Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1666: Huaan Q&A (Chinese)

  Chapter 1666 Huaan Questions and Answers (2)

   "Zi Hou, how do you think Yue Wumu can prove his innocence at this time?" Zhao Wenhua asked again.

"Teacher, Yue Wumu has already proved his innocence." Zhu Pingan replied softly, "Before and after Yue Wumu's death, all the officials in the court and the whole country knew that Yue Fei was innocent, and everyone knew that Yue Fei was wronged. 'It also proves Yue Wumu's innocence from the negative side. However, even if Yue Wumu is innocent, it will not help the matter. Yue Wumu died of the unwarranted crime of Qin Hui and other treacherous officials, and died of Song Gaozong's distrust. The death of Yue Wumu by my own hand is the tragedy of an era."

Yue Fei held a heavy army, was victorious in every battle, and made great achievements. He took it as his duty to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country and welcome back the second sage. The Kingdom of Jin negotiated peace, and Yue Fei, who protected the country, became an obstacle to the peace negotiation

  The king let the minister die, the minister had to die

   "Hehe, Zihou's statement is novel, but Yue Fei's death can be described in four words." Zhao Wenhua smiled slightly.

   "Excuse me, teacher, what are those four words?" Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and asked for advice.

   "The theory of punishing the heart." Zhao Wenhua said slowly.

  Zhu Pingan thought about it for a while, and deeply agreed, and bowed his hands to Zhao Wenhua, "The teacher's words are incisive, and they hit the point."

"The theory of punishing the heart is not an example, and it is not far away. I tried my best to turn the tide, Yu Qian, and died of the theory of punishing the heart. After Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang, and Xu Youzhen welcomed the restoration of His Majesty Yingzong, Xu Youzhen and others invented the "will" The word, for the crime of intending to set up the son of King Xiang, intending to rebel, intending to seek power, etc. Desire, hehe, we all said you thought about it, you said you didn’t think about it, you show evidence, how to show people what you think , How to prove yourself?! It’s even more difficult to prove yourself. The word ‘desire’ is no less than ‘unnecessary’, and even worse.”

  Zhao Wenhua gave another example of Yu Qian.

   "Of course." Zhu Ping'an nodded, meaning that the word "wanting" is more rascal and unreasonable than unfounded.

"There are many examples of the theory of punishing the heart in my dynasty. To put it bluntly, the theory of punishing the heart is still very popular in our dynasty. Last month, Wang Yushi impeached Qian Shilang from the Ministry of Officials. Qian Shilang had a drink at night. When I went to the court with dark eyes, Wang Yushi impeached Qian Shilang for extravagance, indulging in wine and sex, and being intoxicated with pillow and banquet. A few days ago, before I left Beijing, Zhang Shilang of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs punished the head of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. There are too many things like loyal words.”

  Zhao Wenhua went on to say, citing two recent examples to prove that the theory of punishing the heart is very popular in this dynasty.

  Zhu Ping'an is also aware of this.

"The power of the theory of punishing the mind is that you can't prove it yourself. To give a very realistic example, if Zihou went to a restaurant to eat noodles, you ate a bowl of noodles and gave the store a bowl of noodles. But the store not only slandered you for eating two bowls of noodles, but only paid for one bowl of noodles, and said that you were bullying others, and the shop assistants also surrounded you, swearing that they saw you eat two bowls of noodles with their own eyes, and even diners who had good things followed. Accusing you, why did you only pay for one bowl of noodles after you ate two bowls of noodles? The people watching the excitement also booed and accused you. Zihou, if you encountered this situation, what would you do?"

  Zhao Wenhua looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, set a scene for Zhu Pingan, and finally asked.

  Hehe, isn’t this the same scene that Little Six encountered in Let the Bullets Fly? The difference is that one eats noodles and the other eats noodles.

  It doesn't matter what you eat, it's all the same.

Back when Zhu Pingan was watching a movie in modern times, when he saw Liu Zi cut open his stomach and took out a bowl of noodles, the crowd who watched and criticized him didn’t even look at it, and dispersed one after another, leaving only Liu Zi desperately facing everyone’s eyes. When the back shouted "Don't go! Is there only one bowl!", I was extremely aggrieved and angry.

  If I were Little Six, I would

   "If it were me, I would ask the shopkeeper to see with my own eyes whether I ate one bowl of noodles or two bowls of noodles."

  Zhu Ping'an thought for a while and said slowly.

   "Oh, is Zihou going to dig open his stomach to see how many bowls of noodles are in his stomach? Isn't the price too high?"

  Zhao Wenhua shook his head with a smile.

   "No." Zhu Pingan shook his head, and then replied with a serious face, "I will goug the shopkeeper's eyes, swallow it in his stomach, and let him see with his own eyes whether I have eaten a bowl of noodles or two bowls of noodles."


  Zhao Wenhua just took a sip of tea in his mouth, and spit it out all of a sudden. He didn't expect Zhu Ping'an's answer at all. This is no longer a turn, this is simply unconstrained, and I can't keep up at all.

   "Hehe, the student was joking." Zhu Pingan apologized with a smile, "Student martial arts are not so abundant."

   "You are so thick" Zhao Wenhua smiled wryly and shook his head, no wonder Brother Donglou is so jealous of you.

"Facing the ulterior motives of those with ulterior motives, Zhou Li's period of 'left the way and the eyes' is unable to protect itself. It is really difficult to prove your innocence, and any self-defense is useless Yes. However, I have a solution here, do you want Zihou to hear it?" Zhao Wenhua paused when he said this, and looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes.

  Zhu Ping'an immediately understood that Zhao Wenhua was finally going to reveal his intention to keep him drinking tea.

  Before Zhao Wenhua said the method, Zhu Pingan had roughly guessed what Zhao Wenhua was going to say.

  If I guessed correctly, I should form a party to protect myself. If I can’t prove my innocence, then I can prove my innocence by circumstantial evidence, and even form a party to attack and eliminate those who want to "kill my heart", and then I can protect myself.

  Zhao Wenhua wants to be a lobbyist and pull himself into the camp of the strict party.

   As for whether I want to hear it or not, I said no, so why don't you just say it?

  Zhu Ping'an was slandered in his heart, so he had no choice but to ask Zhao Wenhua for advice, "I also ask the teacher for advice."

"Simple, as the saying goes, one brother has three gangs, one fence has three stakes. Since you can't prove your innocence by yourself, then prove your innocence by circumstantial evidence. If many, many colleagues speak for you and prove your innocence, then the punishment It's easy to solve." Zhao Wenhua said with a smile on his face, persuasive and persuasive.

as predicted.

  Zhu Ping'an's heart was calm.

   "When Yue Wumu was slandered for unnecessary crimes, no one spoke out for him except Han Shizhong; when Yu Qian was slandered for the crime of 'will', no one spoke for him; therefore, they were killed by the theory of punishing the heart."

  Zhao Wenhua shook his head, sighed, and then continued to say to Zhu Pingan with emotion:

"Zi Hou, if there are many colleagues who shout for him, raise his eyes, appeal for his innocence, and prove his innocence, the number is much larger than those who slandered them, then they can protect themselves and continue their career. Brilliant. Yue Wumu may be able to settle the shame of the snow, drive a long car to break through the gaps in Helan Mountain, eat and drink Huns to clean up the old mountains and rivers; Yu Shaobao may assist Yingzong in the shame of the snow and earth fortress, and create a prosperous world."

  (end of this chapter)

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