Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1637: hypocrisy and evil

  Chapter 1637 Pseudo-virtuous and evil

   Near Zhu Zhechi, near Li Zhuhei! The demon girl Ruonan snorted hard at Zhu Pingan, expressing her contempt.

   "Ms. Ruo Nan is really a childish and sincere heart." Li Shu smiled slightly and said softly.

  A childish and sincere heart?!

   Does that mean I’m naive?!

The demon girl Ruo Nan caught Li Shu's implication, immediately dissatisfied, raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows and said, "Young Madam, what do you mean? Am I wrong? Could it be that Zigong did something wrong instead of doing something good?! What about Zigong?" It might be wrong, but Zigong uses his own money to do good deeds without asking the treasury for reimbursement. Isn’t he a moral model?! If this person’s words and deeds are all wrong, then there will be no good people in the world.”

Li Shu smiled slightly, "If you are a man and a girl, don't be impatient. At that time, Zigong ransomed people and refused to reimburse the state treasury. After Zide took the burden of the ransom for the national conditions, the people around him praised Zigong for his noble morals. You Yang Zigong was a surprise. A person who is generous and does not expect anything in return is a great benevolent person of the country..."

   "Right, is this the reaction of a normal person, unlike some people who are rich and unkind." The demon girl Ruonan immediately answered.

   "Soon, after Confucius heard what Zi Gong had done, he found Zi Gong emotionally..."

  Li Mei went on to preach.

   "Heh, it must be Mrs. Kong who was very comforted, and excitedly praised Zi Gong. He has his legacy and shines on the teacher."

  The demon girl Ruonan said to herself.

  Li Shu shook her head, and said slowly, "Confucius found Zi Gong, and he scolded Zi Gong endlessly. He scolded Zi Gong for his actions against the heavens and the law, and brought disaster to countless Lu country compatriots who were in distress."

   "Ah? What?! Confucius yelled at Zigong, he must be sick..." Ruonan, the witch, opened her mouth in surprise when she heard this.

Zi Gong pays for the ransom himself, does not ask for anything in return, refuses the reimbursement from the state treasury, and volunteers to share the ransom for the country. No matter how you look at it, he is a very good person, and a good person that most people cannot do. , why Confucius still scolded Zigong!

   Still scolding so hard! So ugly!

  Calling Zi Gong against the heavens and justice, harming countless compatriots from all over the world?!

  Confucius is confounding black and white, closing his eyes, showing his conscience, pouring dirty water on Zigong!

"Does Confucius feel that Zigong has robbed him of the limelight and the honor of being a saint?! Afraid that Zigong will be more famous than him?! How petty. No wonder so many people secretly scold Confucius for hypocrisy and pedantry Ah, I really didn't wrong him. From Zi Gong's case, it can be seen that Confucius really deserves to be scolded. She was very excited, the saint Confucius who was in her mouth before became the object of her verbal criticism, and was exported by her, almost became a negative model, and was sent to the rack of shame.

   "Miss Ruo Nan, you have misunderstood Confucius." Li Shu shook her head slowly, and whispered to the witch Ruo Nan.

   "I misunderstood? How could I misunderstand him? Zigong did a good deed with good intentions and caused him to scold him head and face. Do you think he deserves to be scolded..." Yao Nu Ruo Nan said indignantly.

  Then the demon girl Ruonan thought of something else, looked at Li Shu vigilantly, and asked questioningly, "Or is it that the young lady bullied me Ruonan because I don't read enough, and intentionally made up a story that is not good enough to scare me?"

Li Shu looked at the demon girl Ruonan with a frank face, helplessly and speechless, "Why did I lie to you, this story is recorded in the book "Lushi Chunqiu". Lu Shi's Stupid Autumn "Come on, Ruoan and girl read it by themselves."

   "No need, I trust Young Madam."

  Witch girl Ruonan waved her hand. She has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years and it is not in vain. The ability to observe words and emotions is by no means easy to come by. From Li Mei's expression and words, it can be seen that Li Mei did not lie to her.

  In addition, she didn't want to go through the face-slapping experience of being a child just now, and she has no tendency to be pleased.

  "Shaotianren said I misunderstood, how could I misunderstand the surname Kong? Zigong is kind and good, why should he scold the country of Lu, which is hurting the nature and justice, and the misfortunes and joys are in trouble?!" The demon girl Ruonan continued to ask.

"After Confucius scolded Zigong, he educated him bitterly, saying that what a sage does can change customs, and the teaching can be applied to the common people, not just for his own behavior. The original regulations of the State of Lu stipulated that What we are looking for is the "morality" in the hearts of the people. As long as everyone sees that compatriots in distress can feel compassion and spend money to redeem this person, he has completed a righteous deed and a good deed. Afterwards, the country will compensate and reward him. People will not suffer losses, and they can also get everyone's praise. If things go on like this, there will be more and more people who are willing to do good deeds, and everyone will compete to do good deeds."

   "Your Zigong redeemer does not receive compensation and rewards from the state. Although it has won you more praise, it has also raised everyone's moral requirements." With your incident first, in the future, those who continue to return to their compatriots to receive compensation and rewards from the country may not only no longer be praised by everyone, but may even be ridiculed, favored and spurned by the people of the country. People will ask them, why can't you not receive compensation and rewards like you Zigong, and reduce the burden for the country?!"

"So, in the long run, people will turn a blind eye to the troubled Yin country compatriots and are unwilling to rescue them. Because people are not as rich as you, Zigong, if they go to the treasury for reimbursement after redeeming people, they will be laughed at by people. If you don’t want to scold and call out, then you have no choice but to turn a blind eye. So you, Zigong, have harmed countless compatriots from all over the world.”

   Li Mei stared at the enchantress Ruonan with a pair of eyes as black as ink, and spoke slowly and clearly.


  Witch girl Ruonan was astonished when she heard the words, and instantly understood the key point, then couldn't help opening her mouth wide, a little shocked.

   I didn't expect things to be like this, I didn't expect that what seemed to be a good thing with good intentions turned out to be a bad thing.

   "Confucius taught Zi Gong that all morals that most people can't do are false morals, and all false morals are evil morals. False morals are not only useless to the people of the country, but they are harmful to the nature and cause harm to the country and the people, causing endless harm."

  The voice of Li Shu's conclusion was like Hong Zhong Dalu, echoing word by word in the mind of the witch Ruonan, deafening.

"Life is born of struggle, not charity. Life encourages struggle, not reaping for nothing. If the rich have to donate their family money to the poor, will anyone be willing to struggle to get rich? Everyone lies Is it not good to be a poor person and wait for donations?" Li Mei said lightly.

  The demon girl Ruonan was speechless for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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