Rise From the Humble

Chapter 162: Throwing soap for a monthly pass

  Chapter 162 Throwing soap and asking for a monthly pass

  I think the two seniors at the top of the new book monthly ticket list are definitely teasing me. Whenever I feel a little bit of a joke, they run away with a loud voice, sparks and lightning all the way, without even showing a hair on their legs...

  So, I decided to ask for a monthly ticket for a single chapter, please help the poor family, I want to throw a piece of soap in front of the two great gods...

  I hope that all book friends can help me. It’s almost the end of the month, and it will only be three days. If you have a monthly pass in your hand, don’t keep it. No matter what the result is, there will definitely be a small explosion on Saturdays and weekends, thank you.

   Throw soap and ask for a monthly pass.

  Thinking about the beautiful parabola, I feel a little excited.

  (end of this chapter)

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