Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1727: Zhu Ping'an's Ambition

  Chapter 1727 Zhu Ping'an's Ambition

  Before dawn, the losses caused by the Japanese pirates' night attack were finally counted. The military camps and the people suffered heavy losses.

Undoubtedly, the heaviest casualties were ordinary people. A total of 639 civilians died in this night attack (more than 200 civilians were hacked and killed by Japanese pirates, and more than 300 were burned to death by Japanese pirates. About 100 people were trampled to death by their own people when they were running for their lives), and more than 700 people were injured. This is because the Zhejiang army left by Zhu Ping'an and the Jianghuai army of Linhuaihou rushed to the private camp to rescue the people in time, otherwise the casualties of the unarmed people would be even heavier.

   All armies suffered heavy casualties.

He Qingjun with a thousand soldiers and horses, in this night attack by the Japanese pirates, 403 people died. Just like ordinary people, some were hacked and killed by the Japanese pirates, some were burned to death by the Japanese pirates, and some were trampled to death while fleeing. More than 17 people were injured, and 17 people were missing. No one was alive or dead. I don't know if they fell into the sea, fell into the river, or deserted while fleeing for their lives. Burned by Japanese pirates.

Shen Xiyi's army of 1,000 soldiers, 370 people died, more than 200 people were injured, and 21 people were missing in this night attack by the Japanese pirates. Eighty-five military tents were burned by the Japanese pirates, as well as food and grass of particulate matter.

  Tang Kekuan's army with 2,000 soldiers and horses killed 406 people, injured more than 300 people, 17 people were missing, and 108 military tents were burned.

  Yu Dayou's army with 3,000 soldiers and horses died 398 people, injured more than 300 people, and no one was missing. 119 military tents were burned.

Hu Zongxian and Zhao Wenhua's middle army with two thousand soldiers suffered the most casualties. A total of 587 people were killed in the night attack by the Japanese pirates, 436 were injured, 56 were missing, and 185 were killed. The military tents were burned, and all the food and grass in the camp were burned.

Under Zhu Pingan's fierce and sharp words, the Marquis of Linhuai reluctantly implemented three or four points of the proposal, but only ordered the patrol guards and guards at the gate to be vigilant to prevent Japanese pirates from attacking at night. The loss is also the smallest among the armies. Of the 3,000 soldiers and horses of the Jianghuai Army, 107 people were killed, more than 30 people were injured, and no one was missing. Only 17 military tents were burned.

  Only Zhu Ping'an's Zhejiang army camp, there were no casualties, no one was missing, and no military tents, food and grass were burned.

  After receiving the results of the Japanese pirates’ night attack losses, Zhu Pingan sighed, walked out of the handsome tent depressed, sat on a bumpkin, and blew the cold wind for a long time before cooling down his angry and angry blood.

  These losses are actually avoidable.

If Zhao Wenhua had listened to his suggestion yesterday evening and ordered all the military camps to prepare for night attacks by Japanese pirates, how could the various troops have suffered such heavy casualties and property losses?! Neither would the innocent people who came to see the sea. Such a huge casualty!!

  However, Zhao Wenhua, who presided over the sea sacrifice, didn't take his suggestion seriously at all! Not only did he not take it seriously, but he even disliked me for disturbing him and Hu Zongxian's writing memorial for Hai Shunlie.

Although Governor Zhang Jing thought that his suggestion was not mediocre nonsense, he did not take his suggestion too seriously. Otherwise, even if Zhao Wenhua forcibly seized the power to preside over the sea by Zhao Wenhua, as the governor of the Jiangnan armies, He ordered the troops to be more vigilant and watch out for night raids by Japanese pirates, who dare not listen to him?!

Of course, Zhang Jing cannot be blamed too much. After all, after Zhao Wenhua seized the power of worshiping the sea in the name of the imperial decree and the name of the emperor, he really didn't want to see Zhao Wenhua's villainous face anymore, so he stopped intervening in the matter of offering sacrifices to the sea, so as not to be confused with him. Zhao Wenhua has no contacts.

   It's just that, all of this, after all, the common people and soldiers bear the casualties that could have been avoided.

  If you follow your own advice, raise your vigilance and take precautions, these casualties could have been avoided.

  However, casualties that could have been avoided still occurred because the superiors did not pay attention to them.

   This is why Zhu Ping'an is so angry.

   This is already the second time.

  Two months ago, it was the first time that dozens of Japanese pirates harassed Yingtian, and it was the same at that time. He rushed to Yingtian to warn, but he was ignored and even laughed at, so that the historical tragedy repeated itself.

   Time after time the warnings were ignored.

   Scenes of tragic tragedies were staged one after another, and the anger and injustice accumulated in Zhu Ping'an's heart almost made him unable to restrain himself. He could only walk out of the tent and let the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month cool down his blood.

  At this time, the seed of power in Zhu Ping'an's heart had already broken through the ground and sprouted vigorously.

  If I'm in power, I don't need to pin my hopes on others, I can call the shots myself.

  Since Hu Zongxian can be the governor in the future, why can’t I be the governor?!

  As I am familiar with history, I will do better than Hu Zongxian. Zhu Ping'an is confident in this.

  In addition, Zhu Pingan did not agree with Hu Zongxian's conduct. Especially after seeing him actively cooperate with Zhao Wenhua today, Zhu Pingan saw his conduct more clearly after being blamed for Zhang Jing. In history, Hu Zongxian made great contributions to the fight against the Japanese, but his reputation was not obvious, and he could not be compared with Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou, precisely because of his lack of character and poor reputation.

  Zhu Ping'an believes that if he is the governor, he will do better.

  For Zhang Jing.

   To tell the truth, Zhu Ping'an did not fully agree with Zhang Jing's idea of ​​suppressing the Japanese.

  Although Zhang Jing’s idea of ​​suppressing the Japanese is correct, this is not the only correct way of suppressing the Japanese.

Insufficient troops There are ways of fighting with insufficient troops, you can actively defend, you can fight small battles, or you can concentrate limited troops to fight local battles; local soldiers and horses have poor combat effectiveness, and there are also tactics with poor combat effectiveness, you can practice while fighting, and fight while training , became in the flames of war


   It is not necessary to have wolf soldiers in place to carry out the Japanese suppression operation. How much strength is there, how much strength is exerted.

   Standing still, objectively sitting and watching the people being burned, killed and looted by Japanese pirates, Zhu Pingan couldn't stand it.

  In short, in Zhu Ping'an's opinion, Zhang Jing's work is still not good enough, and his work is slow.

  As for Zhao Wenhua, Zhao Wenhua is the best in manipulating people, grabbing merits, and throwing pots away. When it comes to suppressing the Japanese, he is far behind Zhao Kuo who is talking about military affairs on paper. Commanding the suppression of the Japanese is a disaster.

  Compared to them, I can do better...

Governor of Jiangnan, I also want to fight for this position. Of course, Zhu Pingan also knows that his qualifications, achievements, and connections are far from enough to sit on this position, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. One step, move towards this position.

  Zhu Ping'an got up from the bumpkin, patted his butt, and let out a long breath.

   "Hey, I want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change, I am never afraid of others seeing the dream I want to dream, and I can realize it here..."

  In the cold wind, Zhu Pingan walked slowly towards the tent of the Chinese army commander, humming an out of tune...

  (end of this chapter)

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