Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1714: The plot of the Japanese pirates

  Chapter 1714 The conspiracy of Japanese pirates

In the evening, as the sun set, the afterglow of the setting sun shrouded the sea sacrifice site, and the sea not far away also changed its color, half as dark as ink, and half as red as fire, quite reminiscent of Bai Juyi's saying "a setting sun spreads in the water, and half of the river is rustling." The artistic conception of "Half River Red".

  The Jiaochang was more lively than before, and the common people gathered around the altar to watch the big show with bowls, and the bowls contained stewed vegetables.

  These stewed dishes are the leftovers of the celebration banquet, plus white cabbage, radish and other stewed dishes. Because the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea was successfully completed, Zhao Wenhua was happy, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered someone to slaughter a pig and give extra meals to all the common people in the sacrificial place. Therefore, ordinary people can get one or two large slices of meat in their braised dishes.

  There is meat in the stew, enough rice, and a big show. Is there any better moment than this.

  The common people were in high spirits, chatting while eating braised vegetables and watching a big show.

In a remote corner of the sacrificial offering place, a little far from the stage, a group of villagers were gathering for dinner. There were about 150 or 60 people. They were old and young, male and female, and they were all dressed in shabby The cotton-padded clothes also watched and chatted while eating, and looked no different from other villagers in the offering place.

  However, they are very vigilant. Once they notice someone approaching, they will all stop their voices.

   Wait until the person is gone before they continue talking.

   "Mr. Nakamura, what time is it now? Why didn't you give the order to launch an attack?!" A man dressed as an old farmer knelt on the ground and asked a young farmer eagerly in Japanese.

   If he didn’t speak, this old farmer looked no different from other older peasants in Ming Dynasty except for his short stature, but his identity as a Japanese pirate was exposed by the birdsong he spoke.

He is a member of the Japanese pirates who infiltrated the sacrificial place. He is a wandering samurai named Taiyang Abe. He is fifty years old, but he often practices martial arts and fights. Apart from his appearance, his physical fitness is better than that of a young man. The Japanese pirates are also famous for their bravery, and most Japanese pirates can't beat him.

   "What's the rush, raise the emperor, and watch the opera patiently. This is something we can't see in the Japanese country. The opera is very exciting." An honest farmer in his twenties also replied in Japanese, with a very calm expression.

He is the person in charge sent by the great Japanese pirate Wang Zhi to direct the operation of destroying the sea. His name is Chumura Koji. He is an illegitimate son of a feudal family in the Japanese country. His name contains the reason for his birth. His cheap father forcibly slept with his mother twice. Then there was him. So, named him Koji Nakamura.

  Because he is an illegitimate child and has no inheritance rights, all his cheap daddy's property has no chance for him, so he can only work hard. With his father's secret support, he pulled up a team of 20 real Japanese and embarked on the road of Japanese pirates.

Because he dared to fight and kill, and was brave and resourceful, he was drawn into the gang by Wang Zhi. Now he has become the captain of a fleet with more than a dozen ships under his command, with a total force of more than 800 people. The Japanese are in the minority, and their combat power is strong.

"What's there to see in opera, let us go on stage and give them a **** drama. I can't wait to play the leading role in Nakamura-kun, and I can't wait to drink the blood of the ancestral demon knife Zhanyue, Nakamura-kun, Please understand our feelings." Inuyang Abe said uncontrollably.

   "Now is not the time, Inuyang-kun, you have to wait." Nakamura Koji shook his head and said slowly.

"Isn't it the time yet?! When Daming Dog Officer held the sea sacrifice ceremony, I wanted to do it. You said it was not the time. Now that the sea sacrifice ceremony is over, and there have been two performances on the altar, you still said it was not the time , then when is the time?! Shouldn’t it be the time when all the Daming dogs are gone tomorrow?”

   "Mr. Nakamura, if you are afraid because there are too many officers and soldiers, then you can go and leave the team to me. I will let you see what the bravery of Japanese men is!"

  Inuyang Abe said angrily, if he was not worried about revealing his identity, he would have drawn his sword to force Gongzhongcun.

   "Inuyang, let you do it now, how many people can you hit, how many people can you kill, and how much damage can you cause?" Nakamura asked lightly.

"The common people in Daming are lambs with two legs. They can only beg for mercy and will not resist. No matter how many common people there are, they will only be killed. I can keep killing them until I am powerless. But there are so many officers and soldiers on the scene. I will just sit back and watch, I guess after I killed seven or eight ordinary people in a surprise attack, the officers and soldiers of Daming Dog will react. However, the officers and soldiers of Daming are weak and useless, I can fight a group of them by myself! Even if I am surrounded, I have confidence Kill a dozen Daming dog officers and soldiers."

   Inuyang Anshin said confidently.

"Okay, even if one of you can be worth a hundred by yourself, even if you can kill thirty Daming people, so what? Daming has more than 10,000 officers and soldiers on the scene, and 50,000 to 60,000 ordinary people. It’s just a drop in the bucket.”

   Nakamura Koji shook his head disdainfully.

"It's not me alone, there are so many of us. If you want me to say, we should kill the generals when the Daming Dog Officer holds the sea sacrifice ceremony, go straight to the altar, and destroy the sacrifice sea! Let the Daming Dog Emperor see us That's great, complete the task entrusted to us by King Hui!" Inuyang Abe stuck his neck and replied dissatisfied.

"Mr. Quanyang, there are only more than 300 people who sneaked into the sea sacrifice site this time, and the people sent by Xu Hai to obey orders are only more than 500 people. In order to avoid revealing our identities, our There were more than 10,000 officers and soldiers at the scene of the Ming Dynasty, and I looked carefully, and they were all young and strong. They also placed hundreds of large water tanks on the site to prevent fires."

"In addition, you have also noticed that when the sea sacrifice ceremony is in progress, the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are most vigilant and prepared, especially when five layers of heavy soldiers are deployed in front of the sea sacrifice platform. Although we are brave and fearless of life and death, there are many ants If we do it during the sea sacrifice ceremony, we won't be able to kill many people, and we won't even be able to get close to the altar, and we will be surrounded by Ming officers and soldiers, just like a stone thrown into the sea How can we complete the important task entrusted by King Hui."

  “War is never a place where emotions are used. War is not based on brute force, but on wisdom.”

  Koji Nakamura looked at Abe Inuyang calmly, and said slowly,

   "In the end, it's not Nakamura-kun that you are afraid of!" Inuyang Abe snorted and said unconvinced.

"I, Koji Nakamura, have been the first in every battle since I started my army. I have suffered dozens of wounds, and I have never taken half a step back. You have been following me for half a year, have you ever seen me take half a step back?!" Nakamura Koji calmly asked.

   Inuyang Abe recalled for a moment, and the scenes of Koji Nakamura taking the lead in the charge came to his mind, then he knelt down and bowed to Koji Nakamura to apologize, "Please forgive my rudeness, you are indeed not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

   "I accept your apology." Koji Nakamura nodded.

   "It's just that I don't understand, why didn't Nakamura-kun order the attack?" Inuyang Abe bowed and asked.

   "There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty's art of war: surprise and surprise. When they think we will attack, I just stand still; when they think we will not attack, it is a good opportunity for us to strike."

"What we want is killing and destruction. The killing and destruction that make people terrified. It doesn't matter that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea is endless. Are you afraid of offering sacrifices to the sea? Siren, hehehe, Amaterasu, who protects us, wants to be destroyed. Destroyed the four loaches of the Ming Dynasty! As long as the dog officials, officers, soldiers, and ordinary people of the Ming Dynasty are all there, our stage will still be there."

"The sea sacrifice ceremony was completed, and the Ming people's celebration banquet was held. All of them relaxed, and even brought drinks to the soldiers. It can be seen that they think that the danger is over and there will be no more attacks. This is where we start. The reason why I am still standing still is because I want to wait until the Ming army and the people are asleep at night, and under the cover of night, disperse and rush into the military camps and private camps to kill and set fire. They don't know how many of us there are, but They will fall into panic and even scream at the camp; at the same time, they will concentrate their superior forces, attack their central army commander's tent, kill all the dog officials of Daming Jihai, and seize the imperial edict issued by their dog emperor. After tonight, we will be the story of the night attack that has been passed down through the ages!"

  Koji Nakamura said with a sly face and a confident face.

   "Yaoxi, as expected of Nakamura-kun, you really have a clever plan! I am a dog with Abe, please forgive me for being reckless, and I will never question any orders of Nakamura-kun in the future, and I am willing to die for Nakamura-kun!"

  Inuyang Abe was admiring after hearing this.

   "Die for Mr. Nakamura!" All the Japanese pirates present were also impressed by Nakamura Koji's strategy, and looked at Nakamura Koji with admiration and admiration.

  (end of this chapter)

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