Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1716: I want to regain the majesty of the elders

  Chapter 1716 I want to regain the majesty of the elders

Almost when He Qingjun's camp and Shen Xiyi's camp were on fire, all the camps in the Jiaochang were also attacked by Japanese pirates at the same time. No exception.

There are antlers, ditches, and fences outside the gate of the Jianghuai Daying camp. Although they are a bit copious and not serious enough, the appearance is enough to make the eighty Japanese pirates who came to harass them hesitate, unless they spend some time removing the antlers and jumping over. Ditch, destroy the fence, otherwise you can only enter through the shaft gate.

   "Get in through the gate, don't waste time!"

  The leading Japanese pirates hesitated for a second, then made a decisive decision, and led the eighty Japanese pirates under the devil to kill them at the Yuanmen.

Tonight, Linhuai Houyi really didn't sleep, he was in a bad mood, Zhu Pingan dropped his beloved jug, ruined his wine, and even said something to him, "Good words are hard to persuade, **** it, great mercy can't be overcome consciously" People", before I could speak, I patted my **** and left. Is this the tone of the younger generation talking to the elders?! Is this still my good nephew who is a gentleman, gentle as jade, and wise and moral?!

How can you be so sure that the Japanese pirates will come to attack the sacrificial offerings tonight?! The ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea is over, and the Japanese pirates have already attacked during the offering of the sea. Are so many troops vegetarian?!

  Nephew, nephew, why are you so stubborn! Just for this, treat your good uncle like this!

it is good!

What I said in the evening is true. I have increased the number of guards at the gate, increased the number of patrol officers and soldiers and shifts, and told them to be vigilant and beware of Japanese pirates attacking at night. I will see if the Japanese pirates will come to attack tonight! I think What else do you have to say tomorrow! Tomorrow I will regain the majesty of the elders.

  Marquis Linhuai was in this state of mind throughout the night, to the point where he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

   It is precisely because of this that Linhuaihou heard it when He Qingjun's camp and Shen Xiyi's camp were on fire.

  But as soon as I got out of the handsome tent, I felt that something was wrong, and the fire escape would not go like this! A fire escape from one camp to another? !

   What's more, there are bursts of sharp whistles and fierce babbles of Japanese.


   It was predicted by my nephew!

  The Japanese pirates really came to attack the festival at night!

Marquis Linhuai reacted in an instant, and was about to shout, when he heard a shout of "Who is it? Stop!" from the entrance of the gate, and what responded to the shout was a burst of Japanese shouts and screams one after another. .

The thirty guards at the Yuanmen only had time to utter two "enemy attack" and "enemy attack" before they were knocked to the ground by the Japanese pirates who rushed in like melons and vegetables. Torches were thrown on the military tents, and a group of three or five people rushed into the nearest military tent and hacked and killed them wantonly.

   "Here come, come here, the Japanese pirates are coming, the Japanese pirates are coming, get up to me. Kill the Japanese pirates, kill the Japanese pirates!"

  Marquis Linhuai saw the Japanese pirates hacking down the guards at the gate, rushing into the camp, killing people and setting fire to him, he couldn't help panicking, and cursed loudly.

  The patrol personnel of the Jianghuai camp were the first to react. Yesterday evening, the Marquis of Linhuai emphasized to them to increase the number of patrol personnel and the number of patrols, and beware of Japanese pirates attacking the camp. Although they didn't take it seriously, they were somewhat vigilant. Therefore, as soon as the Japanese pirates rushed to the camp, they reacted, and more than 50 patrolmen rushed to the Yuanmen from a distance with weapons and torches.

  However, the Japanese pirates were not worried about the patrol team that rushed over. They just sent out 20 people to stop them, and the others continued to kill and set fire.

   Damn it! These Japanese pirates really don't take men seriously, they actually underestimated us so much, and only assigned 20 Japanese pirates to deal with us. Alright, since you are looking for death, then the man will fulfill you.

  The military merits that come to your door should not be in vain!

  Thinking so, the patrol team rushed over excitedly waving their weapons.

When there were seven or eight meters left, I saw the twenty Japanese pirates stretch out their hands to them, and then in the firelight, I saw a series of cold sleeve arrows flying out of the Japanese pirates' sleeves. In an instant, twenty patrols fell to the ground.

   Twenty brothers died in the blink of an eye, and the patrol couldn't help being afraid, and the forward speed was slowed down.

  But they slowed down, but the Japanese pirates rushed up, taking advantage of their fear, like wolves entering a flock of sheep, they swung their knives and slashed.

  Under the sword of the Japanese pirates, the remaining 30 patrol soldiers had almost no enemies, and some even had their weapons cut in half.

   After one breath, there were only three patrol soldiers who could stand still, and then they were cut to pieces by Japanese pirates without any suspense.

  After the Japanese pirates cut down the patrol soldiers, they continued to kill and set fire to the nearby tents. At this time, most of the soldiers in the Jianghuai camp were still asleep. The arrangement of the Marquis of Linhuai was only aimed at the guards and patrol soldiers at the gate, and did not warn the whole camp.

   Fortunately, another patrol team heard the movement and rushed over, buying precious time for the Jianghuai Battalion to react.

Linhuaihou's yelling also had an effect. Many soldiers woke up with a start, and hurried out with weapons, but they heard the sharp whistles outside one after another, as well as the shouts of killing, and the screams of calling for father and mother, There are also those burning tents one after another, suddenly one head and two big, dizzy and confused, why do I feel that there are pirates everywhere, I am like a poor lamb washed away by wolves to the sheepfold Same.

   "Personal barracks, assemble, assemble, gather to me, and protect this commander! Others, rush to the door, the Japanese pirates are at the door, kill all the Japanese pirates for this commander!" Marquis Linhuai hurriedly put on his armor and shouted orders.

  The second batch of patrol soldiers repeated the mistakes of the first batch of patrol soldiers, and were chopped to the ground by Japanese pirates like melons and vegetables.

   Similarly, they also bought the Jianghuai Battalion time to respond.

  Although the Japanese pirates were brave and the soldiers of the Jianghuai Battalion were terrified, the numbers were there after all.

   In addition to killing and setting fire in the front camp, the Japanese pirates could not easily expand the results of the battle.

  When the Jianghuai camp was attacked by Japanese pirates, a group of Japanese pirates also attacked the nearby Zhejiang army camp.

Although there are only forty Japanese pirates in this group, they are still very confident, because the Zhe Army is the army with the smallest number of people in the altar, only 800 people. Do not stay.

  They are the Japanese pirates of Nakamura Koji, and after Nakamura Koji pulled up a team to fight against the pirates, they were all his fellow Japanese countrymen who defected to him immediately. They were loyal to Nakamura Koji and accompanied Nakamura Koji through life and death for many years. Koji Nakamura would secretly take care of them when assigning tasks, and it was the same this time, assigning the Zhejiang army with the fewest troops to them.

  (end of this chapter)

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