Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1609: attitude change

  Chapter 1609 Attitude Change

  It seems that the Zhejiang army is indeed different from the officers and soldiers of the guards. Regardless of military discipline or combat power, they are not comparable to the officers and soldiers of the guards.

  Chen Dacheng had no choice but to face it squarely, put away the grimace on his face, and asked Zhu Pingan seriously, "I don't know what are the conditions for recruiting troops, my lord? Your army is a regiment training. If you apply to join the army, what future will you have in the future?"

  After hearing Chen Dacheng's inquiry, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel happy. Chen Daneng asked about the conditions for recruiting soldiers and his future after joining the army. Naturally, he was already inclined to agree to the clan's children and villagers enlisting in the army.

"As long as they are young and strong local farmers, miners, and brothers who support the elderly, they can come to sign up and recruit from among them. Although our Zhejiang Army is a regiment training, the salary is much higher than that of the guards. Every month A military salary of one and a half taels of silver. If the performance appraisal is excellent, you can get a silver reward and a chance to be promoted. Killing Japanese pirates on the battlefield will reward you with 30 taels of silver. The more you kill, the higher the reward. .In addition, our Zhejiang Army is a regiment training army, not a hereditary military registration, but a civilian registration, and we can retire from the army at that time, which will not affect our business and imperial examinations.”

  Zhu Ping'an briefly introduced the conditions for recruiting soldiers, emphatically mentioned the treatment and promotion space of the Zhejiang Army, and additionally emphasized that joining the Zhejiang Army is not a hereditary military status, and there are no disadvantages of military households, so you can retire.

   "Thank you, my lord, for clarifying the confusion. The grassroots still have a question. I don't know how to train soldiers after my lord recruits?" Chen Dacheng asked again.

  After hearing Chen Dacheng's question, Zhu Pingan felt happier. The more detailed and in-depth Chen Dacheng asked, the more he wanted to know, the more he was inclined to agree with the clan children and villagers to enlist in the army.

To Chen Dacheng's question, Zhu Ping'an replied with a serious face: "The more you sweat in normal times, the less blood you bleed in wartime. After I recruit soldiers, I naturally have to train them strictly. However, unlike other people's training, my training focuses on military discipline." , double mind, triple firearm."

   "Adults value military discipline, and grassroots people understand, but what is this thinking?" Chen Dacheng asked doubtfully.

"The so-called ideology is ideological education. Simply put, it is to improve the ideological awareness of soldiers, let them know who to fight for and why, and concentrate on cultivating faith. An army with faith and discipline will never A mob with an iron will forging an iron army."

Zhu Ping’s doubts about Chen Dacheng are no surprise. Even Zhang Jing is puzzled by this, let alone him. The importance of ideological education will not be paid attention to and discovered until hundreds of years later, and it will become a key factor in army construction. A great weapon.

  Iron-like will, forging an iron-like army... Chen Dacheng heard the words, but he didn't understand it.

"My lord, the grassroots also have a certain understanding of military affairs. Firearms have always played an auxiliary role in our army. "Ming Shilu" records: "Every hundred households have ten gunners, twenty sword players, and archers. Thirty, and forty gunners', only one-tenth of the gunners in the army use firearms, and they are in an auxiliary position. Your Excellency attaches great importance to firearms, and it seems that there is a bit of prioritization." Chen Dacheng raised a question.

   "Does Patriarch Chen know about Shenji Camp?" Zhu Ping'an asked.

   "The grassroots know." Chen Dacheng replied.

"History is rolling forward, everything is developing, and firearms are no exception. "Ming Shilu" was published in the Hongwu period, and gunmen accounted for one tenth. In the Yongle period, Emperor Yongle built the Shenji Camp, which was a special firearms unit. The more attention is paid to firearms. Firearms are ten times more powerful than cold weapons, and whoever can effectively use firearms will be able to control the outcome of the war." Zhu Pingan said to Chen Dacheng confidently.

"My lord, Emperor Yongle built the Shenji Battalion to assist other military camps. Emperor Yongle proposed the combat method of 'the Shenji guns are in the front, and the horse team is in the rear'. It is still the same today. Firearms are used before the enemy, not the enemy. The main weapon of war is to use knives and guns to kill the enemy. In addition, in rainy weather and other weather, firearms are difficult to use, and gunners need protection such as pikemen. Firearms can only be in an auxiliary position. Isn’t it a reverse priority for adults to attach importance to firearms? "Chen Dacheng persisted in questioning.

Zhu Ping'an was not surprised when he heard this. This is the limitation of this era and the limitation of history. Don't blame him. Even Qi Jiguang, who will pay attention to firearms in the future, will use the theory of limited firearms. It cannot be relied on as the main weapon of war.” Although the ratio of Qi’s army’s firearms is half, the Qi’s army’s standard weapons are not firearms, but cold weapons such as rattan cards, wolf whisks, and Qi’s sabers. The Qi’s army’s combat methods are also cold weapons. The mandarin duck array is the main one, and the firearms are only used before contacting the enemy.

But Zhu Pingan is different. Zhu Pingan has hundreds of years of historical experience beyond them. He knows that it is inevitable that firearms will replace cold weapons. Effective use of firearms, whoever is the king of the army in this world, there is no one!

   To be honest, Zhu Pingan's advantage in training troops lies in firearms, and in the development and use of firearms for hundreds of years. Compared with this era, whether it is Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou and other outstanding soldiers of the Ming army, or Western countries such as Franji and England that have begun to pay attention to firearms, they are far inferior to Zhu Pingan, and even one piece is not as good as Zhu Pingan.

  Of course, for cold weapons, no matter how many military books Zhu Pingan has read and how much experience he has, he cannot compare with Qi Jiguang and others.

The more Zhu Pingan studies Qi Jiguang's masterpieces "New Book of Ji Xiao", "Records of Military Training" and ancient military books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Wei Liao Zi", the more he feels that the ancients are powerful. Zhu Pingan is ashamed of himself in cold weapon warfare Not as good.

This is not simply something that can be compensated by experience, but also talent. On the track of cold weapons, Zhu Pingan thought that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to catch up with them, nor could he do better than Qi Jiguang and others. confidence.

  As long as he develops an army of firearms, Zhu Pingan is confident that he can fight Japanese pirates.

  Even, Zhu Ping'an has enough confidence to set foot on the Fusang of the Japanese country, and ask the emperor and general who tied them up with long tassels to question their crimes.

  On the one hand, to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses; on the other hand, to lead the military trend.

   Therefore, Zhu Pingan's military training is to train an army that focuses on firearms equipment and firearms combat.

"Patriarch Chen, the wheel of history is rolling forward. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. Although firearms have many disadvantages, as long as they are improved and perfected, they are not a problem. Wait, there are original researches, such as I have tripled the efficiency of gunpowder loading, innovated the tactics of using firearms, etc., but it involves military secrets, please forgive me for not being able to say more.”

  Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, and said firmly, his eyes were like the sun, and his eyes were full of confidence.

   Increased the efficiency of gunpowder reloading by three times.

This means that in the past, only one round of firecrackers could be fired, but now three rounds of firecrackers can be fired, which has tripled the lethality; improved firearm tactics. Although I don’t know how to improve it, it seems that it should be better than gunpowder loading. Difference.

   In this way, the effect of firearms has been increased by at least five or six times. It makes sense that Mr. Zhu attaches so much importance to firearms.

   "Caomin understands, thank you sir for clarifying the confusion." Chen Dacheng cupped his fists and bowed deeply to Zhu Ping'an.

  (end of this chapter)

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