Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1656: Cotton armor wins the trust of the whole army

  Chapter 1656 Cotton armor wins the trust of the whole army

   "Next, try their protection against blunt objects. Bring two pigs, bind their limbs, put cotton armor on one end, and iron armor on the other end. Then two people ride horses and hold maces, and greet them."

Zhu Ping'an gave an order, and the two big fat pigs were pulled by their ears and front legs, screaming, and dragged to the school grounds. Before they could react, they were tied up, and one was put on a cotton jacket One was covered with iron armor.

Then, two strong Zhejiang soldiers got on their horses, dragged their maces with their backhands, clamped the horse's belly with their feet, and began to drive the horses to run. In order to increase the speed of the horses, they first ran around the school field. After the horse quickly got up, he vigorously swung the mace in his hand, and swung it fiercely at the fat pig in armor.

  War horses running at high speed, heavy maces, the fate of two fat pigs can be imagined

   All the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army couldn't help crying tears of sympathy from the corners of their mouths, hey, it's time for extra meals.

   Boom! Boom!

  After two muffled hammering sounds, there was a piercing howl of pigs continuously.

   "I'm going, isn't it? The pig in the iron armor died, but the pig in the cotton armor was not hammered to death on the spot?!"

   All the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army opened their mouths in disbelief, and stared at the two fat pigs on the school field in astonishment.

  The iron-clad fat pig's mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was paralyzed on the ground, motionless.

  Although the Mianjia Fat Pig also had blood coming out of its mouth, nose and ears, the whole pig screamed in pain and struggled crazily.

   The pig is not dead, not even incapacitated.

Zhu Pingan ordered the cotton-coated pig to be untied from the rope. The pig fled the scene screaming like a gust of wind in the cotton-coated pig. At first, it twisted like a drunk, and fell several times in a row. , but quickly mastered the balance, and then rode Juechen, not as fast as a pig, leaving behind a cloud of dust, which disappeared without a trace in an instant.

   "No way, the pig wearing cotton armor not only didn't die on the spot, but survived, can you believe that?! If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

   "Cotton armor is so much more protective against blunt weapons than iron armor. Also, so much cotton can buffer a lot of force."

"Wearing iron armor on the battlefield, and being given such a mace by someone, your internal organs must be torn apart. Even if you don't die on the spot, you will definitely be useless; but if you wear cotton armor, you may still have the power to backhand. Although fat Pigs are thicker and more resistant to beating than humans, but it’s obvious.”

  When all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army saw this scene, they couldn't help admiring the performance of the cotton armor to defend against blunt weapons.

"Next, let's try the protection ability of these two kinds of armor against firecrackers. In addition to the good sword and seat, the Japanese pirates are also a great weapon for them. The Japanese pirates call them iron cannons. To fight, you have to face the Japanese pirates.

  Fire gun. The firecrackers we use now are almost the same as the iron cannons of Japanese pirates. Now try to see if they can prevent it. "

  Zhu Pingan said to all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, test the protective performance of cotton armor and iron armor against fire mirrors.

  Because the power of the firecracker is much greater than that of the bow, in order to save costs, a pair of cotton armor and a pair of iron armor were used for testing this time.

   Soon, a hundred Zhejiang soldiers with excellent firecracker shooting skills were selected, and they were asked to fire firecrackers twenty steps away.

  The range of firecrackers in the Ming Dynasty was about 100 meters, but the effective range was within 50 meters, and the range with armor-piercing ability was within 30 meters. The distance of 20 steps can guarantee the best power of firecrackers.


  Liu Dadao acted as the conductor, raised his hand and shouted.

As soon as Liu Dadao's words fell, one hundred Zhe Army gunners skillfully took out a small packet of gunpowder from the ammunition jug, opened a hole with their mouths, poured the gunpowder into the gunpowder pool, fastened the lid of the gunpowder pool, and skillfully filled it. Good projectile.

   Then, light the match, put the match on the matchlock clip, pick up the firecracker, and aim steadily at the ten sets of cotton and ten sets of armor in the distance. According to the order, five people aimed at one armor.

   This set of movements, they have practiced countless times during this period, and those who are proficient can't be more proficient.

   "Let go!" Liu Dacai waved his hand vigorously.

   After Liu Yidao gave the order, a hundred gunners immediately pulled the triggers. "Bang bang review..."

   There was a gunshot, and the smoke filled the air, and the choking smell of gunpowder began to waft away.

  Although the accuracy of firecrackers in this era is not high, but the distance is high and close. Almost all of the hundred firecrackers hit the target, and each pair of armor was shot at least four times, without exception.

   "Look at it, can you prevent the firecracker?"

  Zhe Army General Shidao couldn't wait to see the condition of the twenty armors, each of them stretched their necks.

   Seeing this, Zhu Pingnv smiled slightly, and waved her hand for everyone to come and watch.

   A group of soldiers of the Zhejiang Army rushed forward eagerly.

   "Hey, this firecracker is powerful enough. The iron armor has been shot out with several holes, piercing through the front and back. If it is worn by a human, it must have four or five transparent holes."

   "d(д) Oh my god, the cotton armor was not shot through, the projectile got stuck on the iron plate."

   "This is also the case. This projectile penetrated the first layer of cotton. Although the iron plate also rotted a hole, it was blocked together with the second layer. This cotton armor can still prevent firearms."

   "This iron armor blocked two projectiles, but three holes were rotten, and it still couldn't prevent it..."

"Good guy, I don't know if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. This firecracker is really powerful. Every pair of iron armor has been smashed at least two or three holes... But the cotton armor can prevent it. A pair of cotton armor was rotten with a hole in the eye, and the other cotton armor was not pierced."

   All the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army were stunned by the power of the firecracker and the protective performance of the cotton armor. They did not expect the power of the firecracker to be so great.

  I thought the cotton armor was just a show, but I didn't expect it to be more reliable than the iron armor.

   "This cotton jacket is made of cotton. If it rains, won't it be soaked?"

  Someone suddenly thought of a question, which resonated instantly, and all the soldiers couldn't help worrying.

   "Bring water."

  Zhu Ping'anhui smiled and ordered.

   Soon a bucket of water was brought, Zhu Pingan took out a ladle of water, and poured it on a set of cotton armor.

   One scoop and one scoop after another, the pouring rain is nothing more than that.

  Zhu Pingan poured three scoops in a row, then changed to a pair of cotton armor and poured another three scoops, and poured five pairs of cotton armor in a row.

  Water splashed on the cotton armor, and it flowed down like it was splashed on linoleum.

   "It's still rainproof?"

  A group of soldiers of the Zhejiang Army stepped forward to check and found that the cotton armor was hardly wet, and they opened their mouths in surprise.

   "This cotton armor is a treasure."

  All the Zhejiang Army were amazed by the excellent protective performance of the cotton armor. They looked at the hundred sets of cotton armor with jealousy, and wanted to own a pair.

   "This kind of cotton armor is the standard equipment of our Zhejiang Army, and everyone has a set."

  Zhu Ping'an's words attracted cheers from the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, and everyone's faces were full of joy.

  (end of this chapter)

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