Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1661: Zihou, long time no see

  Chapter 1661 Zihou, long time no see

   A group of officials followed Zhang Jing to greet Zhao Wenhua, and after Zhao Wenhua disembarked, they paid respects.

   "Governor Zhang and all your lords please hurry up."

   Zhao Wenhua stood and received the big gifts from all the officials, and said with a smile, he stepped forward and wanted to pull up Zhang Jing.

  Zhang Jing got up automatically while Zhao Wenhua was talking, and he didn't wait for Zhao Wenhua to reach out, which made Zhao Wenhua's outstretched hands a little embarrassed, and his smile froze a little.

   "Master Zhao has been busy all the way, and arrived at dusk. He must be tired. The official residence has been arranged. Please Mr. Zhao to rest in the mansion, and we will clean up the dust for Mr. Zhao tomorrow."

  After Zhang Jing got up, he said lightly, expressing his dissatisfaction with Zhao Wenhua's late arrival.

"Hehe, thank you, Governor Zhang, for your concern. It is a great honor and honor to be able to serve the Holy One. After receiving the order, I am full of energy, so I am not tired. Actually, I could have arrived at Yingtian an hour earlier, but the way is Linjiang. Town, I know that the talisman paper in Linjiang Town is the best in the world. I have the important task of offering sacrifices to the sea. How can I miss such an excellent sacrifice? After spending some time, I carefully selected and bought some high-quality talisman papers. Although I have been busy and traveled a bit, I don’t feel tired at all when I think that I can do more preparations for Jihai.”

  Zhao Wenhua smiled slightly, rejected Zhang Jing's arrangement, and explained the reason for his late arrival.

   According to him, the reason why he was late was all because of the important task of offering sacrifices to the sea and fulfilling the emperor's order.

   That is a diligent and conscientious person.

   "It's no wonder Master Zhao was able to gain the trust of His Majesty, and entrusted Master Zhao with the important task of offering sacrifices to the sea. It turns out that there is no time, no place, no place. Master Zhao never forgets the important task he shoulders. He is really a role model for my generation."

   "When you see a virtuous person, you will think of yourself. We must learn from Mr. Zhao, follow Mr. Zhao, and be a person who puts work first."

   All the officials at the scene praised Zhao Wenhua's professionalism after Zhao Wenhua fell behind.

   Zhao Wenhua is an imperial envoy, the well-known son of Yan Song, and a heavyweight in the strict party. Any one of his identities is enough to make many officials flock to him and come forward to praise him.

  Zhang Jing snorted, showing disdain for Zhao Wenhua.

That **** stopped at Linjiang Town to compare and buy talisman papers. You accepted an invitation from a wealthy merchant in Linjiang Town, and you stayed there for nearly an hour before you came out with a full load. I don’t know how many generous gifts you received from the wealthy merchant. In order to deceive others, he bought a few cars of talisman papers and boarded the boat.

  Ever since Zhang Jing became the Jiangnan General Anger, he has been in power, and all the troubles in Jiangnan can't be hidden from him. Zhao Wenhua's every move from Yangzhou to Yingtian was under his control, and someone reported it all the time.

  However, Zhang Jing did not expose Zhao Wenhua's lies on the spot, after all, the other party is now an imperial envoy.

   Don't look at the monk's face and look at the emperor's face.

   "Since Mr. Zhao is not tired, please move Mr. Zhao to the imperial envoy's yamen. I have arranged for the Ministry of Rites to prepare simple tea and light meals to cleanse Mr. Zhao." Zhang Jing said in a flat tone, a formal invitation.

   "Master Zhao please."

  A group of officials stretched out their hands and asked Zhao Wenhua to move to the imperial envoy's office.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, and thank you colleagues. It's not important to take the wind and wash away the dust. It's what I value most if I can have the opportunity to know the talents of the pillars, and have the talents of the pillars to help you complete the important task of the Holy One."

  Zhao Wenhua glanced at the officials, said with a smile, and put a high hat on the officials.

   "Master Zhao is really absurd. I can't be called a pillar, but I will do my best to assist Master Zhao to complete the important task of the Holy One."

  Many officials expressed their feelings with emotion.

   "With the help of Governor Zhang and all the adults, I have the confidence to successfully complete the important task entrusted by the Holy One."

  Zhao Wenhua bowed his hands to Zhang Jing and a group of officials, and then obeyed Zhang Jing's arrangement and moved to the imperial envoy's office.

   On the way to the imperial envoy’s office, Zhao Wenhua got acquainted with officials of the fourth rank and above one by one, and exchanged a few words briefly.

   "Hehe, Zihou, long time no see, why don't you take the initiative to say hello to me, teacher, and wait for me to ask you."

  Zhao Wenhua looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and waved with a smile, motioning for Zhu Pingan to come and talk.

   "Student, meet Mr. Zhao."

  Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to go up to meet him, hold the disciple salute, and call him a student.

No way, Zhao Wenhua claimed to be a teacher in public, and Zhu Ping'an couldn't dismantle him in public. Besides, if it is really generalized, Zhao Wenhua can indeed be called his teacher. Zhao Wenhua was the chief examiner, and it was he who was testing himself.

   "Huh?! Master Zhao and Master Zhu actually have a teacher-student relationship? Why have you never heard Master Zhu mention it? Didn't expect there to be such an inside story?"

   All the nearby officials opened their mouths in surprise when they heard the words. They couldn't imagine that Zhu Pingan, who is the enemy of the strict party, would have a teacher-student relationship with Zhao Wenhua, the leader of the strict party. They couldn't help asking curiously.

   Can you not be surprised? ! Everyone knows how Zhu Ping'an came to Jiangnan. Zhu Pingan offended Mr. Yan Ge and the Yan Party, so he was relegated to Jingnan and became a small county magistrate.

"Hehe, it's a long story. I have a deep relationship with Yingtian. Three years ago, the Nanzhili academic officer was transferred to Sichuan. I took over as the Nanzhili academic officer and visited various prefectures and prefectures in the province. , county schools, checking the teaching quality, managing the Imperial College, and presiding over the rural examinations. It was also that year that Zihou came to Yingtian to take the provincial examinations, and I personally took the examinations before the provincial examinations. At that time, Zihou handed in papers even Good morning, to tell you the truth, when I first saw Zihou, a young boy, still childish, I thought he was a prison student donated by some honorable family. I didn’t expect the answer sheet to impress me. Zihou responded calmly, answered fluently, and was full of energy, which made me amazed, and I was named first-class on the spot. Tell me, are Zihou and I teachers and students?"

  Zhao Wenhua smiled and told the situation in detail, and praised Zhu Ping'an.

   "Of course they are teachers and students. No wonder Mr. Zhu is so talented at such a young age. It turns out that a famous teacher gave birth to a talented student."

   "Master Zhao is the teacher, teaching knowledge, supporting and helping, no wonder Master Zhu is able to rank fourth rank at such a young age."

   "Master Zhu is really lucky. With Master Zhao as a teacher, the future is limitless. I am really envious."

   A group of officials spoke one after another, closing their eyes and attribute all of Zhu Ping'an's achievements to Zhao Wenhua.

  Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, saying whatever you want, as long as you are happy.

  (end of this chapter)

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