Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1557: Zhu Shouren's Plan (Part 2)

  Chapter 1557 Zhu Shouren's plan (Part 2)

  Because of Zhu Shouren's arrival, the dinner in Zhu's old house was much richer than usual. Not only was there an extra plate of scrambled eggs with green onions, but also an extra plate of stewed salted fish. Even the porridge was much thicker than usual.

  Although Mr. Zhu had a dark face the whole time, when he was eating, he took a tacit attitude towards Mrs. Zhu's behavior of taking too much care of his eldest son Zhu Shouren, and putting half of a plate of eggs and almost half a salted fish in his bowl. The family of the third child and the family of the fourth child who ate at the same table had a lot of emotions about this. Although it is already a practice to take care of the eldest who is studying, emotions are still inevitable.

The fourth daughter-in-law, Mrs. Zhao, was holding her baby Zhu Pingzhuang, who was less than one year old. Zhu Pingzhuang was drooling, pointing at the eggs with his fat paws and screaming excitedly. While comforting Zhu Pingzhuang, Mrs. Zhao said in a weird way, " Oh, Zhuang Zhuang also wants to eat eggs. You can eat eggs when you grow up and read books. Zhuang Zhuang, you have to learn from your brother Ping An, and you will be the top student in the exam. In the future, your mother and I will not worry Eat enough, eat white boiled eggs in the morning, scrambled eggs at noon, and brown sugar boiled eggs in the evening..."

  Zhu Shouren, who was stretching out his chopsticks to pick up scrambled eggs, paused for a moment after hearing Zhao's words.

  Actually, Zhu Shouren really doesn't care for scrambled eggs and salted fish. In the county town, he eats spicy food, and the food is a hundred times better than this. It's just the food on the table, which is the only thing he can eat. The yin and yang of the fourth son Wu made him look old.


  The eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wu, glared at Mrs. Zhao dissatisfied.

"Eat well!" Mrs. Zhu knocked on the table with her chopsticks, glared at Mrs. Wu, then took a piece of scrambled egg for Zhu Pingzhuang, put it in Mrs. Wu's bowl, and said, "Give it to my grandson!" eat."

   "Let's thank grandma." Wu shook Zhu Pingzhuang's little hand twice, and ate honestly.

   "Mom, I want to eat too." The fourth child yelled, and shouted with sleepy eyes.

   "I slept until noon, what face is there to eat scrambled eggs!" Mr. Zhu glared at him angrily.

   "In these years, the family relies on safety, does not need to pay food and taxes, and has a lot of money. Why don't you fry a few more eggs." The fourth child muttered, and after meeting the eyes of Mr. Zhu, he couldn't help shrinking his neck and didn't dare to speak.

   "I don't know where the money went..." The third daughter-in-law Zhang, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help warning the eldest Zhu Shouren, and said.

  Old lady Zhu immediately turned her head and glared at Mrs. Zhang, who lowered her head.

   "Don't eat, don't sleep, don't talk, eat in peace, don't eat too much."

   Old lady Zhu spoke.

   Next, there were no more moths on the dinner table, and everyone finished their lunch honestly.

   "Okay, the meal is over, boss, hurry back to the county and continue studying for the exam!"

  As soon as he finished his meal, Mr. Zhu urged his boss Zhu Shouren to leave immediately to go to the county to study for the exam with a dark face.

   "Hey, hey" Zhu Shouren responded, but he didn't leave, his feet seemed to have taken root, the expression on his face seemed to be constipated, and his mouth was hesitant to speak.

   "What? What's the matter?" Seeing this, Mr. Zhu frowned.

   "Ahem, it's a trivial matter." Zhu Shouren coughed, and the expression on his face became more constipated.

   "Speak up if you have something to say, and let go of your fart if you have something to say!" Mr. Zhu said impatiently.

   "That's right, that's right, I have to give me a few more taels of silver, so that I can study for the exam..."

  Under the urging of Mr. Zhu, Zhu Shouren rubbed his hands together, and said with an embarrassed face.


   "Again money?!"

  After Zhu Shouren spoke, there was a sound like a tail being stepped on in the room.

   "I went to the county three days ago, didn't I bring you five taels of silver, why are you asking for money again?!"

While cursing, Mr. Zhu raised the pipe stick in his hand and was about to beat Zhu Shouren when he suddenly remembered that this was a pipe pot sent by Ping An’s grandson’s wife all the way to celebrate his birthday. Silk carvings, the cigarette holder is made of jade, and the tobacco pot is made of secret copper. Once you smoke it, you will know that it is a top-quality cigarette pot. Ordinary shredded tobacco is smooth and smooth when smoked, and it also has a unique bamboo fragrance. It's even more face-saving when you go out. Such a good pipe and pot can't be broken.

  So, after thinking about it, Mr. Zhu carefully put the cigarette bag and pot in his waist, turned around and went out of the stove, took out a long black fire stick, and rushed in holding it like a knife.

   "Old man, you are crazy!" Mrs. Zhu saw that the situation was not going well, and stepped forward to stop Mr. Zhu.

   "I'm not crazy, it's this naughty son who is crazy, let go, I will kill this unfilial naughty son!"

  Master Zhu was furious, as if he was waving a fire stick to kill relatives righteously.

   "Brother, when you came, you said that you missed your parents when you studied in the morning, and you wanted to come back to fulfill your filial piety in front of your parents. In fact, you have no money, and you came back to ask your parents for money, right?"

  The fourth child tugged at the sleeve of his elder brother Zhu Shouren, winked his eyes, and asked with a look of innocence.

  As soon as these words came out, Zhu Shouren's face turned even redder, "Ahem, fourth brother, what are you talking about, I just miss our parents."

   "Cut, I miss our parents' money." The fourth child curled his lips.

   "Ahem, nonsense." Zhu Shouren reprimanded with a face as red as a monkey's butt.

Mr. Zhu became even more furious, as if he had turned on the Super Saiyan mode, pointed at Zhu Shouren's big face with a fire stick, and asked angrily: "Boss, it's only been three days, five taels of silver is enough Finished?! Where did you spend your money?!

  If you don’t understand, I will make you understand in front of the ancestors today!”

"That's right, big brother, you can't spend so much money even if you spend a lot of money. Where did you spend your money?" The fourth child also asked, and then said in a strange way, "Brother, the county town spends a lot of money. Places are nothing more than eating, drinking, gambling, spending so much money in three days, you can't be, I remembered, yesterday Zhang Laohei mysteriously pulled me and said that he saw my elder brother and the oiran Liu San in the county My mother came to admire the plum blossoms in the temple. I thought it was impossible, the eldest brother is not that kind of person, so I scolded him severely, and taught him not to tarnish the reputation of the eldest brother. From this point of view, what Zhang Laohei said is not nonsense what…"

"Brother, our family's money is not blown by a strong wind. Our frugality is for you to study, not for you to find flowers and willows. If this is the case, then we will not pay money this year." To be honest, I couldn't bear it after hearing what the fourth child said!

   "Boss, have you gone looking for flowers and asking Liu with money?!" The fire stick in Mr. Zhu's hand trembled uncontrollably, which shows how angry Mr. Zhu is.

   "Boss, before you leave, you asked me to go to my second son's house to borrow three taels of silver, and you used my old lady to go to the county town to buy broken shoes?! You are shameless! My old lady will fight with you!"

  Before Mr. Zhu got angry, the eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wu, had already exploded, pounced on him, and scratched Zhu Shouren with her fingernails.

   "It's an insult to the gentleman, it's an insult to the gentleman..."

  Zhu Shouren tried to protect his handsome old face full of poetry with both hands, but he was no match for Wu's Jiuyin White Bone Claw. He was scratched on the spot with a big face, and he could only complain repeatedly!

"Boss daughter-in-law, calm down! Don't listen to the wind and rain. My eldest son has read sage books, how can he be that kind of person! Once you hear it, you know it's Zhang Laohei who is spraying dung! The fourth brother, you too, don't care. Tell me about it!" Mrs. Zhu couldn't bear to see her eldest son being scratched, so she stepped forward and grabbed Mrs. Wu, pulled her away, and spoke for Zhu Shouren.

   "My dear son, is it what they said? What do you think is going on?" Mrs. Zhu turned her head and asked.

   "What are you looking for flowers and willows!" "What are you doing with broken shoes!"

   "It's all nonsense!"

Zhu Shouren straightened the long gown that was being messed up by Wu, cleared his throat, and refuted the questioning of the fourth child and Wu with righteous words and righteous indignation, and then looked back on the past with a bit of a sense of justice The humanistic feelings of the world said with emotion: "Oh, it's all because I am full of economics and talent! I was studying in the county seat, and one day I was invited to write a poem in a restaurant. When I met her, she was overwhelmed by my talent. She didn't want a house, and she didn't ask for fame. She really admires my talent, as long as I accompany her through the long night, you say, is it too much for me to give her two taels of silver every time for such a good girl? ..."

  (end of this chapter)

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