Rise From the Humble

Chapter 154: The wanderer who has been wandering for several months returns home

  Chapter 154 The wanderer who has been wandering for several months returns home again

  Two days later, the banks of the Qinhuai River were decorated with lanterns and festoons, and there was a lot of voices, which was several times more lively than during the hospital examination.

  With the sound of gunpowder, lights, shadows and willow waists twisting, the annual oiran election ceremony on the banks of the Qinhuai River has come to an end. The literati, poets, businessmen and businessmen are scrambling to be the first, and they are more active than the sisters and children on the stage.

  Amidst the hustle and bustle, a carriage passed by quietly, the curtains were lifted up, but the sight did not fall on the grand event on the other side, but on the Qinhuai River.

  At this time, the Qinhuai River also entered autumn, and the sun in late autumn seemed to fall in love with the rouge Qinhuai. The sun shone warmly and softly on the water, creating layers of golden aftertaste. The autumn wind also writes its love on the leaves, sending affectionately to the water surface, and waves curl up.

  Yingtian's autumn is full of poetry and beautiful.

  Zhu Ping'an put down the opened curtains, and slightly raised the corners of his lips, but no matter how beautiful he was, he couldn't compare to Xiahe Village.

  Electing an oiran by the Qinhuai River, peace has already become a carriage.

Zhu Ping'an, who was on the road for a few days, naturally didn't know the grand occasion by the Qinhuai River, which son's poem attracted thousands of people and became famous in one fell swoop, and naturally didn't know that his uncle Zhu Shouren borrowed his long pavilion to bid farewell and that life was just like the first time he saw it. How popular was Mulan's poems (although it was pointed out later, it didn't affect my uncle's limelight).

Of course, I don’t even know that there were two dark horses in the selection of the oiran by the Qinhuai River. They both won the crown of Tanhua Niang in one fell swoop. One sings the white fox and the other dances. That unique singing style is full of sadness and love. The voice, the fox dance that arouses sympathy, made the two of them famous in one fell swoop, and attracted everyone crazy.

   Can I dance for you again? This question is really poignant, tear-jerking, and heartbreaking to read. I love you and I am willing to dance for you. If you don't want me anymore, I am willing to dance for you. Even if it is the last dance, I must choose the most beautiful one. How broad is this kind of love, this kind of feeling.

   Yes, yes, of course, white fox, white fox, dance for me! !

  So for a while, the scholars present went crazy, and the most active ones were the uncle and other villagers.

   At the same time, a person named Zhou Minggongju became popular. It is said that he wrote the lyrics. It's just a pity that none of the crowd could find this Mr. Zhou Gongju.

  When the grand event that lasted for several days ended, uncle Zhu Shouren and other villagers were still thinking about it, and felt sorry that Zhu Pingan had not seen such a grand event, Zhu Pingan had already set foot on the land of the backing town.

  In the courtyard of Zhu Ping’an’s family in Xiahe Village, his mother, Mrs. Chen, is busy drying game such as fungus and mushrooms in the yard, humming an out-of-tuned country tune while busy.

"Mother, why are you drying so much? Don't you want to sell them in the town tomorrow?" Zhu Pingchuan asked suspiciously when he saw his mother drying the fungus and other wild game that he brought back from the mountain yesterday. .

   "Your brother likes to eat." Mother Chen didn't even look up.

  Hearing this, Zhu Pingchuan had a bitter face, "Mother, you should also take care of your son."

  Ms. Chen choked out angrily when she heard the words, "I want to control you, but you have to give my mother a chance. I don't stay home all day, and my daughter-in-law hasn't married yet."

   Zhu Pingchuan blushed. Smiling, "Mother, I remembered. Last time I went to the mountain and dug up a wild ginseng. Brother Xi wasted his brain reading. Wait for Brother Xi to come back and give him strength."

   "Come on, you'd better keep it for your Juan'er."

  Mr. Chen turned over the mountain mushrooms to dry, and sneered at Zhu Pingchuan.

   "Juan'er doesn't need it." Eldest brother Zhu Pingchuan whispered.

  When Mrs. Chen heard Zhu Pingchuan's muttering, she immediately changed her face, and when she grabbed Zhu Pingchuan, she burst into tears. "What, Dachuan, tell your mother again, what do you mean by this sentence, Juan'er only wants to give it to your brother when she doesn't need it?"

   "No, it's not mother, son doesn't mean that." Zhu Pingchuan didn't know what to say when he was in a hurry. When he first picked wild ginseng, he thought of his younger brother. What he said just now had no other meaning at all.

   "No!" Chen didn't care, "I think that's what you mean."

   "Mother, my son is really not. From the very beginning, my son was thinking about my younger brother." Zhu Pingchuan, like his father, was not good at words, and just repeated these few words, not knowing how to explain them.

   "Mother, what mother. Hurry up and find a wooden box to put the wild ginseng in. If it breaks, be careful of your skin." Mother Chen gave Zhu Pingchuan a look and said angrily.

   "Ai ai." Hearing what his mother said, Zhu Pingchuan, the eldest brother, knew that the mother had calmed down, so he ran into the house to put wild ginseng.

  After putting away the wild ginseng, Zhu Pingchuan came out to help Mrs. Chen dry the ginseng. Chen's eldest son also helped, and went to sit and drink water by himself.

   Mrs. Chen poured two bowls of water, and she was about to drink a bowl when she heard the bell on the neck of her **** cow ringing outside the door.

  So, Mrs. Chen couldn't sit still.

   "Zhu Shouyi, today is the time for people to make more money in the market. What's wrong with you? Do you know that you can make money this time?" Mrs. Chen got up and walked out, her voice was full of anger, and she seemed to be asking questions. My heart aches, I'm going to earn dozens of dollars this trip, Zhu Shouyi, a prodigal man!

   Mrs. Chen walked to the door, and the conversation was suddenly interrupted.

   "Mom, what's the matter?" Zhu Pingchuan, who was drying the mushrooms, heard the old lady's angry voice suddenly cut off, thinking something happened, and hurried out to check.

  Then, I saw my old lady standing at the door with a happy face, unable to say anything happy.

   Looking out again, I saw Zhu Pingan standing at the door with a silly smile on his face and shouting, "Mother, brother, I'm back."

  My father held Zhu Ping'an's bag in one hand, and looked at Chen with a flattering expression.

Zhu Shouyi looked at Mrs. Chen with a naive smile on his face, and took Zhu Ping'an's bag in front of him as if asking for credit. It was very obvious: last time I didn't take the bag for pig, you slapped me, this time I will never fight again.

   "Good to be back, good to be back." Mother Chen looked at Zhu Ping'an with tenderness and pride.

   Then he looked at Zhu Shouyi who was holding the bag, and his face fell again.


  Mother Chen's slap landed on Zhu Shouyi's big shoulder again, her voice was clear and clear, and at the same time, mother Chen's iconic Hedong lion roar rang out again:

"Zhu Shouyi, why are you a father? Didn't you see my son was starving and thin after studying hard outside? You don't know how to cut a piece of meat when you come from the town. My son came all the way, and you don't even want to give it to him." My son is cooking a hot meal!"

  I got all the bags, and you can also buy meat in the village, and I didn’t see that Er Xiao is so thin, with meat on his face.

  But this is just thinking about it, Father Zhu dare not say it, and looks at Chen with aggrieved expression.

   Mrs. Chen glared again.

   "I'm going to buy it now."

  Father Zhu held the luggage in both hands, how could he dare to be wronged? When Mrs. Chen stared, Father Zhu could only look at Mrs. Chen with a flattering smile.

   "I'll go, I'll go." Eldest brother Zhu Pingchuan ran to the entrance of the village first, stopped after taking two steps, and asked Zhu Pingan, "Brother, what else do you want to eat?"

   "Just buy some meat, as long as it is made by my mother, I like to eat it." Zhu Pingan shook his head, taking the opportunity to make his mother happy.

   "It will be sweet." Chen said so, but the smile on his face could not be concealed.

  (end of this chapter)

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