Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1529: Zhao Wenhua's Conspiracy

  Chapter 1529 Zhao Wenhua's Conspiracy

   "Shi Yan, I still have the impression that you organized the Cangtou Army to guard Zhengyang Gate the year before last. What advice do you have about the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River?"

  After listening to Lu Ben's suggestion, Emperor Jiajing stretched out his finger, nodded to Li Mo, and asked for his opinion.

  Li Mo heard that Emperor Jiajing mentioned that he organized the Cangtou Army to guard Zhengyangmen, and he, who has a strong ability to cultivate Qi, couldn't help showing a touch of complacency on his face.

The fact that the Cangtou Army guarded Zhengyang Gate mentioned by the Holy Majesty is the most proud thing Li Mo has done in recent years, and it is also a great confidence for him to return to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. It happened during the Gengxu Revolution the year before last. .

  At that time, Alda, the leader of the Mongolian Tatar tribe, sent troops to invade Datong. The soldiers crossed the Great Wall, drove straight in, and approached the capital city. Since a large number of troops were sent to Datong and other border towns to guard against the Tatars and other northern captives at that time, the total number of troops remaining in the capital was only 40,000 to 50,000, and there were quite a few old, weak, sick and disabled among them. As early as after the Tumu Fortress Change, the Beijing Camp was no longer elite. In desperation, Emperor Jiajing had no choice but to order the civil and military ministers in the capital, every thirteen people guard a city gate, and only the thirteen ministers asked if there was a problem with any city gate. Li Mo was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials at that time, and he was ordered to lead five thousand guards to guard Zhengyangmen.

  The Tatar soldiers guarding the Zhengyang Gate were watching fiercely. Li Mo had only 5,000 soldiers on hand, and half of them were old, weak, sick and disabled. There was a serious shortage of major generals. In order to defend Zhengyangmen, Li Mo selected 5,000 young and strong people from the square near Zhengyangmen after some deep thinking, organized them, named them "Cantou Army", and armed them with armored weapons from the treasury. They asked them to defend Zhengyang Gate with five thousand soldiers. The Tatar guards at the Zhengyang Gate saw that there were many soldiers and horses on the Zhengyang Gate, more than 10,000 people, and the armor was bright, the weapons were sharp, and the pennants were flying, and they regarded it as a hard nut to crack.

  Li Mo's calm coping ability was appreciated by Emperor Jiajing. Not long after, Xia Bangmo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, retired, and Li Mo was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

   Promotion in this part is not easy.

  Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a precedent for being promoted from Minister of the Ministry of Officials to Minister of the Ministry of Officials, which shows how special this step is.

   It can also be seen that Li Mo's weight in Emperor Jiajing's heart is not light.

"Your Majesty, I suggest recruiting troops to train the new army. According to the reports of Japanese wars in the south of the Yangtze River in recent years, the soldiers in the guards are no longer able to recruit and fight well, and now they are not good at fighting and standing. Fleeing, starvation, old, weak, sick and disabled are common occurrences, and it is difficult to undertake the current heavy task of suppressing the Japanese."

   Li Mo took a step forward, bowed and replied.

   "Recruiting troops to train a new army? Well, this is all right, we will discuss it later. Does anyone have any suggestions?"

   Emperor Jiajing commented noncommittally, and then asked again.

  The main hall was quiet for two seconds.

  With suggestions from Yan Song, Xu Jie, Lu Ben, and Li Mo, all the officials in the palace thought to themselves that there was no better suggestion.

   It was quiet for two seconds, and when Emperor Jiajing showed dissatisfaction, a person stood up.

   It was Zhao Wenhua!

  Zhao Wenhua is now the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and is also eligible to participate in court meetings.

   "Returning to the Holy Lord, I have reported seven things to prevent the Japanese." Zhao Wenhua took a step forward and said with a deep bow.

  Zhao Wenhua's body was faintly agitated at the moment, yes, it was excitement. For this day, he has been preparing for half a year. As early as half a year ago, he realized that the Japanese suffering was getting worse.

  When the Japanese pirates are at the end of their lives, the Holy Majesty will inevitably hold a court meeting to discuss the countermeasures to wipe out the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River.

   This is a great opportunity.

  Back then, behind his adoptive father Yan Song's back, at the risk of offending his adoptive father Yan Song, he offered Hundred Flowers Wine to the Holy One, just to go one step further. It's a pity that even though he offered Hundred Flowers Wine, he failed to go further, and even offended his adoptive father Yan Song. If he hadn't begged his adoptive mother to intercede for him and ask his adoptive father to forgive him, his official career would be coming to an end. Fortunately, he survived the catastrophe without any risk.

  After seeing the growing trend of Japanese suffering, Zhao Wenhua predicted that the emperor would hold a court meeting.

  So, he began to prepare for this court meeting half a year ago, consulting local chronicles, reviewing military books, humbly asking for advice, and not ashamed to ask his subordinates. Countless days and nights of hard thinking and meditation, finally achieved this "Seven Things about Japanese Defense".

  He has long been familiar with the content of it, and he has memorized it fluently.

   At this moment, he has been preparing for a long time, so why is he not excited?

   "Speak." Emperor Jiajing nodded.

"Thank you, my lord. There are seven things for my ministers to prevent the Japanese: first, send officials to the south of the Yangtze River to worship the **** of the sea. Second, order Yousi to collect and bury the bones and reduce corvee. Third, recruit strong men from the Jianghuai River to serve as the navy, and overhaul the warships to strengthen coastal defense. Fourth , increase the collection of land tax in the south of the Yangtze River, and those who have more than 100 acres of land in the four prefectures of Su, Song, Chang, and Zhen will pay more attention to the tax, and at the same time pre-levy the tax and grain of the official land for three years. In terms of merit, he may be exempted from crime. Sixth, send important officials to supervise the military situation in the south of the Yangtze River. Seventh, recruit the old party and salt disciples to infiltrate the Japanese pirates and spy on the enemy's situation."

  Zhao Wenhua bowed his body deeply, and replied in a loud voice. After speaking, every cell in his body pricked up his ears, deeply looking forward to it.

   These seven things to prevent the Japanese were his hard work for half a year, and it was also a chance he had planned for a long time.

   Half a year's work, whether it can be successful, is at this time.

   "Well, it's rare to have a heart." Emperor Jiajing nodded slightly, and looked at His Highness, "What do you think?"

  The Holy Majesty said that I have a heart. Zhao Wenhua couldn't help being very excited in his heart. If it wasn't for His Highness, he would almost have cried out with joy.

When Zhao Wenhua was excited, Nie Bao, Minister of the Ministry of War, took a deep look at him, took a step forward, and said in a loud voice, "Return to the Holy One, regarding the seven things that Mr. Zhao said to prevent the Japanese, I think that the first, second, third, The fifth, seventh and fifth things are available, but the fourth and sixth things are not feasible. The south of the Yangtze River has been suffering from floods, and now the Japanese plague is getting worse. The people are struggling to live, so how can we raise taxes. As for the sixth thing, send important officials to supervise the military situation in the south of the Yangtze River Since we intend to set up a governor of the south of the Yangtze River, and then send important officials to supervise the military situation in the south of the Yangtze River, it is really unnecessary."

Nie Bao just took up the post of Minister of the Ministry of War this year. After taking office, he took up the matter of evacuation and prevention of autumn. He was highly praised and adopted by Emperor Jiajing. He then asked to build the outer city of the capital and was adopted by Emperor Jiajing. .

  Nie Bao is the introduction of Wang Xue, a well-known honest official, and has always hated the strict party.

"My lord Nie, maybe I didn't listen carefully to the seven things that the official said. The official said that there are two types of land taxes in the south of the Yangtze River. One is the people in the four prefectures of Su, Song, Chang, and Zhen, who have more than 100 acres of land. Gein is rich in the four prefectures of Su, Song, Chang, and Zhen, and the floods this year are not serious, and the ones who are lowered by the government are those with more than a hundred mu. They are rich, and their livelihood is not affected. Classes are official land, and official land is the official land of our dynasty. Taxes and grains are levied for three years in advance. This is also for the purpose of pacifying the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible. As for the sixth matter, sending important officials to monitor the military situation in the south of the Yangtze River is to share the worries of the governor of the south of the Yangtze River and assist the governor of the south of the Yangtze River to eliminate the Japanese pirates.

   Zhao Wenhua retorted when Nie Bao fell behind.

  He has been preparing for the Seven Anti-Japanese Wars for half a year, and he has long thought about how to deal with various objections.

   Therefore, in response to Nie Bao's rebuttal, it sounds reasonable.

   "The Japanese plague is serious, and when money is being spent, offering sacrifices to sea disciples is a waste of money." Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, also raised objections.

"Lord Li's words are wrong. All things have spirits, not to mention the sea. The reason why the Japanese pirates are becoming more and more fierce, and they come across the sea again and again, must be sea monsters secretly causing trouble. I pray to the sea to pray to the sea **** to bless me and kill the sea monsters." , help me destroy the Japanese pirates in the Ming Dynasty. In this way, if there is God's help in suppressing the Japanese pirates."

  Zhao Wenhua was also the first to refute and defend when Li Mo fell behind, and he was also fully prepared.

  Yan Song nodded approvingly.

   "It's about offering sacrifices to the sea, what's the opinion of the Ministry of Rites?" Emperor Jiajing didn't comment, but looked at Xu Jie.

   "I think offering sacrifices to the sea is feasible and necessary." Xu Jie bowed his head.

   Li Mo glanced at Xu Jie with contempt.

   "Well, I think so too." Emperor Jiajing nodded slightly.

  Zhao Wenhua was ecstatic.

  (end of this chapter)

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