Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1640: night watch

  Chapter 1640 Night watch

"Hua'er, the back yard is too deserted, I'm not used to sleeping alone, I'll try to sleep here with you tonight." The witch Ruonan didn't go back to her room, but stayed in Hua'er's room in the main courtyard wing .

   Of course, she is also a drunkard.

Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu's love and affection in front of everyone, is it possible that the two of them want to save face and deliberately show their affection to everyone?! You must know that sometimes, seeing is not necessarily believing, superficial couples and so on not uncommon

  When there are no outsiders, how the two of them get along in private can best reflect the true state of their relationship.

  So, the witch Ruonan stayed in the wing room where Huaer lived, because the wing room was not far from the master bedroom, if Zhu Pingan and the others argued or quarreled in the bedroom, she could still hear it with her keen hearing after many years of martial arts practice.

  Hmph, as witty as I am, all falsehoods are invisible!

  The demon girl Ruonan entered Hua'er's room, and she just lay on Hua'er's bed regardless of whether Hua'er agreed or not.

  Hua'er's room is very big, and the bed is also big. It turned out to be a double bed, and there are more than one set of quilts. It's really convenient to stay overnight.

  As for Hua'er's opinion, hehe, if the witch doesn't think it's important, even if Hua'er refuses, she won't leave. With her skills, Hua'er can't drive her away.

  However, Hua'er didn't hesitate at all if the enchantress Ruo Nan was surprised, and nodded in agreement as soon as she finished speaking.

   "Okay, you can sleep here tonight." Hua'er nodded while packing her things.

  Happily agreeing, this surprised the demon girl Ruonan. With the habit of painting, it shouldn't be.

   "However, I can't sleep with you anymore." Hua'er continued, the happiness on her face was beyond words.

"You don't sleep here, so where are you going to sleep?" The demon girl Ruonan was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened instantly, and she said with an expression of disbelief, "Are you going to sleep with the nerd? Where's Li Shu? "

   Oh, by the way, Li Shu has a big belly, and it’s inconvenient to have **** with Zhu Ping’an, so she wants to sleep with her?!

   "What are you talking about. Of course Miss and Uncle are going to sleep together." Hua'er shyly stamped her feet.


  The demon girl Ruonan's eyes widened and her mouth opened even wider, as if she was seriously frightened, "You, you three together?"

   Isn’t it?!

I have long heard that officials and wealthy families pay attention to etiquette and chastity, and they pay attention to this and that, but in fact, the mess between the beds is tight, and any unexpected mess and dirty things are considered by them. commonplace.

   I didn’t expect it to be so chaotic. A man, a pregnant woman with a big belly, and a girl with **** and upturned buttocks, the three of them did such unspeakable things together...


  The big family is really in chaos, the witch Ruonan's mouth is in a zero shape, and the turbulence in her heart is turbulent, which cannot be calmed down for a long time.

   "What! You, what are you making up, no matter how outspoken you are, I will never talk to you again!"

  Hua'er shyly and annoyed pushed the witch Ruo Nan away, but of course it was just to show her attitude, and she didn't use much strength.

   "I was scared to death, I thought you were playing so hard, it was so unbearable to look at..." The demon woman Ruonan patted her chest with a face of shock, took a long breath, and finally considered her vocabulary.

"What can't you bear to look at! What are you thinking about! I've said it all, and I'll ignore you if you talk nonsense!" Hua'er glared at the demon girl Ruonan in embarrassment, and then she was afraid that she would think wildly again, so she quickly explained, "I Go to the ear room to watch at night. Qin'er was supposed to be on watch at night, but Qin'er has a stomachache today and wants Xiuxiu to watch for her.

   Hua'er puffed up her chest proudly as she spoke, her big eyes were full of energy, and her confidence was beyond words.

  Witch girl Ruonan is speechless and a little bit hateful, serving people well, what can she be proud of.

   "They sleep at night, do they still have to be on duty at night? Your young lady is still afraid at such an age, and wants you to be on duty at night as the gatekeeper?"

  The enchantress Ruonan asked with a puzzled expression.

"What are you afraid of, what door god, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Hua'er rolled her eyes, and then said proudly, "You don't need to underestimate night duty, only girls who are trusted by the master can do night duty, And there are many ways to watch at night, serving tea and water, preparing hot water and towels are the most basic, and you also need to know when the master needs what, and have a look."

  Witch girl Ruonan continues to be speechless and hates iron but not steel. Is it worth being so proud to serve people?

   "Anyway, tonight I'm going to be on duty in the front room of the main room, so you can sleep here by yourself." Hua'er finally concluded.

   "I want to sleep with you. I sleep alone here. How boring. There is no one to talk to."

  The demon girl Ruonan said with regret.

   "It won't work tonight, let's talk about it later." Hua'er was not moved at all.

   "Why don't I accompany you to the ear room tonight to watch the night." The enchantress Ruonan blinked her eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

  The ear room is closer than this wing room, even if Li Shu and Zhu Ping'an quarrel in a low voice, he can hear it.

   "No." Hua'er refused without thinking, worried that the witch Ruonan would affect the rest of the young lady and uncle.

   "Why?" the witch Ruonan asked.

   "I'm afraid you will affect Miss and Uncle's rest." Hua'er replied honestly.

   "I'm just staying with you in the ear room. I don't do anything, I don't say anything. I promise it won't affect them."

  The demon girl Ruonan said sincerely.

   "You should have a good rest here, I'm going to the ear room too." Hua'er picked up the packed things, explained that she was about to go to the ear room for night duty after she turned around.

  The demon girl Ruoan followed the painting closely like a follower.

  Hua'er soon noticed, and turned to look at the enchantress Ruonan, and said with a displeased face, "Ruonan, why don't you go to sleep, why are you following me all this time?"

   "Didn't I say, I'll accompany you to the ear room for the night." The enchantress Ruonan said with a matter-of-fact expression.

   "I even said I can't do it." Hua'er puffed up her mouth.

   "I promise I won't affect them." The enchantress Ruonan vowed, and continued walking without stopping.

  Hua'er refused again, but the demon girl Ruonan was worthy of being a martial artist, Hua'er tried her best to stop her, but it didn't work, and she was afraid that the noise would affect the rest of the uncle and the lady, so she had to acquiesce.

"Ruo Nan, you have to promise me that no matter what you hear or see, you don't make a sound, and you can't do anything. You must not affect the rest of the uncle and the lady, or I will break up with you. I will do what I said. .”

   Hua'er emphasized.

   "Okay, okay, don't worry, I won't say anything, I won't do anything, and it won't affect their rest. If there is any violation, there will be a thunderbolt."

  The demon girl Ruonan repeatedly assured her.

  (end of this chapter)

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