Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1552: Take advantage of

  Chapter 1552 Take advantage of

  When Miss Six stumbled into Mrs. Linhuaihou's room, Mrs. Linhuaihou was crouching over her desk to calculate the accounts.

Mrs. Lai Huaihou was well maintained and had the ability to freeze age. She was in her forties and her face was only in her thirties. However, during this period of time, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes have grown uncontrollably, and her face has changed from a age of more than 30. She became a middle-aged woman in her forties, in a word, she looked old.

  Especially at this moment, the more Mrs. Linhuaihou looked through the account book, the more she frowned, and the more her face showed the vicissitudes of time.

  No way, there are too many shortfalls in the account book, and it is serious to make ends meet.

  If this goes on like this, the Hou Mansion will be ruined.

  Every time she looked at the ledger, Mrs. Linhuaihou felt that there were a few white hairs on her head visible to the naked eye!

   "Hehe, mother, I'm back." Sixth Miss entered the back room, smiled coquettishly and bowed to Mrs. Linhuai Hou who was reading the account book.

  She was born of a concubine, but she was raised by Mrs. Linhuaihou since she was a child. Although her relationship is not as good as that of the second daughter of the concubine, she is still close.

   "Zhu'er is back, I see you are so happy, but the fifth child agrees that you help her take care of the shop." Mrs. Linhuai Hou saw Miss Six's unconcealable smile, and couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that her wish had been fulfilled.

   "No, Fifth Sister said that she doesn't need to worry about the shops outside on weekdays, and doesn't need my help"

  Miss Six shook her head.

"Then why are you so happy?" Mrs. Linhuaihou couldn't help but reached out and tapped Miss Six's forehead when she heard the words, and said angrily, "You have been in charge of the house with me these days, and you know what's going on in the house. Others don't know I thought that our Hou's family had a big business, and there were mountains of gold and silver piled up in the house, but in fact, it was all empty. The property in our house is getting worse every year, and the income is getting less and less, but the money spent is getting more and more. More and more, whether it is daily expenses, festivals, gifts, monthly money, etc., you have to follow the rules in the hands of your ancestors. If you are frugal, you will inevitably be laughed at by outsiders, and the old lady is wronged. We came here in the glory days of the Hou Mansion, not to mention the old lady, your sisters and the people below will complain that I am mean and can only hold on. You know how much effort I have spent all these years in order to manage this big family The method has not been settled inside and out. It is even more unsustainable during this period of time. If this continues, the whole family will have to drink the northwest wind."

   Mrs. Linhuaihou really has no choice. If things go on like this, she must either use the dowry to subsidize the family, and count how many days she can last;

   Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in such a hurry to hit Li Shu’s shop.

"Pearl sees mother's hard work, and feels the pain in her heart. She doesn't want to help mother share it all the time." Miss Six stepped forward to help Mrs. Linhuaihou's shoulders, and said as if asking for credit, "Although Zhu'er failed to say I persuaded her to hand over the shop to me, but I persuaded her to pay a high price to take over Zizai Building."

  "Zizai Building" Mrs. Linhuai Hou couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

  To be honest, although the Zizai Building, which integrates food and lodging, has been losing money in recent years, she has no plans to sell the Zizai Building.

   These are some of her few industries.

  Mrs. Linhuaihou knew very well that if she wanted to earn money, she still had to rely on property. What would the manor's income be enough to do.

"Mother, Zizai Building has been losing money year after year. Not only can it not bring in income for the mansion, but the mansion also needs to make up for it every month. For every extra day it holds, it pays for an extra day. It's like a bottomless pit. It's an unbearable burden." Miss Six analyzed with her fingers, "It's better to sell it out, which can not only get rid of the burden, but also earn a sum of money."

   Madam Linhuai Hou was noncommittal, and asked, "How much money did she pay?"

   "With my hard work, she can pay one thousand taels of silver." Miss Six raised her neck proudly.

   "One thousand taels of silver?!" Mrs. Linhuaihou opened her mouth in surprise when she heard this.

   "Is she really willing to pay a thousand taels of silver for Zizilou?!" Mrs. Linhuaihou couldn't help but move.

  The market price of Zizai Building is only more than seven hundred taels of silver. Li Shu was willing to pay a premium of nearly three hundred taels, one thousand taels of silver!

  With this thousand taels of silver, the money in the account of the mansion can be extended for three to five months.

  With this money, I can ask someone to take the silver and go out to put loan sharks, and the interest is also several hundred taels of silver

"Mother, of course it's true. How has my daughter ever lied to my mother?" Miss Six vowed, and then she raised her chin to claim credit, "After my daughter persuaded her to take over Zizai Building, she spent a lot of time talking and persuaded her to take over Zizai as well." The barren **** behind the building, this barren land is priced at a full one hundred taels of silver."

   "Really?" Madam Linhuaihou was shocked again.

According to the current market situation, the barren **** behind the Zizai building is worth ten taels of silver at most, and according to the usual practice, when buying the Zizai building, the piece of broken land is just a piece of land, and now Li Shu is willing to bid one hundred taels for it. This wasteland.

   "Of course it is true." Miss Six nodded firmly.

   "Let me think about it." Although Madam Linhuaihou was very tempted, she didn't make up her mind for a while.

"How long will mother think about it?" Miss Six couldn't help persuading anxiously when she heard this, "She is a smart person, and she has been pregnant for three years now. She calmed down, thought clearly, what should she do if she repents? Besides, I heard that in a few days, when the snow thaws, she will go south to find her fifth brother-in-law. This is one thousand and one hundred taels of silver. There is no such store in this village.”

"Yes." Mrs. Linhuaihou also made up her mind and nodded, "I'll leave this matter to you. It's a long night with many dreams. Later, you will find her with the land deed and house deed, and then ask the steward of the outer court to find the yamen. Quickly complete the handover procedures. In addition, the brothers will settle accounts clearly, and there is no shortage of money."

"Mother, don't worry." Sixth Miss patted her chest and said, her heart was full of joy. Not only did she make a contribution to her mother, but also left a good impression of her ability, and the fifth sister of the village girl still had fifty taels of money. A gift of silver.

  When Miss Six and Mrs. Linhuaihou were discussing about the Zizai Building, Jingxiang Garden was also talking about the Zizai Building.

"Miss, the business in Zizai Building has been sluggish. It's a bottomless pit of losing money. We have to lose more than ten taels of silver every month. Why do we spend money to buy something that loses money? Besides, let's go to Dajue Temple to offer incense I also passed the Zizai Building. It is in a remote part of the outer city. The location is not good. It is estimated that it is worth six or seven hundred taels of silver. Why would the lady spend a thousand taels of silver to buy a money-losing inn? That barren slope, even ten taels of silver is worthless, and the young lady actually bid a hundred taels of silver. Haven’t we been taken advantage of, even if we want to buy it, we have to severely suppress the price.”

  Qin'er asked with a puzzled expression.

   "I was taken advantage of? Giggle." Li Shu narrowed her eyes and laughed, "When did you see me being taken advantage of?!"

  (end of this chapter)

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