Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1621: Although I have not helped the world, I don't want to be alone

  Chapter 1621 Although it has not helped the world, it does not want to be alone

   "Miss, the blacksmith has also been recruited, should we go back?" Qin'er said softly while sitting in the sedan chair while massaging Li Shu's calf.

"Why are you in a hurry to go back? When I was in the capital, I asked Brother Rui to borrow the "Fire Dragon Scripture" from my uncle's study room, and made a stack of rubbings. If I didn't earn five or six blacksmiths to go back, wouldn't it be a waste?" Li Shu Squinting his eyes and smiling slightly, he looked like a fox.

  Miss Qin'er (Yan) This is an empty glove white wolf, and if you want another set, you need to set five

"Let's go, go to Huaishu Alley in Yonghefang. Wang Xiaoer said that there is also a blacksmith named Zhang there. The military situation has been wiped out, and now that we are down and out, it is a good time to take advantage of it."

  Li Shu stretched out her hand lazily, and ordered the sedan chair to drive to Huaishu Hutong in Yonghefang to earn money from Zhang Blacksmith.

   "Oh." Qin'er came back to her senses, opened the curtains, and sent a message to the outside of Huaishu Hutong in Yonghefang.

   About half an hour later, Li Shu left from Huaishu Hutong in Yonghefang with a smile on her face, and went to the next location.

  Behind the sedan chair, a tall, one-eyed, strong man bowed to the sedan chair with gratitude.

On the third day, when Li Shu and his party left Yangzhou, the team grew a lot, with five more accompanying blacksmiths and more than ten blacksmith apprentices, and four more boats to pull luggage, full of iron ingots, copper ingots, and saltpeter. , sulfur etc.

   Half of the goods on these new cargo ships were purchased by Ouzhige and other recruited blacksmiths themselves.

  The iron ingots and copper ingots in Yangzhou City are okay, but the saltpeter, sulfur and other things are almost sold out in a short time.

  When Li Shu left Yangzhou for Yingtian, Zhu Pingan rushed to Guangde with the recruits from Yiwu.

During this training, the recruits in Yiwu showed the qualities of their natural arms, simple and honest, obedient to discipline, obedient to orders, tenacious, and full of patience. As long as an order is given, they will obey everything. As long as they don’t call stop, they can keep going. Even if you are exhausted

Along the way, training all the way, almost half of the distance has gone, Yiwu recruits have already achieved the results of more than half a month of college students' military training, and have initially blurred the shadow of soldiers, especially under the leadership of Liu Dadao and other Zhejiang Army veterans, Walking in the queue, they have a good appearance and are quite capable of bluffing people.

  Of course, Yiwu recruits also have many shortcomings, such as low literacy rate and slow learning speed, etc., but the shortcomings are not hidden, and these shortcomings are suspected to be improved after tomorrow. Compared with the many advantages of Yiwu recruits, these shortcomings are suspiciously negligible.

Zhu Pingan was very satisfied with the recruits recruited from Yiwu. He was worthy of being the famous Qi family army in history. I don't know why I should thank him.

Taking advantage of the fact that the recruits in Yiwu were blank sheets of paper, Zhu Pingan instilled in them along the way that "the mission of a soldier is to defend the country", "the soldier's duty is to obey orders", "a soldier's duty is to serve as a soldier", " Do not abandon, do not give up", "Military discipline is like iron, and national law is like heaven", "The first priority of the Zhejiang army is to wipe out Japanese pirates and save the people in the south of the Yangtze River" and other ideological concepts, which shape their correct military views.

   "I am a soldier, from the common people; bathe in the emperor's grace to defeat the Japanese invaders and eliminate the Huluxiong;

  I am a soldier who loves the king and the people; the war of fire has tested me, and my stand has become firmer;

  Hey, hold the weapon tightly, and see clearly; whoever dares to invade my home, will resolutely beat him without mercy.”

  Yiwu recruits lined up in a long snake queue, sang loud military songs, and walked across the fields in Guangde.

   "My lord has an order. Passing through the fields, you must not step on the furrows, and you must not step on the crops. Violators will be severely punished!"

   "Your Majesty has an order, you must not harass the people, and you must not speak or act shamelessly. Violators will be severely punished!"

  Zhu Ping’an’s order was promulgated, and the Yiwu recruits dared not refuse to follow. They all walked along the field path. More than 1,200 people passed by without trampling on a single crop or stepping on an inch of field furrows.

   Of course, it did not disturb a single commoner.

Such strict marching discipline made the farmers working in the field feel relieved, and they did not call their children to avoid them. They boldly sat in the fields or under the trees on the side of the road to watch the recruits of the Zhejiang Army passing by, resting and discussing. Come.

   "These are the soldiers from there, where did Governor Zhang transfer the elite to go to the coast to destroy the Japanese pirates?"

   "What soldiers? Didn't you see that they were all wearing the clothes of ordinary people? They didn't look like soldiers."

   "Isn't it a soldier?! Didn't you hear them sing 'I'm a soldier'? It may be that they have a mission, and they specially exchanged the clothes of ordinary people, pretending to be ordinary people, just to confuse Japanese pirates, and come here."

   "This army sings really well, I wish all soldiers could do this."

"What are you thinking? These days, such soldiers are rare. Most soldiers are not as good as bandits. They are more ruthless than bandits. If you encounter bandits, you may be able to save money and avoid disaster. When you meet soldiers Oh, huh, ask yourself to be blessed."

  The villagers in the field began to discuss enthusiastically, and they were very curious about the origin of the recruits of the Zhejiang Army.

When Zhu Pingan took the recruits of the Zhejiang Army all the way to train and was getting closer and closer to the Taohuaji school grounds, his uncle Zhu Shouren and his two friends, Wolong and Fengchu, arrived in Chizhou five days ago. Now five days have passed, and they have not yet left Chizhou. .

  They set off from home, took the Yangtze River waterway, and went down the river. Originally, the journey was only a few days, but after ten days or so, they only left Anqing Mansion and arrived in Chizhou. The journey has just begun

  The sun is three poles high, and the cold wind is blowing.

   "Brother Zhu, do we dare to set off by boat?" Hu Wei and Xia Qiang said to Zhu Shouren who had just woken up.

   "Oh, I can't bear it." Zhu Shouren heaved a long sigh.

   "Brother Zhu, why can't you bear it?" Hu Wei and Xia Qiang asked hurriedly.

"Now it's the twelfth lunar month, the cold wind is bleak, and the torrent is surging. Look, a weak woman is looking out from the window opposite, wearing thin clothes and shivering. Although I can't help the world, I don't want to be alone. This kind of cold Weather, I want to treat this poor weak woman to a hot soup, what do you think?"

  Zhu Shouren pointed to the opposite side and said.

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang looked at Zhu Shouren's fingers, and saw a scantily clad woman on the second floor of Zuihua Building, waving a handkerchief, trying her best to attract customers.

  Hu Wei and Xia Qiang were dumbfounded.

  (end of this chapter)

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