Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1710: relieved

  Chapter 1710 Heaved a sigh of relief

  Hu Zongxian brought out the imperial decree to help Zhao Wenhua obtain the right to offer sacrifices to the Lord of the Sea, and Zhang Jing also had to retreat.

  After Zhao Wenhua took over the power of offering sacrifices to the sea, he aimed to push the sacrifice to the peak, and issued a series of orders to organize the sacrifices.

  Zhao Wenhua not only did not restrict the common people from entering the sacrificial place to watch the sea sacrifice, but even promulgated various measures to encourage and lure the people to watch the sea sacrifice.

For example: on the day of offering sacrifices to the sea, the ancestral hall will provide free vegetarian meals that have been consecrated, and all people who watch the sacrifices to the sea can receive them; people over the age of 80 who watch the sacrifices to the sea can get the honor of giving seats and Taoist symbols; Afterwards, the sacrificial offering site will stay for three days, during which time the common people who watch the sea offerings will be eligible to offer sacrifices and pray for blessings at the offering sacrifices to the sea, and the offering site will be demolished after three days...

These measures have greatly encouraged the people's interest in watching the sea sacrifices. The people from tens of miles around, supporting the old and the young, and dragging their families with their families, came to the sea sacrifice site. People from more than a hundred miles away have to travel all night to watch the sea of ​​sacrifice.

After Zhang Jing heard about Zhao Wenhua's measures, he stayed in Bengbu after decades of uprightness, and scolded: "Zhuzi, insufficiency and conspiracy! I was so ashamed to argue with this person for two days. !"

   Basically, Zhao Wenhua is an idiot, he has no brains, and I actually quarreled with this idiot for two days, what a **** embarrassment!

Then, Zhang Jing issued a military order to all military officials, generals and officials involved in the military: "As the governor, I rule the army by military law, and I also rule the kings by military law. 'Military affairs are secret' In the future, all deployment arrangements and military information for suppressing the Japanese in the south of the Yangtze River will not be disclosed to the outside world, including to Mr. Zhao Wenhua and Mr. Zhao. All those who leak military information without authorization, no matter who the target is, will be punished as the crime of collaborating with the Japanese, and will be severely punished! Ladies and gentlemen, This military order should also be issued to the officials and generals under their respective command. Don’t think that someone’s words were unexpected.”

  Zhang Jing's military order basically eliminated the possibility of Zhao Wenhua intervening in the military.

   It can be foreseen that for a period of time in the future, as long as Zhang Jing is still the governor, Zhao Wenhua will be excluded from core military affairs.

  Those officials and generals who want to curry favor with Zhao Wenhua have to carefully consider how many heads they have.

  In addition, with this military order, it is not easy for Zhao Wenhua to win over officials. Anyone who gets close to Zhao Wenhua should be careful not to be labeled by Zhang Jing as leaking military information without authorization.

   At dusk, Zhu Pingan led Liu Dadao and other middle-level generals of the Zhejiang Army to familiarize themselves with the sea sacrifice site.

  Although Zhao Wenhua only ordered the Zhejiang Army to take charge of the area southeast of the Jiaochang, accounting for about one-tenth of the Jiaochang, but Zhu Pingan not only led Liu Dadao and the others to familiarize themselves with the area in charge, but also led them to familiarize themselves with the entire Jihai Jiaochang.

  As a general, even if he shoulders a small area, he must have an overview of the overall situation, so that he can act in accordance with the overall situation.

  Under the leadership of Zhao Wenhua, the scale of the sea sacrifice and the number of people participating in it are second to none.

  Zhu Ping'an was very worried about tomorrow's sea sacrifice, and worried about the safety of the people who came to watch and cook the sea tomorrow.

  Wang Zhi wanted to make troubles to force the imperial court to open the sea market. Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates feared that the world would not be chaotic.

  They must have caused trouble during the sea festival.

   After Zhu Pingan led Liu Dadao and others to get acquainted with the sea sacrifice site, his worries became more serious.

  There are too many potential safety hazards in the martyrdom.

  Zhu Pingan couldn't bear it anymore, arranged Liu Dadao and others to return to the camp, and went to see Zhao Wenhua himself.

  In the tent, Zhao Wenhua was playing chess with Hu Zongxian, holding chess pieces in his hands, confident that he was in my control, and asked Zhu Pingan with a smile: "Zi Hou, you are in a hurry to see me, what are you talking about?"

   Tomorrow is going to sacrifice to the sea, there are so many safety hazards in the ritual place, you still have leisure time to play chess here...

   How did you make that mysterious smile that you have everything under your control?!!

  Zhu Ping'an couldn't help feeling a little bit pained.

   "Master Zhao, the student just brought the generals under his command to familiarize himself with the ceremony. During the period, he was thoughtful and had a few immature ideas. He came to ask Master Zhao for advice." Zhu Pingan held back the pain in his stomach and said to Zhao Wenhua.

  Zhu Ping'an said it very euphemistically and modestly, but Zhao Wenhua is an old fox in the officialdom, so he knew Zhu Ping'an's intention immediately.

   "Hehe, Zihou came here to persuade me to reduce the scale of the sea sacrifice, reduce and limit the number of people watching for safety?" Zhao Wenhua asked with a smile while holding a chess piece, his tone full of disapproval.

"No." Zhu Pingan shook his head, "Master Zhao is the officiant, and when Jihai is in charge of the affairs, the students only obey the teacher's orders. The students have a few immature ideas, and they are also out of better assistance to the teacher to complete this task." A sea of ​​offerings that is destined to be recorded in the annals of history.”

  Zhao Wenhua couldn't help laughing with satisfaction when he heard the words. Zhu Ping'an's words, such as the teacher's order, and the Jihai destined to be recorded in the annals of history, made Zhao Wenhua feel comfortable all over his body, as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu pills, and his face was flushed.

   "Hehe, if you have any ideas, feel free to tell me what you want. Teacher, I am all ears." Zhao Wenhua nodded with a smile.

"The students are familiar with the sacrificial place, and found that many sacrifices were prepared for this sea sacrifice, such as incense candles, paper money, firecrackers, etc., all of which are flammable and explosive. Arson can easily cause a fire and cause unpredictable consequences. The students wonder whether they can take precautions in advance. First, all flammable and explosive objects should be stored separately and strictly guarded; Things to put out the fire in case of an accident." Zhu Pingan said, cupping his hands.

  Zhao Wenhua didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard this, his face changed, and he put down the chess pieces in his hand.

  Hu Zongxian was also obviously surprised.

   This is a hidden danger.

  There is also a scene of worshiping the sea outside the sea, guarded by a large army, and the established Japanese pirates would never dare to throw themselves into the trap. However, there is no guarantee that there will be no daring Japanese pirates who sneak into the sacrificial offering place to cause sabotage. It seems that Japanese pirates have a kind of terrorist called ninja, who are specially trained to assassinate and sabotage. , There is really nothing they dare not do.

   "Zi Hou's words are justified, and we should take precautions against them." Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian looked at each other and nodded, and then asked Zhu Pingan to continue talking.

"Tomorrow there will be a large number of people participating in the sea sacrifice, which is the highest in the past century. If there is a change in the sacrificial place and the people are panicked, it will be a big problem for so many people to leave the place, and accidents such as stampede and collision with the sacrificial place will easily happen... The students think, whether It is possible to set up more safe passages in the sacrificial places, set up obvious signs, and send troops to guard and maintain them. Once there is a change, the people can be evacuated quickly and efficiently through the safe passages.”

   "There is no restriction on the entry of ordinary people, whether it is possible to restrict the movement of ordinary people at will, and resettle them according to their household registration"

  Zhu Ping'an put forward a total of five realistic and feasible suggestions, and Zhao Wenhua basically accepted them all and deployed them.

  Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief.

  (end of this chapter)

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