Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1594: The wolf soldiers are fierce and fierce, and they are called the most in the world.

  Chapter 1594 Wolf soldiers are fierce and fierce, known as the most in the world

"Last time, I asked you what the top priority is to destroy the Japanese. You said that appointing the governor to unify the command was the top priority. At that time, I also said that you dared to think about it when you were young. Governor." Zhang Jing said with some emotion, and then looked at Zhu Ping'an with burning eyes, "Zi Hou has a glimpse of the leopard, sees the details, grasps the pulse of current events, and understands the overall situation.

  At this moment, in Zhang Jing's mind, Zhu Ping'an's weight is beyond comparison, and few people can match it.

  As Zhu Ping’an had expected, Zhang Jing was very amazed at Zhu Ping’s overall view, and labeled Zhu Pingan with labels such as “knowing the book from a small perspective”, “having the overall situation in mind”, “planning strategies”, and “foreseeing things like a god”.

   "It's just a coincidence, my lord praised it, Ping An is ashamed."

  Zhu Pingan shook his head modestly, and said modestly, while talking, he stood up and filled Zhang Jing's wine glass.

"No, one time may be described as a coincidence, but Zihou saw the performance of Weizhi's work, not once or twice. Zihou studied the battle reports from various places and warned that the Japanese pirates in Shangyu would attack Yingtian. This is a typical proof. Unfortunately, The old man also failed to pay enough attention, otherwise the situation will be very different."

  Zhang Jing shook his head slightly, admiring Zhu Pingan, and regretted not paying enough attention to Zhu Pingan's warning.

   "Now that the governor has been appointed, what does Zi Hou think is the most important thing to do at this time?" Zhang Jing asked at the dinner table.

   "Returning to my lord, I think the first priority today is to dispatch troops and generals." Zhu Pingan replied without hesitation.

  Zhang Jing nodded, and his evaluation of Zhu Ping'an was a little higher.

   Be pragmatic!

  Actually, when he asked Zhu Ping'an last time, he thought about dispatching troops, and Hu Zongxian's answer was also dispatching troops. At that time, I felt that Zhu Ping'an was not pragmatic enough, and I took it for granted, so my evaluation of Zhu Ping'an was not as high as that of Hu Zongxian.

   Now it seems that Zhu Pingan not only has a better overall view than Hu Zongxian, but also has a pragmatic spirit.

   "Why does Zi Hou think that the first priority is to dispatch troops?" Zhang Jing asked further, wanting to hear Zhu Ping'an's answer.

"My lord, first, there are more and more Japanese pirates now, and the officials have carefully collected the recent situation of Japanese pirates. The largest Japanese pirates have occupied the Zhoushan Islands, and the main force has occupied Jintang Island, gathering in Ligang. There are tens of thousands of pirates; except Wang Straight outside, there are also Xu Hai, Chen Dong and other groups of Japanese pirates gathered in Songjiang, South Zhili. There are more than 30,000 pirates, mainly entrenched in Tuolin and Chuanshawa. The current strength of our Zhejiang and South Zhili is seriously insufficient. , it is really difficult to undertake the important task of suppressing the Japanese. Second, this time the Japanese pirates in Shangyu traveled thousands of miles across Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Nanzhili, defeating the officers and soldiers from all over the way. Everyone, the combat effectiveness of the local soldiers is worrying, and it is difficult to undertake the heavy task of suppressing the Japanese. Third, all parts of Zhejiang have experienced Japanese invasion, and they have been attacked by Japanese pirates one after another. It is really necessary for the officers and soldiers who still have combat effectiveness to come and cooperate with the troops to suppress the Japanese pirates."

  Zhu Ping'an replied slowly, and used the dinner plate on the table as a prop to simply lay out the distribution of Japanese pirates.

  Zhang Jing nodded while listening, Zhu Ping'an's analysis was almost exactly the same as what he thought in his heart, and he couldn't help but admire it.

   "Does Zihou know about Guangxi wolf soldiers?" Zhang Jing asked casually.

   "I have heard a little about it." Zhu Pingan nodded lightly, "Ping An heard that 'wolves are fierce and fierce, and they are called the most in the world'. I don't know if it is worthy of the name, but with such a great reputation, I think it will not be bad."

  Actually, Zhu Ping'an knows Guangxi wolf soldiers too well. Maybe he is not as good as Zhang Jing, who was the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in detail, but he definitely knows more than Zhang Jing in general.

  In history, "wolf soldiers are fierce and fierce, and they are called the most in the world."

After Qin Shihuang annexed the six countries, he sent 300,000 troops in the north to deal with the Xiongnu, but sent a full 500,000 troops in the south to deal with Xiyue, the ancestor of the Zhuang people. The 500,000 Qin army fought in Xiyue for three years , There was no progress, and it was not until Qin Shihuang poured his country's power to open the Lingqu that he conquered Xiyue.

  During the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Jing dispatched wolf soldiers to fight against the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates trembled when they heard the name of the wolf soldiers. Afterwards, Yuan Chonghuan led Guangxi wolf soldiers against Nurhachi's 300,000 Eight Banners army in Ningyuan, defeated the Manchu Eight Banners, and wiped out more than 17,000 enemies.

During the Qing Dynasty, veteran Feng Zicai led Guangxi soldiers to defeat the French army at Zhennanguan, causing the French cabinet to step down; the Taiping Rebellion relied on Guangxi soldiers at first, and fought all the way to Nanjing; during the period of the Republic of China and the Anti-Japanese War, Guangxi soldiers also fought He has a great reputation and has made great military exploits

  So, on the whole, Zhu Ping'an knows a lot more than Zhang Jing.

"That's right. I knew a lot about Guangxi wolf soldiers when I was in the military affairs of the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. The wolf soldiers are soldiers under the rule of the local chieftain. Life and death depend on the chieftain alone. They are all tenacious, brave and fearless. I have eaten They have suffered a lot. Guangxi wolf soldiers, especially those from Tianzhou, Donglan, Nadi, and Danzhou, are the best. It has the prestige of 'his soldiers can die but not be defeated'." Zhang Jing nodded slightly, and told Zhu Ping'an.

   "My lord, do you want to send Guangxi wolf soldiers here?"

  Zhu Pingan asked the question knowingly, he knew Zhang Jing was going to mobilize wolf soldiers to suppress the Japanese, and Zhang Jing did the same in history.

  Zhang Jing didn't hide it either, and nodded lightly, "I have this plan, what does Zihou think?"

   "The lower officials naturally support you. The more soldiers you can fight, the better." Zhu Pingan nodded without hesitation, expressing his agreement with Zhang Jing's idea, because Guangxi wolf soldiers are currently one of the most capable troops in Ming Dynasty.

  At present, Qi Jiguang has not started training soldiers yet, and the famous Qi Family Army has not yet come out.

   "My lord used to be the governor of the military affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi. He knows the Guangxi wolf soldiers well. He must know their advantages and disadvantages, so that he can make good use of them."

  Zhu Ping'an further said, reminding Zhang Jing that Guangxi wolf soldiers have advantages, but they must also have disadvantages. When using Guangxi wolf soldiers, we must maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses, give full play to the strengths of wolf soldiers and avoid their weaknesses.

"Well, that's right. Guangxi wolf soldiers have advantages and disadvantages, otherwise they wouldn't be equaled by me. Guangxi wolf soldiers are brave if they are brave, but they are brave and easy to collapse. There must be rules and regulations. Commander general." Zhang Jing stroked his beard and nodded.

  Zhu Ping'an nodded secretly. It seems that Zhang Jing has no blind myths about wolf soldiers at present, and he is still very sober, so he can rest assured.

  (end of this chapter)

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