Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1547: Public trial meeting (middle)

  Chapter 1547 Public Trial Conference (2)

   "My lord, we can't say it's just for nothing. We have heard people say that they are prostitutes. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Why do people say they are not others, so I think they are prostitutes."

   Han Laosan still refused to accept it, and said with a straight neck.

"Shut up! What you say is not proven. If there is no evidence, it is justified!" Zhu Pingan reprimanded in a strict voice, then turned to Zhuang Lao Lizheng and several Lizheng and village elders in the neighboring villages and asked, "Zhuang Lizheng , and Li Zheng, you are all the hosts of this place, and you can't hide the big and small things in the village from you. May I ask if the victim is a prostitute?"

"My lord, they are all good families, poor people, how could they be prostitutes! They are all grown up by us, obey the rules everywhere, and have never done any frivolous acts! The old man can use my head Guarantee!" Zhuang Laoli was getting up and said, then sighed, and said slowly, "Oh, as the saying goes, there are many gossips in front of widows, and Xiu'er and the others are no exception, especially Xiu'er. People asked Xiuer for a marriage, but Xiuer refused. Zhuang Mazi spread rumors about Xiuer. For this reason, we opened a special ancestral hall to punish Zhuang Mazi, and we also clarified it to the villagers. However, Xiuer has a hot personality and often Bickering with the talkative women and children in the village over trivial matters, and the mouth grows on others, sometimes there are festivals or other times, there will be some rumors. However, lotus is always kind to others, and she is filial to her parents-in-law after she loses her husband, but there are no rumors."

   "Is Zhuang Mazi here?" Zhu Pingan looked at the audience and asked, intending to find Zhuang Mazi for verification.

   "Yes, he is here." Several villagers pushed Zhuang Mazi, who was dodging, out.

"Zhuang Mazi, don't worry. Since your village has already punished you for spreading rumors, I won't hold you accountable. I just want to check with you. What Zhuang Laoli said is true?" Zhu Pingan asked him. Seek proof.

   "My lord, what Zhuang Laoli is saying is true. I was a toad and wanted to eat swan meat. I didn't eat it until I was angry and deliberately splashed dirty water. I am innocent!" Zhuang Mazi said frankly.

   "Okay, I understand. Let's go." Zhu Ping'an nodded.

   "Zhuang Mazi, I count you as a man for a while."

   "Zhuang Mazi, I didn't expect you to be kind, we underestimated you"

  It was rare for the old and young men in Zhuangjia Village to praise Zhuang Mazi, but Zhuang Mazi was red-faced and embarrassed.

   "My lord, they are talking nonsense. How can there be any prostitutes! There are no impenetrable walls in our eight villages. If there are prostitutes in Zhuangjia Village, we can't hide them at all, but there really aren't any!"


   "No, they are not prostitutes, they are all women from good families."

   Lizheng in eight nearby villages shook their heads one after another. You justified the names of the two victims with every word.

"My lord, we are their neighbors, and we know them best. They are innocent people, not prostitutes. If they were prostitutes, there must be many old men coming to their door, but the yard is very deserted, let alone men, even women Few people came to the door, almost as if they had been dead. Both of them are widows, so they have more contacts."

   "My lord, I had a fight with Zhang Xiuer, wishing she would be unlucky, staring at her house every day, trying to find her fault, but I have to say that although her mouth is stinky, she is really innocent."

  The villagers of Zhuangjia Village also testified for them one after another, even if they had a festival with them, they proved their innocence.

"The villagers testified, and the official also ordered people to check the victim's home, and found no frivolous items. This is enough to prove that the two victims are innocent and good women. Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, and Zhang Tie Egg, the three of you don't want to slander the two victims again, or the crime will be increased!"

  Zhu Pingan glared hard at Han Laosan and the other three, and said in a stern voice.

  The two victims were certified by Zhu Pingan's official "good family women", and they couldn't help hugging each other.

"Here, I will say more about the "Law of the Ming Dynasty". What is **** is to violate the victim's will, use violence threats or harm, and force the victim to have **** with men and women! No matter what the identity of the victim is, a good woman is also Or prostitutes, as long as the other party is not willing to use violence threats or injuries to force sexual **** with her, it is rape! The identity of the victim does not affect the constitution of rape!"

  Zhu Pingan took this opportunity to popularize the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" to the public, so as not to lead the villagers astray.

Next, Zhu Pingan asked several villagers who reported the incident in Zhuangjia Village. The villagers described that they heard the voices of two victims calling for help, and then found that Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi and Zhang Tiedan broke into Xiuer's house. , the two were being raped, the villagers surrounded the yard and called out to the three, but they were threatened by Han Laosan and the other three.

   "Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan, did the three of you forcefully have **** with the victim by means of violent beating?"

  Zhu Ping'an interrogated Han Laosan and the other three.

   "We hit them, held them down, what happened to them." Liu Gouzi and the three confessed.

   "However, we gave them money, but they didn't want it," Han Laosan argued.

"Okay, so far, the case has been clarified. Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, and Zhang Tiedan violated military discipline, left the barracks without permission, broke into private houses, and raped two civilian girls with violent beatings. The facts are true and the evidence It is true! Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, and Zhang Tiedan are guilty of three counts of leaving the barracks without authorization, breaking into private houses, and **** civilian women."

  After Zhu Pingan investigated the case clearly, he publicly announced the crimes committed by Han Laosan and the other three.

  Han Laosan and the three of them looked like overcooked crabs, with their heads down, unable to speak a word.

   "Han Laosan, Liu Gouzi, Zhang Tiedan, do you still remember the four iron laws of our Zhejiang army's military discipline and eighteen cuts?"

   Zhu Pingan asked.

   Han Laosan and the other three nodded.

   "Back!" Zhu Pingan said expressionlessly.

"Four iron laws: follow orders in all actions; do not take needles and threads from the masses; return everything captured to the public; do not demolish houses to death from freezing, and do not plunder to death from starvation. Eighteen beheadings: when the general is ordered, the three-way drum is finished, and those who do not get it will be beheaded Those who do not enter after hearing the drums, who do not stop hearing the gold, who cannot raise the flag, or hold down the flag, will be beheaded; those who falsely claim to be sick before the battle will be beheaded; those who abandon weapons before the battle will be beheaded; Those who kill civilians and **** women will be beheaded," Han Laosan and the other three subconsciously recited.

When they heard the beheading of the rapist, they reacted in a flash, and then their faces turned pale with fright, and they were covered in cold sweat. For the sake of our first time, please spare our lives."

  (end of this chapter)

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