Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1616: best of the best

  Chapter 1616 Best of the Best

"Congratulations, my lord. I think there are more than 10,000 strong men who came to sign up to join the army today." Zhao Zhixian rushed to the recruiting site after finishing the yamen affairs, and saw that the recruiting site was overcrowded. The line of people was hundreds of meters long outside the field, and they couldn't help congratulating Zhu Ping'an.

   "Hehe, this is also thanks to the assistance of Zhao Zhixian." Zhu Pingan smiled and bowed to Zhao Zhixian in return.

   "My lord is serious, it's all easy. I don't know how the recruitment is progressing now?" Zhao Zhixian asked.

"Now there are more than 12,000 people who have come to sign up, and more than 1,800 people have qualified for the primary selection, which has already exceeded the scheduled 1,200 people. Judging from the enthusiasm of the people to sign up, this and next two There will be a large number of people coming to sign up every day. It is estimated that more than 30,000 people will come to sign up and apply, and more than 4,000 people will pass the primary selection. After the primary selection is completed, the best will be selected from the best. One thousand or two hundred people." Zhu Pingan looked at the bustling recruiting scene with satisfaction, and replied with the corners of his lips curled up, "It was originally planned to take about a week to recruit soldiers, but now it seems that it can be completed in about three days."

   "Four thousand are qualified, and the best are selected. The adults will definitely be able to recruit 1,200 elite soldiers, and they will be able to make new achievements in the future."

   Zhao Zhixian couldn't help complimenting him when he heard the words.

   "Hehe, borrow the auspicious words from Zhao Zhi County." Zhu Pingan replied with a smile.

   "However, since there are so many qualified people, why don't you recruit more soldiers and horses?"

Zhao Zhixian asked, he was inclined towards Zhu Ping'an to recruit more than 1,000 people, which would effectively reduce the security risks in the territory. It will affect Yiwu County's defense against Japanese pirates.

   "I also want to recruit more soldiers, but this time Governor Zhang approved 1,200 people, and the distribution of food and salaries in the future will also be based on this amount. Recruiting soldiers is a sensitive matter, and it is not appropriate to exceed the approval."

   Zhu Pingan explained softly.

  Zhao Zhixian heard the words and thought of the current military system, so he couldn't help but nodded, "Indeed, what your lord said is true."

   "However, if there is another opportunity to recruit troops in the future, I will definitely come to Guixian County again. Hehe, I hope that Zhao Zhixian will not think that I have picked the warriors from Guixian County." Zhu Pingan said with a smile, half joking and half serious.

"As my lord said, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. I, the people of Yiwu, are naturally obliged to exterminate the Japanese pirates. In the future, if there is an opportunity to recruit soldiers, the lord will come, and the subordinate officials will do their best to assist. I will let the lord choose my Yiwu people. Even if the subordinates leave office , I will also tell the next county magistrate to fully assist the adults in recruiting soldiers."

  Zhao Zhixian expressed his position without hesitation.

   "Zhao Zhixian understands righteousness deeply, and I admire it." Zhu Ping'an said to Zhao Zhixian with satisfaction.

   "I didn't expect that there were so many people who came to sign up. The next official will assign a group of scribes and servants to assist you."

  Zhao Zhixian noticed that there were too many people at the scene, and Zhu Ping'an's men were a little short, so he said.

  The more people you have, the better, and Zhu Pingan will naturally not refuse.

Today and tomorrow are primary elections. Anyone who passes the primary election will receive a note with their name and serial number. Those selected will participate in the final election with a note, and after passing the final election, they will be recruits of the Zhejiang Army.

  As the sun sets, today’s recruitment has temporarily come to an end, and a total of more than 20,000 people have come to sign up.

  On the second day, more than 10,000 people participated in the primary election. In two days, a total of more than 4,300 people passed the final election.

  In the early morning of the third day, just as the sun rose, more than 4,000 villagers who had passed the primary election were already waiting for the final election at the recruiting site. The final selection will select the best among them, and select 1,200 people to join the Zhejiang Army.

The final election site was even more crowded than the primary election two days ago. Apart from the villagers who participated in the final election, there were also many spectators, who surrounded the venue layer by layer, and even the howling cold wind Can't blow into the venue.

  No way, there are not many entertainment items these days, and there are even fewer free entertainment items. It is rare to have a lively event to watch. How could people miss it?

  In addition, many small vendors with a keen sense of business, like sharks smelling blood, sharpened their heads and plunged into the scene, hawking various snacks around the scene. There is excitement to watch, coupled with affordable snacks, it is simply not too beautiful, no one can refuse, and the peddlers make a lot of money.

  The whole scene was buzzing with people, and it was very lively, and the temple fair during the Chinese New Year was nothing more than that.

   It is no exaggeration to say that this is already the most grand event of the year in Yiwu County, bar none.

  Zhu Pingan drew on modern recruiting experience and set several criteria for the final selection: one is vision, the other is physique, the third is running, and the fourth is age. Through these four items, select the best from the best, and select the top 1,200.

  This is very different from the recruitment of other generals in the past. In the past, recruitment focused more on skills, fists, fighting, etc.

   "My lord, why don't you give priority to those who have good fists and kicks and kung fu skills, but pay more attention to whether the eyes can see far or not, and whether they can run fast?" Liu Dadao asked Zhu Pingan for advice in a puzzled manner.

Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, and explained simply: "Da Dao, we are recruiting soldiers, not generals. Fist, foot, hand, and martial arts can all be improved through acquired practice; and vision is irreversible with the current medical conditions. Our Zhejiang Army Pay attention to firearms, and eyesight is the key. In addition, running is also very important. Marching and fighting, whether it is attacking or retreating, running is essential."

   "I see, I understand, young master." Liu Dadao suddenly realized and nodded.

  The final selection is hot.

Zhu Pingan ordered more than a dozen boards in advance, borrowed from modern eye charts, and wrote lines of "mountain" characters in different directions on them, and set them up at a distance of five meters. Under the command of others, they used a small board to cover one eye and looked at the direction of the opening of the word "mountain" to evaluate their vision. Those who can accurately see the opening direction of the word "mountain" in the third line from the bottom (sight is almost close to modern 5.0), and those who cannot see clearly will be rejected.

   Physique is mainly based on height and weight. Generally, almost the same height and weight can pass, and those who are too short, too thin or too fat will not be selected.

  Running is a group of 100 people, running 20 laps around the recruiting site (almost 10,000 meters), as long as they can finish the run within 3 quarters of an hour, they will pass, if they can't persist, or if it takes more than 3 quarters of an hour, they will lose the election.

  Age is the preferred selection of young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. This age group is the best time to enlist in the army.

  (end of this chapter)

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