weekdays, We still mainly help my nephew. Don’t worry, my nephew. My two friends are good at astronomy, geography, and civil and military. If my nephew can entrust them with important tasks, they will be able to catch them. Of course, the same is true for my uncle. , Nephew, even if you entrust us with the heavy responsibility, I promise to handle it well for you."

   "Well, don't worry about this. You guys should rest well tonight and make arrangements tomorrow." Zhu Ping'an replied lightly.

   "Well, well then, let's arrange it tomorrow, nephew, you don't have to be polite to us." Uncle Zhu Shouren hit the snake with a stick.

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