Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1600: Shout out

  Chapter 1600 Shocked to hear the sound of killing

  The mountains are undulating and towering trees, the white frost wins the snow show and the cold pines.

  Zhu Pingan took Liu Dadao and a group of 50 people, one person and two riders, all the way non-stop, eating and sleeping in the wind, changing horses every half a day to maintain horsepower, it took two days and one night, and finally arrived at the border of Yiwu.

  As soon as he entered the border of Yiwu, Zhu Ping'an felt the actual situation of Yiwu with many mountains and little land. It is a typical hilly county with barren land and poor people.


After crossing a big mountain and going up the official road, the number of villages gradually increased. Seeing a tea stand in front of him, Zhu Pingan reined lightly, stopped the horses slowly in front of the tea stand, and said to the soldiers behind him, "It's freezing cold, You brothers have worked hard all the way, get off your horse and have a cup of hot tea to fill your stomach, and then we will go on our way."

   "Thank you for your compassion." A group of soldiers dismounted one after another and thanked Zhu Ping'an with a smile.

  The owner of the tea stall is a family, a couple about forty years old, with two and a half children.

   "Meet the Grand Master."

  The couple at the tea stall saw that Zhu Pingan was wearing an official uniform, and the fifty riders behind him were all wearing light armor. They couldn't help but brought their two sons forward to salute Zhu Pingan in panic.

"The boss, the lady boss, and the two little brothers please get up quickly. There is no need to be too polite. I am waiting for a party to pass through your place and want to eat something in your store to rest your feet. What food and drink do you have in your store?" Zhu Pingan took a step forward, helped them up before they knelt down, and said to them with a gentle face.

   Seeing that Zhu Ping'an was so talkative, the tea stall couple breathed a sigh of relief, and the tea stall owner replied, "My lord, this small tea stall not only has a special big pot of tea, but also pancakes, side dishes, and a pot of mutton soup."

"The mutton soup is good. It's freezing cold. It's a great enjoyment to drink a bowl of mutton soup." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help laughing, and then asked, "There are a lot of people in our group. The mutton soup and pancake side dishes in your store Is there enough for us to eat?"

"My lord, don't worry, the mutton soup is full of a big pot. I dare not say too much. A big bowl is more than enough for each person. As for the pancakes, there is still a basket of pancakes. My lord and all the military lords will eat first. We will rush to make it now." .”

  The owner of the tea stand pointed to the set up pot and stove and said.

   "Then I'll be the boss." Zhu Pingan nodded in satisfaction, and asked Liu Dadao to greet the soldiers to sit down.

  Although there are not many tables and chairs, it is not too much, and it is still warm to sit in a crowded place.

"Da Dao, let's take care of the big pot of soup and the big pot of side dishes. There are three pancakes per person, and one pot of tea per table. You can ask the boss how much it is, and you can get as much as you want. It's not easy these days , no need for a discount, and pay the boss at the original price in advance.” Zhu Pingan called Liu Dadao, untied the money bag from his waist, and handed it to Liu Dadao, asking him to go to the boss to settle the bill first, so as to reassure the boss’s family.

  The Japanese pirates these days make life difficult for the common people, and some officers and soldiers are of poor quality, and they are even more destructive than the Japanese pirates when they disturb the people.

  It can be seen from the fact that the boss's family saw that they were panicked at the beginning.

  So Zhu Pingan asked Liu Dadao to check out in advance instead of after dinner, just to reassure the boss and his family.

  After Liu Dadao went to explain his intentions, the boss’s family refused endlessly. Later, under Liu Dadao’s insistence, after a lot of delaying, the boss’s family accepted the money with a happy face and a thousand thanks, and spread the pancakes.

"Young master, it's eight renminbi in total. The boss wants to give you a discount of one renminbi. I listened to you, and didn't let him take advantage of it. I insisted on giving him eight renminbi." After Liu Dadao returned, he returned the purse to Zhu Pingan, and told road.

   "Very good, sit down quickly and drink the mutton soup while it's hot." Zhu Ping'an nodded and called Liu Dadao to sit down.

  Eight qian silver, about 16 ren per person, a bowl of mutton soup, three oil cakes, side dishes and tea, this is a very affordable price.

  Perhaps because of the freezing weather and dusty weather, the mutton soup at the tea stand is extremely delicious.

   purr purr

   Zhu Ping'an and his party ate and drank deliciously.

   "Kill! Fuck him!"

   "Today I have to teach Yongkang people how to behave!"

   "Don't be cowardly, rush up and fight with them!"

   Just when Zhu Ping'an and his party were about to finish eating and drinking, they heard a faint cry of killing coming from a distance.

"What's going on?! Where's the sound of killing?! Are the Japanese pirates coming?!" Liu Dadao and others were taken aback. coming.

  Zhu Ping'an did the same, holding down the long sword at his waist, stood up and looked towards the direction of the shouts of killing in the distance.

  About 20 meters along the official road is a steep slope, and the sound of shouting and killing comes from below the steep slope.

   "Let's go, let's see what's going on." Zhu Pingan took the lead in walking towards the steep **** while holding the long sword at his waist.

  Liu Dadao hurriedly caught up and protected Zhu Ping'an, and the rest of the soldiers also followed up with their weapons.

   "Have the Japanese pirates come here?"

   "The sound of killing sounds, it sounds like the battle is not small. If it is Japanese pirates, it is estimated that there are at least a thousand people."

   "My lord, let's avoid it."

   A group of soldiers listened to the shouts of killing and beating from afar, estimated the number of enemies and us, and their faces turned pale.

   "My lord, military lords, don't worry, there are no Japanese pirates down here. My lord, military lords, you can just eat at ease, and I promise you will be fine."

  When Zhu Ping'an and others got up and were about to walk out of the tea stall, the owner of the tea stall trotted to catch up and said very firmly.

   "Isn't it a riot of Japanese pirates? Then why is there such a big scene of shouting and killing? And the boss, you didn't go to see it, how do you know it's not a riot of Japanese pirates? Could it be that the boss has clairvoyance and good ears?"

   "You can still eat with peace of mind. There is such a big battle below, if the Japanese pirates really come to kill you, you won't be able to run away."

   A group of soldiers questioned one after another.

Hearing the boss's firm words, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but stop, turned around and asked the boss humbly, "Boss, you said that there are no Japanese pirates down there, so what's the matter with the shouting and killing? Boss, your family is like this." Calm down, but the yelling and shouting down here don’t happen every day or two, are you already used to it?”

  The boss is so calm and calm, it seems that he is familiar with it, and he is used to it. Otherwise, anyone who suddenly heard such a large number of shouts and shouts would not be able to help but panic.

  Looking at the boss’s wife and two and a half older children, they are all just like the boss, very calm and calm. The boss’s wife is still continuing to make pancakes, and the two and a half older children are kneading noodles and boiling a pot without stopping.

"My lord is wise, it's not a day or two for the people below to shout and kill. In the past two months, we have to come to such a scene every three to five times. We are used to it." The boss replied with a look of admiration. Dao, this young adult really has piercing eyes, and he can tell at a glance that we are used to it.

  (end of this chapter)

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