Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1603: When Yiwu recruits soldiers (2)

  Chapter 1603 Yiwu recruiting in progress (2)

   "So that's the case, the lower official's understanding is wrong, please forgive me, my lord."

  After listening to Zhu Pingan's explanation, Zhao Zhixian read the contents of the two official documents carefully again, and suddenly realized that he had misunderstood them, so he returned the two official documents to Zhu Pingan and pleaded guilty.

   "It's also because I didn't make it clear in advance. Mr. Zhao acted impartially, so what's the crime?" Zhu Pingan waved his hand with a smile.

   "Since my lord has been ordered to recruit the militia, I, as the county magistrate of Yiwu, will fully cooperate." Zhao County magistrate said.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands and thanked him.

   "My lord is asking too much, please don't blame me. There are many places in the seven provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, and Yiwu's reputation is not obvious. I don't know why my lord chooses Yiwu to recruit soldiers?" Zhao Zhixian asked Zhu Ping'an suspiciously.

"I have heard about the Yiwu Mine War. Yiwu people dare to fight, are not afraid of death, and are united. This deeply shocked me. Such a natural force can be a strong soldier with a little training, so I came here Yiwu is recruiting soldiers. I came to Guixian County today and witnessed a mine dispute with my own eyes, and I am deeply convinced." Zhu Pingan simply replied.

   "So that's true. Indeed, since I came to Yiwu, it's the first time I've seen people who are so brave and fearless." Zhao Zhixian sighed.

Speaking of this, Zhao Zhixian changed his voice, sighed and said slowly, "Although that is the case, it is not easy for adults to recruit troops. Now the mines in Yiwu are fiercely contested, and different clans in Yiwu are competing for mines. Yiwu Local people compete with outsiders for mines. Once they compete for mines, it is easy to have weapon fights. The most important thing in weapon fights is manpower. If there are too many people, there will be a lot of power. If they participate in recruitment, the number of clans will decrease, which is not conducive to the competition for mines. The lower officials are worried about them. I will not take part in recruiting lightly."

   "This official has already thought of it, so I need Mr. Zhao to help me." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to Zhao Zhixian.

  When Zhu Pingan was preparing to come to Yiwu to recruit soldiers, he had already thought about it, especially after seeing the scene of the mine competition in Yiwu, he knew that if he wanted to recruit soldiers in Yiwu, he had to solve the Yiwu mine competition first.

   "My lord, please give me your instructions. It is my duty to be an official. I'm just worried that my talents and wisdom will be short, which will delay my lord's important affairs."

  Zhao Zhixian bowed his hand and returned the salute, but did not refuse.

"The mine dispute in Yiwu has suffered heavy losses, and it is time to end it. I also ask the magistrate of Zhao County to issue a notice to the whole county. One reaffirms our national policy of prohibiting mining in the Ming Dynasty. All minerals in Yiwu, including gold, silver, copper, iron, coal, tin, and aluminum, belong to the state. Without the approval of the government, private mining is strictly prohibited, and anyone who mines privately will be punished severely for the crime of theft, and will not be punished!" Zhu Pingan said slowly.

Zhao County Magistrate couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words, "Master Zhu, although we have implemented a policy of banning mines since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the policy of banning mines has been loosened since the development. Moreover, there are more mines and less land in Yiwu, and the common people Most of them make a living by mining, if mining is banned, it will cut off the livelihood of the people, I am afraid that once this notice is issued, Yiwu will be in chaos, and if it is serious, it may lead to the government forcing the people to rebel."

"Zhaozhi County, be safe and don't be impatient. The content of my announcement is not yet finished. In addition, the loosening of the ban on mining is also an inevitable social development. However, although the loosening of the mine ban policy allows private development to a certain extent, it is a It is based on the approval of the government and the payment of goods in kind to the government."

  Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, and said slowly.

   "What your lord said is very true, but the lower officials are anxious and lose their sense of care. Please continue to give orders." Zhao Zhixian cupped his hands.

Zhu Pingan took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued, "Both, for the mines that have already been occupied, after paying in kind according to the law, the government will recognize it and issue a new approval document to allow the occupier to carry out For mining, pay in kind in full amount on time; for unoccupied and undiscovered mining, all belong to the state, and anyone is strictly prohibited from occupying or mining in any way. Violators will be punished severely for the crime of theft. Those who compete for mines in this way will be severely punished for the crime of robbery; for mines that have not been occupied or discovered, the government can organize manual mining, and give priority to recruiting local people to mine the mines. When the locals are insufficient, outsiders can be recruited. Private mining is allowed, and those who intend to mine need to apply to the government, and only after the government approves can they mine, and pay in kind in full and on time.”

  After Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, Zhao Zhixian's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but nodded.

  Recognize the already occupied mining industry. After the occupier pays the real tax, the government will issue an approval document, so that the vested interests (including the mining clan and mining miners) will not be offended, and there is no need to worry about them causing chaos;

  For unoccupied mines, private occupation of mines is prohibited. Offenders will be punished as theft, and those who rob mines with weapons will be punished as robbery. In this way, there will be no need to worry about civil conflicts.

  In addition, for the unoccupied mining industry, the government can recruit local people to mine or approve private mining, so that it has the initiative, and it also has the initiative to govern Yiwu.

  This announcement may solve the ills that have plagued Yiwu for nearly a hundred years!

  Of course, the most important thing is that this is a notice posted by Zhu Pingan, the acting deputy envoy of the Procuratorate of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.

Thinking of this, Zhao County Magistrate didn't want to delay any longer, and said again and again, "Your Excellency is wise, thank you for solving my century-old mine disputes in Yiwu. The next official will draft a notice, and have people post notices in the county seat, towns and villages, so as to know the whole county well. "

   "Thanks for Zhao Zhixian's hard work." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

   "Your Excellency, you are welcome. Your Excellency has explained the ills of Yiwu's century-old mining dispute. It is too late for the lower officials to be grateful. How hard it is."

   Zhao Zhixian said quickly.

   "My lord, wait for a moment. Next, someone will write and post a notice." Zhao Zhixian said and was about to go down to make arrangements.

"Master Zhao, please wait a moment. Please post this recruiting notice together with the whole county at the same time. You have to work hard for your county clerk to copy a few more copies." Zhu Pingan took out a recruiting notice from his arms and handed it to him. Zhaozhi County.

  Zhao Zhixian took the notice, and the content of the notice came into view.

  The recruiting notice is titled: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world—an order to recruit soldiers who dare to fight in Yiwu with the kindness of the king and father".

  Eloquent and eloquent, with more than a hundred words, it is very contagious. After reading it, people are full of enthusiasm, and they can't wait to join the army and serve the country immediately.

   Zhuangyuanlang, worthy of being the Zhuangyuanlang, this notice alone is enough for him to learn.

  Especially the sentence in the title "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world", it is really breathtaking and amazing!

  The words are concise and to the point, with endless implications, and thought-provoking. It is predictable that this recruitment notice will be passed down for generations, and this sentence "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" must become a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages!

  The number one scholar deserves to be the number one scholar, so you can't accept it.

  (end of this chapter)

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