Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1698: amazing

  Chapter 1698 Amazing

  The soldiers who were pulling songs outside the cafeteria almost sang three or four songs before entering the cafeteria in a neat line.

The soldiers of the Huotou barracks have already prepared meals. Pots of fragrant big pots of rice, baskets of steaming steamed buns, and barrels of oily spinach and egg drop soup are all set up on the dining table. up.

  In the cafeteria, there are a total of 30 dining tables, and each whistle is neatly lined up in front of a dining table.

  Each soldier can have a bowl of big pot dishes, a bowl of spinach and egg drop soup, and two large steamed buns on top of the big pot dishes.

The cauldron looked very good. Everyone filled a large bowl, which contained at least seven or eight pieces of braised pork, a lot of pork liver and pork offal, as well as tofu puffs, fungus, white sycamore, mushrooms, There are vermicelli and green vegetables, etc. There are many types of ingredients, and they look delicious, delicious, and very attractive.

  Everyone lined up and took turns cooking, and the cooking team was orderly.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Jing couldn't help nodding his head and stroked his beard. The other barracks were chaotic and scrambling for meals. The Zhejiang army was so orderly and disciplined.

Just when Zhang Jing nodded and praised the strict discipline and orderliness of the Zhejiang army, he suddenly saw a sentinel soldier rushing from the back of the team to the front with a big smile, all of them taking it for granted, He kept hating the people behind him, and said in an exaggerated tone, "Hahaha, the pig that was killed today is really fat. This braised pork makes me drool just looking at it. It's better to cook in front, not only I can eat braised pork quickly, and there is more meat in the dish..."

   "Go to hell, **** black cow, today you were lucky enough to get the first place, why are you so arrogant, tomorrow we will beat you back to your original form, and let you see what is the real elite!"

  The soldiers who were cut in line also retorted, not to be outdone.

  However, the retorts turned into retorts, and the people in line still watched them jump in line to eat without questioning.

   "Zihou, what's going on? Are they thorns? Why don't you care?"

   Wei Guogong looked at these people who jumped in line majestically, and couldn't help frowning, and said to Zhu Ping'an.

   "Yes, Mr. Zhu, you have to take care of this, don't let a mouse **** ruin a pot of soup." Someone followed up.

   "My lord, they are not thorns. On the contrary, they are soldiers. In order to encourage soldiers to practice, I have established a rule that the winning team in the training will enjoy the honor of jumping in the line and eating first."

   Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Oh, it turned out that they were the soldiers who won the training. No wonder they jumped into the queue so naturally and proudly." Zhang Jing suddenly realized, and then nodded appreciatively to Zhu Pingan, "Yes, discipline is disciplined, and encouragement is the same. Encouragement, the barracks are orderly, and the soldiers are vying to serve. Zi Hou, you are doing well."

   "Your Excellency is absurd." Zhu Pingan replied modestly.

Then, Zhang Jing and others also lined up to get a bowl of big pot vegetables, two steamed buns, and a bowl of spinach and egg drop soup. Zhang Jing refused Zhang Bao and others to help them, and held the vegetable bowl in one hand and the soup in the other. bowl.

  Although Zhang Jing requested that no special care be given and no small stoves be allowed, Zhu Pingan still asked to reserve a table.

  The number of tables and chairs in the cafeteria is limited. If people don’t reserve a table and chair, Zhang Jing and the others will definitely not be able to find an empty table to eat at this time. They can’t let Zhang Jing and other bigwigs sit down and eat on the ground. For such a small convenience as reserving a table, Zhang Jing and others would not say anything.

   "Hehe, speaking of it, this is the first time I have eaten a big pot of food in the military camp. Seeing how delicious they are, I think it tastes good."

  Master Huang put down the vegetable and soup bowls in his hands, looked at the soldiers who were eating on the surrounding tables, and said with great interest.

   "I advise Mr. Huang not to have too many expectations. The food in the barracks is nothing more than that. It's good to fill your stomach." Someone shook his head with a wry smile,

  If Zhang Jing hadn't nodded, he wouldn't have chosen to eat big pots of rice. What's the use of big pots of rice in the military camp.

   "I eat too much big fish and meat, and it's not bad to taste big pot dishes once in a while for a change." Some people said so.

   "Everyone, this is a simple meal, and there is no need to pay attention to etiquette and rules. Everyone has been busy with the old man for a long time today, and you have worked hard. Use your chopsticks and taste the taste of Zhejun's big pot rice."

   Zhang Jing simply said a word, calling everyone to eat.

   Serve dinner.

Although everyone didn't have much expectations for the big pot of rice, after all, they haven't eaten for a long time, and they are really hungry. No matter how it tastes, fill their stomachs first, at least fill them up. If you don't eat anything, your stomach will revolt .

   "Governor, please, my lords, please." Everyone bowed to each other and began to move their chopsticks.

  A big bowl of dishes, both meat and vegetarian dishes, thinking about how much meat dishes can be eaten, first pick up a piece of braised pork and put it in your mouth.

Um? ! …

  Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. This braised pork is a bit delicious. Although it won't explode on the spot like the Chinese Xiaodang, with imaginations and people jumping in the air, the expression of deliciousness is still beyond words.

  Fat but not greasy, it melts in the mouth and leaves a fragrance in your mouth.

  The taste buds seemed to be opened up by this mouthful of braised pork in an instant, and the whole person's appetite suddenly opened up, and the index finger moved.

   It was too unexpected. It is estimated that it was because they did not hold out hope that they were surprised to be delicious.

   After all, it is meat, braised pork is delicious and normal.

  Everyone thinks so, when they use the next chopsticks, most of them pick up another chopsticks of green vegetables to taste how it tastes.


  If the braised pork just now brought them an unexpected surprise, then what this mouthful of coriander brought them was absolutely amazing.

  The explosive taste, juicy texture, and delicious smell subvert the perception that green vegetables can only be light.

  The braised pork has to be in the back row.

   Then, mouthful after mouthful, the bowl of green vegetables was picked up by everyone before they knew it.

   "Does your usual cauldron taste like this? Don't be afraid, just answer truthfully." Zhang Jing asked the soldiers at the next table gently.

   "My lord, it usually smells like this, but today I killed an extra pig, so there is a little more meat."

"The big pot dishes we usually make are so delicious. The Huotou soldiers are willing to put oil and ingredients. The taste of the big pot dishes is really amazing. Hehe, there is a joke in our camp, that is, when we eat, our He has the best temper, even if someone comes and slaps us big mouths, left and right, even 300 times, we will not say a word, because we are afraid that the vegetable soup will flow out of the mouth."

  The soldiers replied one by one in a hurry.

  Not only did they say that, but they also practiced it. Every soldier ate up the big bowl of vegetables, and even the vegetable soup was licked clean by them. Finally, after they finished eating, the bowls seemed to have been washed.

  (end of this chapter)

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