Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1576: It's over, it's over, it's over

  Chapter 1576 It's over, it's over, it's over

  He was not demoted to the people, and Hai Rui was fined for one year's salary and incompetent in the annual performance appraisal without being beaten. This gave the officials in the hall a shot in the arm.

   All the officials in the main hall couldn't help feeling hopeful in their hearts, and this idea came to their minds, Hai Rui can do it, so can we

  However, their hopes were shattered in the next second.

"Shi Ning, a thousand households of Huizhou guards, was cowardly and fearful of fighting. He led the army to guard the Huizhou pass. When the Japanese pirates knocked on the pass, Shi Ning took the lead in abandoning the pass and fled without firing an arrow. Entering Huizhou, robbing Jixi, living up to the emperor's favor, ignoring the people, crimes that cannot be pardoned, escorted to Beijing, and asked to be executed after autumn!"

  Chen Hong twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at Weizhou Wei Qianhu Shi Ning in his eyes, and read slowly.

   "Forgive me, spare my life, my father-in-law, my majesty, my majesty. I beg your father-in-law to say a few words to the sage, let me forgive you this time." Huizhou Wei Qianhu Shi Ning immediately collapsed to the ground, begging for mercy loudly.

"General Shi, it's useless for you to shout for mercy to the miscellaneous family. Wait until you get to the capital, but the miscellaneous family advises you not to waste your efforts. This decree was jointly agreed upon by the cabinet, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Punishment. It was approved by the Holy Majesty. , even if you yell out your throat, it’s useless in your next life not to make the mistakes of this life again.”

  Chen Hong pointed at the orchid flower, shook his head with a sinister smile, and waved to the factory guard, signaling to push it down.

  Suddenly, the factory guards on the side rushed up like a wolf, ignored Shi Ning's begging for mercy, went up to set it up, dragged it outside the hall, put on the shackles and shackles that had been prepared, and put him in a prison car.

   This is the death penalty, the atmosphere in the hall was suddenly tense to suffocating.

   "Jixi county magistrate cut jobs for the people"

   "The county magistrate of Weng County. The salary was fined for one year to see the effect."

   "The magistrate of Ningguo Prefecture has been fined for one year, and the annual performance appraisal is incompetent, so as to see the effect."

   "Qiu Shiyong, the county magistrate of Jing County, was fined for one year and demoted to the county magistrate on the spot to see the effect."

   "The county magistrate Mo of Nanling County was cowardly and fearful of fighting, and fled without fighting. He was escorted to Beijing and asked to be executed after autumn."

   "Hu Guangyao, the magistrate of Nanling County, cut his job to serve the people, and traveled three thousand miles."

"Miao Yin, commanded by Jianyang Guard, was incompetent in suppressing the Japanese. He was repeatedly defeated in battles and bribed officials to cover up his failures. He thought that although he was defeated repeatedly, he was able to fight repeatedly. He was incompetent but not timid. For hundreds of households, to see the aftermath.”

   "Qianhu under the Wuhu Imperial Envoy's Department Zeng Ji was incompetent in the imperial court. He was sentenced to one hundred sticks and one year's salary to see the effect."

Every time Chen Hong finished reading a section of the imperial decree, an official ushered in his own destiny. Those who were demoted to the people were dragged out like a mourning concubine, those who were escorted to Beijing were shackled and put on a prison car, and those who were fined and demoted couldn’t help but relax a little. Take a deep breath, no matter how you say it, you finally saved your political life and physical life, no.

  Finally, Chen Hong read out all the punishments of local officials along the way, and it was Ying Tian's turn to accompany the capital.

  The pressure has come to Yingtian officials.

Under the tension of all Yingtian officials, Chen Hong continued to read: "Zhejiang patrolling and supervisory censor Hu Zongxian took the initiative to invite Ying, led the troops out of the city, and sniped Japanese pirates in the cherry orchard. However, the army was not strictly controlled, and the vigilance was insufficient. The soldiers of the troops took off their armor and warmed up, and were taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates disguised themselves as beggars to attack. , especially lenient punishment, a one-year salary fine, and incompetence in the annual performance appraisal, so as to see the aftermath."

Hu Zongxian was the first official of the Yingtian family to be punished. Considering that Hu Zongxian, as the inspector and censor of Zhejiang Province, had no responsibility to lead the army to suppress the Japanese, he was able to volunteer and stand up when the Japanese pirates approached the city. On the one hand, the net is lenient, and the punishment is lighter, and only the penalty of one year's salary and no punishment for the annual performance appraisal will be imposed.

Of course, the relationship network behind Hu Zongxian must have also played a big role. Hu Zongxian was born in Jinyiwei in the era of the family, and he has a lot of energy. Moreover, Hu Zongxian used to observe politics in the Ministry of Punishment after being a Jinshi, and he has many connections in the Ministry of Punishment. It is the censor route, and there are many connections in the censor circle.

  Zhu Ping'an noticed that Hu Zongxian didn't look surprised when he heard Chen Hong read out his punishment. It seemed that he knew about this punishment a long time ago.

   "The guilty minister received the order to thank you, long live the emperor, long live the emperor, the guilty minister must keep this lesson in mind, realize the shame and then be brave, and live up to the mighty emperor's grace." Hu Zongxian knelt on the ground to accept the order to thank him, and made a firm statement.

After Hu Zongxian, Chen Hong continued to read out the imperial decree. Hu Zongxian was followed by Zhang Qianchi, the commander of the Zhenwei camp who followed Hu Zongxian, and other officers from the Beijing camp. Compared with Hu Zongxian, they were punished more severely. He was demoted to one level, fined one year's salary, and fifty rods.

   It's Yingtian's turn.

Zhu Pingan thought so, and sure enough, the next second, Chen Hong began to read: "Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, is in charge of the Ministry of War, and is responsible for guarding the capital. He ignored the warning from the Japanese pirates to harass Yingtian, and ignored Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War, who ordered him to pay attention to and arrange to study the nearby Beijing camp to pay attention to the explanation. He regarded it as a joke and laughed at the dinner table; Confiscate the 2,500 taels of bribes, confiscate all family property, demote your job for the people, and never use it, just to make an example to others!"

   Collect 2,500 taels of bribes, fine and confiscate all family property, and deprive people of their jobs, never to use them.

  When Shi Pengfei, the right servant of Yingtian Military Department, heard the words, his face turned ashes instantly, and he collapsed on the ground as if he had no bones.

This not only ended his political career in power, and reduced him to a grassroots man who was slaughtered by others, with no possibility of turning over, but also took back the huge bribes he was afraid of and feared, and all his family properties were fined and confiscated. His heart It's not just bleeding, it's just shattered.

   "It's over, it's over, it's all over" Shi Pengfei cried bitterly on the ground as if mourning his concubine.

  The factory guard on the side unceremoniously stepped forward and dragged Shi Pengfei who was crying bitterly, took off his black gauze cap, took off his official uniform, and dragged him out of the hall backwards.

  If I knew today, why bother? Seeing this scene, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitched his lips.

When he reported the urgent military situation that Shangyu Japanese pirates would attack Yingtian, Shi Pengfei was the most active in mocking and opposing. Yin's bribes embellish Miao Yin's defeat. Such an official in such a critical position as the right servant of the Ministry of War is a pig leader who is worse than pig teammates! At this time, Shi Pengfei was dismissed from his post as a civilian, which is a great and joyful event for the overall situation of fighting against the Japanese.

  (end of this chapter)

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