Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1519: Gains and problems

  Chapter 1519 Harvest and Problems

  Seeing that Naoshima Naoo and other Japanese pirates were all shot into hedgehogs by random arrows and guns, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The bravery and ferocity of this group of Japanese pirates was three points stronger than expected. Although they had made sufficient preparations in advance, there were still a lot of mistakes, but luckily they all succeeded in the end.

   "Everyone cleans the battlefield, collects the dead bodies of our army, and treats the wounded."

   "All the heads of the Japanese pirates will be burned, and the bones will be burned. Wait, let's keep the corpses of the Japanese pirates and deal with them after offering the prisoners to Yingtian!"

"No one is allowed to keep all the seized during the Japanese suppression campaign, and all the seized will be returned to the public. I will reward everyone for their merits in the future! Anyone who dares to hide privates will follow the "four iron laws, eighteen beheaded" No amnesty, don't blame me for being unpredictable! It's useless to plead!"


  Zhu Ping'an issued orders one after another, and arranged them in an orderly manner, bringing the war against the Japanese to an end.

   Soon, the result of this seizure came out.

  Fifty-seven Japanese pirate corpses!

  The fifty-seven Japanese pirates in Shangyu were all shot to death in Zhang's house, and none escaped. Originally, Zhu Pingan planned to decapitate all these Japanese pirates, but after thinking about it, he was worried that there would be a disturbance in offering captives tomorrow, so that some people with ulterior motives and malicious intentions would question the leader of the Japanese pirates and pour dirty water on himself such as killing good people and pretending to be meritorious. , so these corpses of Japanese pirates can’t take their heads for the time being. It’s better to bring these corpses of Japanese pirates to Yingtian City to offer them captives, gag their mouths, and give Yingtian City a “surprise”!

   Captured countless ill-gotten gains from Japanese pirates!

  The Japanese pirates in Shangyu were all shot to death. Since they landed in Daming, they traveled more than a thousand miles across the country, and the huge amount of wealth they racked up, done evil, burned, killed, and looted all made Zhu Pingan cheaper.

  Although he was mentally prepared, after Zhu Pingan counted the wealth of the Japanese pirates, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

  I thought that this group of Japanese pirates had traveled thousands of miles to fight. For the convenience of fighting, they must not carry too much wealth with them. At most, they were precious gold, silver and jewelry that were easy to carry, but the result was far beyond Zhu Pingan's expectations.

A total of 1,893 taels of gold were recovered from the Japanese pirates, including 693 taels of gold ingots, 1,300 taels of gold tickets, and 25,000 taels of silver, which are basically easy to carry. bank note.

   In addition, the Japanese pirates also found countless portable jewelry. If it was exchanged for gold and silver, it would cost at least tens of thousands of taels of silver.

  In addition, three famous paintings that were folded close to the body were also found from Matsuura Sanbanlang, and the inscriptions were actually two paintings of ladies written by Zhang Xuan in the Tang Dynasty and a painting of a Bodhisattva by Dai Bi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

It is a pity that Matsuura Sanbanlang was taken care of when he was shot with arrows and lead pellets. He was shot into a hedgehog. Naturally, the three paintings in his arms were seriously damaged, and many places were destroyed by arrows and lead pellets. , Matsuura Sanbanlang's blood also polluted many places.

  In this way, the value of these three famous paintings will be reduced by half, but because of this special testimony of the Japanese suppression, it may also be endowed with special value.

  The Japanese pirates carried so many gold and silver tickets on their bodies. It is conceivable that they must have special channels for selling stolen goods, and there must be local forces in Ming Dynasty to assist them in selling stolen goods.

  Hey, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds, messy, dirty, full of filth.

  Thinking of this, Zhu Pingan not only sighed.

   These ill-gotten gains were basically obtained by Japanese pirates from the homes of rich and powerful landlords and dignitaries. After all, the poor and ordinary people did not have much wealth worth robbing.

  Therefore, Zhu Pingan is not going to return the ill-gotten wealth seized this time to those old landlords and dignitaries.

   As a result, all these wealth were converted into gold and silver bills by Japanese pirates. It was invisible and invisible. It was difficult to trace which landlord, rich man, high-ranking official or dignitary it came from, and the energy consumed to trace it was incalculable.

  Secondly, who knows how many rich landlords and high-ranking officials have been robbed by Japanese pirates?

Thirdly, these ill-gotten gains are also the anointing of the people exploited by old landlords and high-ranking officials. Even if they are returned to them, they will mostly enjoy squandering them. It is better to use these captured ill-gotten gains to train troops and suppress the Japanese. To save the people in the southeast, good steel should be used on the blade, and it can be regarded as taking it from the people and using it for the people.

  Therefore, Zhu Pingan decided to take this part of the seized for his own use, and when reporting the seizure, he would hide all the ill-gotten gains. There will be no problem, this is the default unspoken rule in the officialdom. These seized wealth can be said to be timely rains for him to train troops to suppress the Japanese, and he can let go of his hands and feet a little bit.

   Of course, there are gains and losses.

  Although the arrangements and deployments have been made in advance to suppress the Japanese this time, the Zhejiang Army still suffers a lot.

  Nine Japanese pirates in the district, or the overseas Chinese pirates who were hit by Kong Xingxing, caused the Zhejiang Army to kill 19 people, seriously wound 18 people, and slightly wound 33 people.

Liu Dachui, Liu Dadao, Liu Mu, Ruofeng and others who fought against Naoshima Naonan and other Japanese pirates at the last moment and stabilized the situation all suffered injuries of varying severity. Liu Dachui was finally injured and could not recover within two or three months. Fortunately, the misfortunes Surprisingly, although they were all wounded, no one was killed.

   It can be seen from this that this group of Japanese pirates is so fierce and brave that they have all been hit by the peacock's tail. Moreover, the Zhejiang Army is still waiting for work and making sufficient preparations, and it has caused such a large loss to the Zhejiang Army.

  The people who died in battle were those who fought against the Japanese pirates, and some who escaped and were chased and killed by the Japanese pirates. The same goes for injured people.

  However, this time, Zhu Pingan is not going to investigate separately. All those who died in battle will be treated with blood, and all injured people will be treated equally. They will be treated with the best medicinal materials and given the same compensation and rewards.

This time the Japanese suppression exposed the problems of the Zhejiang army. Many Zhejiang troops were of poor quality, and they were still timid in combat and charge, and it was even more serious when they fought against the Japanese pirates. In order to escape faster, several Zhejiang troops even lost their weapons.

  Discipline is still not enough!

   Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, not brave enough to fight!

   This is a problem that the Zhejiang army needs to solve urgently! If it is not resolved, the Zhejiang army will have nothing but a silver-like wax gun head, unable to undertake the important task of exterminating Japanese pirates.

Facing nine Japanese pirates is still so embarrassing. In the future, there will be tens of thousands of Japanese pirates in the suppression of Japanese pirates. The intensity of the battle is far higher than today. With the current state of the Zhejiang Army to suppress the Japanese, it will only be insufficient to achieve success, and more than enough to fail. It is tantamount to asking for self-disgrace, or even self-destruction.

  So, this time it happened, and we must solve this problem when we go back.

  How to solve this problem, Zhu Pingan also had an idea in mind.

  (end of this chapter)

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