Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1611: suspicious

  Chapter 1611 The case is suspicious

Since he knew about Chen Erlang's murder of his wife, Zhu Ping'an couldn't stay out of it, so he said to Chen Dacheng with a serious face, "I am the deputy envoy of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate. It is not only my authority but also my responsibility to review criminal cases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Now that you have encountered a case of ordering your younger brother to kill his wife, there is absolutely no reason to ignore it. I would also like to ask Patriarch Chen to describe the order in detail from the beginning to the end. There should be no concealment or fabrication of my brother's case. If Lingdi is indeed innocent, this official will never allow the local county government to wrong him; The patriarchal relationship, and favoritism.”

  After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Chen Dacheng's eyes suddenly ignited with flames of hope.

  Yes, Mr. Zhu, as the deputy envoy of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, has the responsibility of reviewing criminal cases.

  I have been working on my brother's case for a year, and the county government and magistrate have run away, but it has no effect.

  The younger brother is still locked up in the prison, and when the autumn wind blows next year, he will be verified and beheaded in the execution ground for public display.

   Now is the best and last chance.

   "Yes, yes, yes, Cao Min will definitely tell your lord the details of my brother's case from beginning to end." Chen Dacheng said excitedly.

   "That was last year." Chen Dacheng closed his eyes, and slowly started talking.

  The crime happened last year, but the matter started two years ago.

  Chen Jia Erlang, whose name is taboo Chen Jiaxing, was a scholar and was twenty-one years old. Two years ago, through the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, eight palanquins were carried back to bring back the beloved wife, Zhang Shi. Zhang Shi is the youngest daughter of a cloth merchant's family. Chen Erlang dotes on Mrs. Zhang very much, and the young couple live a harmonious life with few quarrels.

   After getting married, Chen Erlang and his wife lived in the west of Beilei Village, and the second elder of the Chen family built a big house for them.

  Chen Erlang usually studies at home, but he will go out for a few days every month to meet friends, exchange knowledge, and increase his talents.

  Last winter, as usual, Chen Erlang went out to meet friends and exchange knowledge. Three days later, Chen Erlang returned home.


  After Chen Erlang returned home, there was an ear-piercing scream from the house, breaking the silence of Beilei Village.

  The neighbors heard Chen Erlang's screams and thought that Chen Erlang's house had been burglarized, so they hurried to help, and then they were shocked to find that Chen Erlang's wife had been brutally killed, and Chen Erlang was paralyzed at the door, screaming.

   What shocked everyone even more was that there was only the body of Chen Erlang's wife Zhang Shi in the house, but no head of Zhang Shi.

  Suddenly, Beilei Village was boiling, and everyone came.

  Chen Erlang's father-in-law and mother-in-law also brought people here after hearing the news. Seeing the tragic appearance of his beloved daughter, he was distraught, thinking that his son-in-law killed his beloved daughter, so he sued Chen Erlang at the Yamen.

  The county magistrate of Yiwu at that time was still the former magistrate.

  The guard found a **** coat worn by Chen Erlang under the bed of Chen Erlang's house, and fished out a **** kitchen knife from the well. It's a pity that the kitchen knife has been soaked in the well, and there is not much blood left, and fingerprints, etc. have also been washed away.

  However, Zhang's head has not been found.

  Chen Erlang was arrested and taken to the county government, and the trial was open. At first, the county magistrate interrogated Chen Erlang why he killed his wife.

  Chen Erlang insisted on refusing to admit to killing his wife, saying that when he returned from visiting friends, he found his wife had been brutally murdered.

  The magistrate interrogated Chen Erlang again, and the **** clothes belonged to him.

  Chen Erlang said that the clothes really belonged to him, but they were dirty clothes he changed before visiting a friend. They were not stained with blood at that time, and they did not know why.

  The magistrate interrogated Chen Erlang again, and the kitchen knife belonged to his family. Chen Erlang confessed that the kitchen knife belonged to his family.

The magistrate interrogated, the **** clothes belonged to you, the kitchen knife belonged to your family, and your wife was killed. You said that it had nothing to do with you, but you were lying with your eyes open. Why did you kill your wife and where did you throw your wife’s head? .

  Chen Erlang shook his head, refusing to admit it.

  The county magistrate was furious, and cast an order sign, saying that Chen Erlang was stubborn, and ordered the guards to beat fifty killing sticks. Chen Erlang, a frail scholar, had never suffered such pain, screaming incessantly, after beating the fifty-kill stick, he passed out, poured cold water, and woke up from the ice.

   Interrogated again, Chen Erlang shook his head dying.

The county magistrate ordered the stick to be used. After a while, Chen Erlang couldn't stand it anymore. He yelled for mercy, pleaded guilty, and admitted that he had killed his wife. Zhong Xiucai, he killed his wife in a rage. The **** coat was what he wore when he committed the crime, and the kitchen knife was also the murder weapon he used to commit the crime.

As for the head, he forgot where to throw it. After the torture, Chen Erlang remembered that it was still in a woods. The guards went to the woods to search for several days but couldn’t find it. Maybe it was eaten by wild dogs or wild animals. .

  At the beginning of the year, Gao Sheng, the former county magistrate, was transferred away, and Zhao County magistrate took office.

  Chen Dacheng cried out for injustice with a blood book.

  Zhao Zhi County reviewed the files, witnesses and physical evidence, and Chen Erlang also personally admitted to killing his wife, and signed his signature.

  The facts are clear, the evidence is complete, and the verdict remains unchanged. Chen Erlang accidentally killed his wife with a grudge.

   ". That's the way it is. I also ask the adults to make decisions for Brother Caomin." Chen Dacheng knelt down with his fists folded.

   "Patriarch Chen please get up quickly." Zhu Pingan helped Chen Dacheng up.

  In this case, it seems that there are all witnesses and physical evidence, and there are motives, but Zhu Pingan went through it carefully, and still saw a few unreasonable things in it. First of all, the first point is that Chen Erlang's motive for killing his wife is not sufficient. Even if Zhang said that Chen Erlang was incompetent and failed to pass the exam for a scholar when he went out all the year round, according to common sense, this stimulus is not enough to motivate Chen Erlang to kill his wife. Erlang is still young, only 21 years old, no, he was only 20 years old at the time of the crime, it is normal for him to fail the xiucai examination at the age of 20, and there are many people who fail the xiucai examination at the age of 60. Ten-year-old is the main force in the examination of talent. If you are forty or fifty years old, if you are told that you have not passed the examination and are incompetent, you may be a little more stimulated. Also, the neighbors all said that Chen Erlang and his wife had a harmonious relationship, and they had never heard of a quarrel between them. Second, after Chen Erlang killed his wife, he threw his wife's head away, which is superfluous, meaningless and unreasonable. Third, even if you kill your wife with hatred, you will inevitably find some excuses to get rid of the crime, or you will die of illness, or cause an accidental sudden death. Such a blatant and undisguised way to kill your wife is not in line with common sense.

  Human life is at stake, since there are so many doubts, it must be thoroughly investigated.

  Zhu Ping'an then ordered Liu Dadao, "Dadao, please go and invite the magistrate Zhao to bring the case file of Chen Erlang's murder of his wife. I want to retry the case with the magistrate Zhao."

  (end of this chapter)

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