Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1664: walk away

  Chapter 1664 walk away

  Chinese people like to talk about things at the dinner party. This is the dinner party culture since ancient times, and today is no exception.

   "About offering sacrifices to the sea, when and where will Mr. Zhao plan to offer sacrifices to the sea?" A person at the main table asked Zhao Wenhua.

  "The Japanese plague is becoming more and more serious. Naturally, the sooner the time for offering sacrifices to the sea, the better. The sooner the Japanese plague is eliminated, the sooner the people will be restored to peace and tranquility. Of course, it must be soon, but a good day and auspicious day must be selected."

   Zhao Wenhua replied.

"Yes, we must choose an auspicious day for auspiciousness. Coincidentally, the famous Jinshan Temple is not far from Zhenjiang. This temple is what the white lady said about flooding the Jinshan Mountain. I and Zen Master Huishan, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, are old acquaintances. You can come forward and ask Zen Master Huishan to choose an auspicious day for offering sacrifices to the sea."

  When it comes to auspicious days, an official can’t wait to recommend Zen Master Huishan of Jinshan Temple. His family invites Zen Master Huishan for weddings and funerals, and everything goes smoothly.

   "Ahem, Mr. Wang is greedy for drinking again, why don't you start talking about drinking. There are many famous Taoist temples near us. It's better to ask a few Taoist priests with high morals and profound practice to choose a good day and auspicious day."

  The officer next to him coughed and spoke slowly.

   Today, the holy master is practicing Taoism, and he chooses a good day and auspicious day, and you actually recommend Buddhist eminent monks, what do you mean?

  If Shanggang is online, can you think that in your eyes, Buddhist eminent monks are more powerful than Taoist priests? Is Buddhism better than Taoism? Is Buddhism more reliable than Taoism? Aren't you trying to save face?

   "Ah, right, right, I'm too drunk, I'm talking nonsense, Mr. Zhao and all your lords, don't take my drunken words seriously."

  Master Wang is also aware of the seriousness of the problem, his brow is dripping with cold sweat, and he regrets wanting to slap himself a few times. I just tried to show off what I can do and what eminent monk I recommend.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Wang is dedicated to the public. Even if he is too greedy to drink too much, he will not forget to offer advice and suggestions for the sea sacrifice. What he said is out of good intentions. However, Mr. Zhang is right. On good days and auspicious days, please A few Taoist priests with high moral character and profound practice are choosing an auspicious day that is most suitable for offering sacrifices to the sea."

   Zhao Wenhua said with a smile, with an open mind, and defined Mr. Wang's words as kind words of greedy drinking.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for your understanding." Mr. Wang looked at Zhao Wenhua gratefully, and thanked Zhao Wenhua repeatedly.

  With Zhao Wenhua's endorsement, he doesn't have to worry about causing trouble with his remarks just now, and he has no worries at all.

  Master Zhao is really a kind and generous person, Mr. Wang immediately felt gratitude and admiration for Zhao Wenhua, and what he wanted...

Seeing that Zhao Wenhua is so tolerant and considerate of himself and others, all the officials let go of their worries and offered advice one after another. On the one hand, they want to show their presence in front of Zhao Wenhua, and on the other hand, they also hope that they will be included in the credit list in the future. name.

   "About the location of offering sacrifices to the sea, it must be the seaside. Although the coast of the south of the Yangtze River is thousands of miles long, the suitable places for offering sacrifices to the sea are the coastal cities with beautiful scenery and good geomantic omens."

"You can't just choose beautiful scenery and good Fengshui, but also pay attention to safety. Nowadays, Japanese pirates are becoming more and more rampant. More than half of the coastal areas in the south of the Yangtze River are not safe. Ligang, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, is occupied by Japanese pirates. They robbed Taizhou and Wenzhou. , Ningbo, Shaoxing, Suzhou, Huaibei and other coastal areas; Huating, Zhelin, Chuanshawa and other places in Songjiang Prefecture are occupied by Japanese pirates. According to investigations, more than 40,000 Japanese pirates have gathered and come out from time to time to rob various places in Songjiang Prefecture... Damn it The Japanese pirates have ruined many blessed lands with superior winds and rivers, and if they are caught, their karma will not be erased even if they are hacked into pieces!"

   "I think the Jianghuai area is good."

   "No, no, it's better to go a little further south."

   All the bigwigs at the main table discussed each other, and the atmosphere became more and more heated.

"Thank you for your advice, my lords, but the location of the sea sacrifice was jointly selected by the cabinet, the Ministry of Rites, and the Qin Tianjian before coming here. It was set between Jiangyin and Changshu, where the dragon veins of the Yangtze River extend, where the water and the sky meet. place."

   Zhao Wenhua said with a smile and cupped his hands.

   "This location is well chosen, the dragon veins extend, the water and the sky meet, and there are few Japanese pirates in Jiangyin and Changshu, so it is still safe."

   "very good, very good"

  The officials present praised him one after another.

   "Since the location of the sea sacrifice has been selected, please ask the Taoist priest to choose an auspicious day, and start the sea sacrifice as soon as possible."

  Zhang Jing said, Hurry up to sacrifice to the sea, and then take Zhao Wenhua to inspect the troops and send him away as soon as possible.

   "What Governor Zhang said is very true." Zhao Wenhua nodded in agreement.

"For the sake of safety, firstly, the time and place of the sea sacrifice must be kept secret, and the outside world must not be informed; secondly, the scale of the sea sacrifice must be strictly controlled. I think everyone present at our table will accompany Mr. Zhao to the sacrifice. Hai, I will send troops around

  Martial law, within a radius of three miles, no one else is allowed to come close; third, it is not appropriate to make a big fuss, save red tape and save energy, simplify the process, and finish the sacrifice quickly. "

  Zhang Jing stroked his beard, glanced at Zhao Wenhua and the officials present, and spoke slowly and methodically.

  The officials present naturally have no opinion on this. The scale and complexity of the sea sacrifice don’t matter to them, and it’s also for safety. Naturally, they will not refute Zhang Jing’s face.

  However, Zhao Wenhua shook his head slightly.

Since arriving in Yingtian, Zhao Wenhua has always been kind, like a good gentleman, what Zhang Jing said, about the imperial envoy's office that is not suitable for long-term residence, and the shabby clean-up banquet, etc., Zhao Wenhua has not raised a single opinion, and he accepts it all Zhang Jing's arrangement.

   This was the first time that Zhao Wenhua raised a different opinion on Zhang Jing's arrangement, and Zhang Jing couldn't help frowning.

"Governor Zhang, the purpose of offering sacrifices to the sea is to pray to the gods, exterminate the Japanese, and reassure the people. It cannot be kept secret, let alone control the scale of the sacrifice to the sea. On the contrary, the sacrifice to the sea requires a large sacrifice. Knowing, to show the determination to destroy the Japanese, to make the Japanese pirates fearful, and to inspire the common people; officials of the fifth rank and above in the Jiangnan area, and local officials regardless of their grades, must participate. The famous gentry in Jiangnan can participate, and ordinary people can also watch the ceremony. The famous Taoist priests and fairies in the area participate in the sea sacrifice. In short, it is necessary to participate widely, and the crowds are good. In addition, the process of offering sacrifices to the sea cannot be simplified, and must be carried out strictly in accordance with the process, so as not to disrespect the gods, displease the gods, and reduce the It has the effect of offering sacrifices to the sea."

  Zhao Wenhua said with a serious face, asking for a big deal, which is completely contrary to Zhang Jing's opinion.

"What? Make a big fuss? Everyone knows it? There are huge crowds of people? How can safety be guaranteed? What if the Japanese pirates take the opportunity to make trouble?! Such a huge amount of money, how much money will it cost?! So much money, how about rewarding the soldiers of the three armies? Reward the warriors to destroy the Japanese!"

  Hearing this, Zhang Jing frowned instantly, snorted, and patted the table hard.

   "Governor Zhang, the purpose of offering sacrifices to the sea is to exterminate the Japanese pirates. If we start a small fight because we are afraid of the Japanese pirates, what will happen? We can't sacrifice our own martial arts for the sake of safety."

  Zhao Wenhua insisted.

   "I don't agree!" Zhang Jing shook his head vigorously, and said firmly.

   "Governor Zhang, Da Cao's large-scale sacrifice to the sea has been reported to the court for approval; moreover, the imperial decree has just been read out, and the Holy Majesty ordered me to preside over the sacrifice to the sea, and Jiangnan officials cooperated. Is it true that Governor Zhang wants to resist the decree and disrespect it?"

   Zhao Wenhua said softly.

   "You, hum! What a lot of trouble! I still have important military affairs to deal with, so I won't accompany you!"

   Zhang Jing immediately reprimanded Zhao Wenhua for being troublesome, and then walked away with a displeased face!

  Since he became governor, no one has obeyed orders, Zhao Wenhua retorted in public, how can he bear it!

  You are an imperial envoy sent by the imperial court, and I am also the governor sent by the imperial court, and my official position is much higher than yours!

  You have the support of the Holy Majesty behind you, and I also have the support of the Holy Majesty behind me, and besides, I have the imperial decree of the Holy Majesty to "do things cheaply"!

   Who are you, Zhao Wenhua!

  (end of this chapter)

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