Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1632: You are here, spring is coming

  Chapter 1632 Ru Zhi, Spring Comes

   As soon as Li Shu's voice fell, before Zhu Pingan could answer, he saw a figure descending from the sky, no, to be precise, it descended from the beam of the house, and turned around beautifully and landed beside Zhu Pingan.

   Zhu Ping'an was about to blurt out the words, but was swallowed back in shock by the person who turned over suddenly.

   It's you again, elusive!

  Seeing the person on the ground, Zhu Ping'an was speechless. There was no one else who was so elusive except the witch Ruonan.

The demon girl Ruonan gave Zhu Pingan a big roll of her eyes after landing on the ground, and said sarcastically, "Of course he was pleasantly surprised, you can tell from his expression, look at him, the back molars are all exposed, and the mouth is almost grinning to the back. The ears are closed, smiling like a fool... I have been with him under the same roof for so many months, and I have never seen him so happy."

   "Uncle is really smiling happily."

  Then, the door of the closet in front of the bed was also pushed open from the inside, and the little maid Hua'er bent over and got out from inside, her little face was flushed like a blooming flower, she covered her little mouth and giggled and said.

   "Hehe, having friends from afar is a great pleasure, and having a wife who comes from afar is not too much joy."

  Zhu Ping'an wasn't embarrassed at all, looking at the longing person with burning eyes, he laughed.

   "I hate it, I'm all watching."

   Li Shu was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Zhu Pingan with such a burning gaze, and she blushed and let out a coquettish moan.

   "Hehe, what are you afraid of when you are an old couple?"

  Zhu Ping'an smiled and held Li Shu's hand, the two looked at each other affectionately, the dog food was sprinkled, the kind of stuffed...

  The demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but rolled her eyes again, and spat again secretly in her heart:

  Bah, shameless husband and wife...

   Baozi’s little maid, Hua’er, was moved to tears when she watched the scene where the uncle and the young lady reunited.

  The witch is like a man...

   "I lied to you that Hua'er was sick, aren't you angry?" Li Shu asked softly after Zhu Ping'an helped her get out of bed.

"Why are you angry? You came back from the capital, and Hua'er didn't really get seriously ill. This is double happiness. No, I almost forgot that these two little babies are back. This is four happiness. How wonderful thing."

  Zhu Pingan smiled disapprovingly. As a new father, when he saw Li Shu's big belly, he immediately bent down with excitement, put his ear on Li Shu's belly, listened to the movement in his stomach, and said with a smile.

   "Oh, there are still outsiders here."

Li Shu is very useful, her pretty face is smiling like a flower, but her mouth is coquettish, and her slender hands are not so much pushing Zhu Ping'an's head out, but rather supporting Zhu Ping's head, so that it is easier for him to listen to the two voices in his stomach. The fetal movement of a little guy.

  Zhu Pingan leaned over and listened hard for a long time, but there was no movement. Zhu Pingan couldn't help but smiled wryly while supporting his old waist, "The two little guys seem a little lazy. They don't know how to welcome Dad when he arrives."

"Giggle..." Li Shu couldn't help giggling when she heard the words, and said coquettishly, "They are only six months old, and they sleep in their stomachs on weekdays, how can they keep moving. Besides, they are separated by their stomachs, how can they know you are coming?" That's right. They only move more when they go to bed at night, and..."

  Speaking of this, Li Shu paused, turned to Hua'er and said, "Hua'er, bring me a piece of preserved fruit..."

  Hua'er immediately fumbled out a box of dried fruit, and held it over like a treasure, "Miss here."

  Li Shu pinched a piece of sour plum from it and put it in her cherry lips, the sweet and sour preserved fruit slowly entered her stomach.

  A very miraculous scene happened. Li Shu just ate a piece of sour plum, and her swollen belly moved.

Zhu Pingan, who was leaning over Li Shu's belly to listen to the fetal movement, caught the signal of fetal movement at the first time, and immediately became excited like a bumpkin who had never seen the world, grinning excitedly, "It's moving, it's moving!" Yes, it seems to have kicked me... Hehe, the strength is quite strong."

   "Slightly slightly slightly, deserve it, who told you just now that they are lazy..." Li Shu giggled.

   "Well, the little guy is quite vindictive." Zhu Pingan rubbed his nose and giggled.

  The Fujian family has a happy atmosphere.

  Although the enchantress Ruonan spurned the shameless couple in her heart more than once, she had to admit that they were both talented and beautiful, and they were really a good match, and it was because they were so good that it made her feel even more upset.

Especially when I saw the painting surrounded by two dogs and men, the demon girl Ruonan couldn't help complaining from the bottom of my heart, "Idiot Huaer, you can do whatever they tell you, and you still have a happy face, bubbling with happiness. I didn't ask you to do it, but you did it on your own initiative, or you competed with other girls to do it

   Demon girl Ruonan really has nothing to say.

   "Brother Zhu, this point coaxed you from the camp, you must have not had time to eat dinner, right?"

   Li Shu tilted her head and asked affirmatively.

  Zhu Pingan nodded with a slight smile, and said indifferently, "I haven't eaten, but it's okay."

   "It just so happens that Hua'er and I haven't eaten yet. Let's eat together when we go home. This will be used as compensation for the big pot meal you missed."

   Li Shu said with a smile.

   "Go home?" Zhu Pingan was taken aback, "Aren't we at home?"

"Uncle, our new home is in Zhennan. It's too small to live here." Hua'er explained from the side, and then added, "Uncle, Miss has a big belly and made two of your favorite dishes by herself. What about the dishes?"

   "Hua'er, talkative" Li Shu said coquettishly, as arrogant as she was, and she didn't want Zhu Pingan to know.

   "Sister Li has worked hard, don't cook for me in the future, you are three of us now, safety is the top priority."

  Zhu Ping'an felt distressed again.

   "I see, it's just that today is the first day of the reunion, so it's a special day." Li Shu said with a trailing voice.

   "Okay, let's not take this as an example." Zhu Ping'an urged.

   "This is not an example." Li Shu nodded.

   "Miss, uncle, let's go, the food won't taste good when it's cold." Baozi's little maid Hua'er reminded.


  Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu nodded at the same time.

  Zhu Pingan helped Li Shu to go out. Before going out, Zhu Pingan thought of the cold wind outside, so he took off his cloak and put it on Li Shu.

Li Shu was immediately moved and felt warm in her heart, but she still insisted on taking it off and returning it to Zhu Pingan, fearing that Zhu Pingan would be frozen, so she said softly, "Brother Zhu, my fox fur is warm. It's winter, you are not afraid of freezing." .”

   "It's not cold winter cured fish, because you are here, spring is here, where will it be cold." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

   Li Shu's winking eyes were like silk, and she said shyly, "I hate it."

  Hua'er, Qin'er and other girls were all moved.

  The demon girl, Ruoan, was an exception, shaking her arms, as if she was shaking off goose bumps, and said sarcastically, "Goose bumps are all up."

  (end of this chapter)

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