Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1624: Demon girl Ruonan's plan

  Chapter 1624 The plan of the witch Ruonan

After hearing the news of Li Shu's arrival, Baozi's little maid, Hua'er, was so excited that she hummed a country tune and quickly cleaned up. After packing up two bags, she carried them on her back before sending someone to pick her up. go out.

  She couldn't wait to meet the young lady, and couldn't wait any longer. The house that Qiu'er mentioned was very familiar to Hua'er. Every time she went to the Zhennan Daji to buy vegetables, she would pass by it. It was a newly built big house.

"Ruo Nan, I'm going to find my lady. Take the money, save some money, and drink less wine." Before going out, Hua'er stuffed a close-fitting purse into the hand of the witch Ruonan, and the money The bag was heavy, and he hurriedly ordered.

   After Hua'er finished speaking, she turned and went out, but she was grabbed by the arm by the enchantress Ruonan after taking half a step.

  Hua'er turned her head in surprise, then her palms sank, and the witch Ruonan returned the purse to her.

   "Ah, Ruonan, isn't it a little little? But, my uncle needs a lot of money for military training, and the rest of the money will be reserved for my uncle. Save some money, and I will give it to you after I receive the monthly payment."

   Hua'er said with a troubled face.

In order to increase his persuasiveness, Hua'er immediately added, "It's true. The officials above are always in arrears with the soldiers' salaries, but my uncle insists on paying the soldiers' salaries to the Zhe army on time. In order not to be in arrears with the soldiers' salaries, he always pays out of his own pocket." , In order to prepare for the military pay, my uncle hardly slept a full night."

   "It's not that it's too little, it's that it's unnecessary." The witch Ruonan shook her head, smiled and insisted on returning the purse to Hua'er.

"Don't say that you have money or anything like that. Back then when your village was desperate, you went to Jingnan to find my son-in-law. You haven't made any money, so you don't have any money in your hand." Hua'er shook her head and put the money bag away again. In the hands of the demon girl Ruonan.

   "I don't have it, but others have it." The witch Ruonan smiled slightly, and returned the purse to Hua'er again. What she meant was that the unkind rich had plenty of silver, and she could "borrow" their silver to spend, and often helped some poor people. As long as there are rich and unkind rich people in the world, she will not worry about money.

   "Oh, I remembered, your father is in the Zhejiang Army and is paid every month." Hua'er was as expected.

  Witch girl Ruo Nan couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

   "However, let him save your father's military pay. If he wants to renew his strings or something, he can't spend money." Hua'er insisted on stuffing the money bag into the hand of the witch Ruonan again.

   "Continuation. I'm looking forward to it, but my father doesn't." Hearing this, the witch Ruonan couldn't help being speechless, and shook her head dumbfounded, "I really don't need money. If I'm short of money, I'll definitely ask you."

"Uh, okay, then I'll keep it for my uncle. If you are short of money, don't be embarrassed. During this time, you taught me how to cook, and I haven't thanked you enough yet." Hua'er saw the witch If Nan is so persistent, he just needs to give up.

  Hearing that Hua'er was going to keep the money for Zhu Ping'an, the witch Ruonan couldn't help but twitched her mouth speechlessly.

  This silly girl is really hopeless.

   "Then I'm leaving Ruonan." Hua'er saw Li Shu eagerly, turned around and was about to leave.

  However, it was exactly the same as before, Hua'er only took half a step when her arm was grabbed by the witch Ruonan again.


   Hua'er turned her head in surprise.

   "Hehe, is Ruonan regretting it? Okay, okay, I won't laugh at you, promise, here you are." Hua'er smiled and took out her money bag.

   "No, I mean I'll go with you." The witch Ruonan smiled and reached out to push Hua'er's little hand back.

   "Ah, you want to go with me?" Hua'er opened her mouth wide in surprise.

   "Yes, I will go with you to meet your young lady." The witch Ruonan repeated.

   "Are you going to visit Miss?" Hua'er opened her mouth again.

   "Hua'er, think about it, how could I be considered your uncle's guest? As a guest, why don't you visit the hostess? If you don't go, wouldn't it be too rude." The witch Ruonan said.

   "Uh, it seems to be." Hua'er felt that something was wrong, and also felt that what the witch Ruonan said made sense.

   "Of course, let's go." The witch Ruonan took Hua'er's arm and walked out.

   "Ruo Nan, don't talk nonsense, and don't take out your dagger." Hua'er repeatedly urged.

   "Don't worry." The witch Ruonan said duplicity.

  The reason why she went to visit Li Shu with Hua'er was to do one thing, one big thing.

  She wants to help with painting.

How many times, Hua'er got up before dawn to prepare breakfast for Zhu Ping'an; how many times, Hua'er went to the vegetable market again and again, just to buy a full-year-old hen to stew chicken soup for Zhu Ping'an Drink; how many times, Hua'er took the prepared meals over and over again, and went to the Zhejiang Army barracks to reward the soldiers; how many times, Hua'er made clothes for Zhu Ping'an day and night, and his fingers were worn out Calloused; how many times has Huaer warmed Zhu Pingan's bed with a red face, and then got out of bed when Zhu Pingan went to bed?

  In her opinion, there is no woman in the world who treats Zhu Pingan better than Hua'er, including Hua'er's young lady Li Shu. Hua'er is terminally ill and hopeless.

  Since Hua'er misses Zhu Ping'an so much, and is devoted to Zhu Ping'an, and since she can't convince Hua'er herself, then she might as well help her.

  Compared to Li Shu, whom she has never heard of before, the witch Ruonan believes that Hua'er is the most worthy of Zhu Ping's love.

Hua'er is good-looking, very fat where she should be fat, not fat at all where she shouldn't be, and behaves politely and politely, even more polite than those ladies; Hua'er's cooking skills, well, in her own Under the guidance of precepts and deeds, the food is already delicious, and the cooks in ordinary small restaurants may not be as delicious as Hua'er; Hua'er has a good temper and a good temper.

  How can such a picture be her little girl and be inferior to others.

  This time, I have to talk to that Li Shu well, and make a good contribution to the painting.

  If mouths can't convince her, the witch Ruonan doesn't mind using a knife to persuade her, I believe she can be persuaded.

  The demon girl Ruonan is very confident about this.

  Hua'er doesn't know Yao Nu Ruo Nan's true thoughts, if she knew, she would definitely die without letting Yao Nu Ruo Nan follow her.

  Go out and walk south, and after a short walk, you see a brand new mansion. It's only been a day since I saw it, and the mansion has become a little strange. There are two tall and mighty stone lions at the door, and the plaque on the mansion has also been replaced with "Zhu Mansion". There is no doubt that it is here.

  (end of this chapter)

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