Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1516: Big things in the night (Part 2)

  Chapter 1516 Deep in the night planning big things (Part 2)

  In the dead of night, under the leadership of Zhu Pingan, the Zhe Army marched cautiously into Zhangjiazhai, and quietly surrounded the Zhangjiazhai courtyard.

  It seems that the Japanese pirates were indeed deceived by the peacock tail, otherwise they would not have been touched under the nose and have not responded yet.

  Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief after the Zhe army surrounded the Zhang family's house, then turned his head to look at Liu Dadao, winked, and said in a low voice, "Bring Dadao in and deal with the Japanese pirates' sentries first."

  Liu Dadao nodded to accept the order, ordered a few good hands, and quietly touched the wall of Zhang's courtyard. Because he had checked once, Liu Dadao knew the location of the Japanese pirate sentries, so he reached out and clicked on the locations of several Japanese pirates sentries, and then walked towards the target quietly.

The beheading went smoothly. Four of the Japanese pirates were lying on the ground and snoring loudly. The other one was leaning against the wall and sleeping soundly. Liu Dadao and the others approached them and covered their mouths and noses with one hand to prevent them from screaming. Awakened the other Japanese pirates, and stabbed the dagger into their hearts with the other hand.

  The five Japanese pirate sentries ended their short and sinful life without even struggling a few times.

"Well done!" Zhu Pingan saw Liu Dadao and the others dealt with the Japanese pirates cleanly, and gave a low praise. Then he ordered a hundred people to lie in ambush outside Zhang's house, in case any Japanese pirates slipped through the net and escaped, and led the rest of them inside. Zhang house.

  As expected of a local wealthy family, Zhang’s house has a spacious courtyard with three entrances and more than 20 houses. Japanese pirates occupied the largest main house as a temporary camp.

  The main house of Zhang’s house consists of three high-rise flat houses with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. The hall is in the center, which is usually used as a living room and used as a ceremonial hall for weddings and funerals. The Japanese pirates made the hall smoky, and lit a pile of fire to keep warm. A group of Japanese pirates slept on the floor around the fire. In the Japanese country, one by one was laid on the ground, and each one was sleeping in a mess, snoring everywhere, like a dead pig.

  Nabeshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanlang are not ordinary after all, they did not sleep in the hall with other Japanese pirates, but occupied the master bedroom in the inner room, occupying the big bed to sleep peacefully, also sleeping one after another.

   At this time, the firewood in the hall has been burned out, only the remaining ashes are flickering in the dark night, and the Japanese pirates are snoring everywhere.

   Too many people and miscellaneous hands woke up the Japanese pirates, and the space in the house is limited, too many people can't use it. Zhu Pingan selected a hundred elites and ordered them to enter the two outer halls lightly in groups of three to kill the Japanese pirates.

  The rest of the people are waiting in the courtyard, responding at any time to prevent accidents.

  Although it is late at night, there is bright moonlight outside, and the ashes of the bonfire flickering in the house, it is not so dark that you can't see your fingers. If you get used to the darkness, you can still blur your vision.

  One hundred elites of the Zhejiang Army filed in cautiously. After adapting to the darkness of the house, a group of three took out their cold daggers, held their breath, and tiptoed towards the Japanese pirate lying on the ground snoring.

  Niu Wu is one of them, he is in a group with Zhao Datie and Zhang Laosan.

The three of them cautiously walked towards a Japanese pirate who was lying down and shouting, squatted down slowly, and after looking at each other, Niu Chou covered the mouth of the Japanese pirate with his hand to prevent him from making a sound. Hands and feet, Zhang Laosan gritted his teeth and stabbed the dagger into the Japanese pirate's heart.


  The severe pain of the dagger piercing into the heart woke up the Japanese pirate from the medicinal effect of the peacock tail. The scream was covered by Niu Wu's hand in his throat. After his body struggled for a while, his sinful life ended.

   It's done!

Niu Wu, Zhao Datie, and Zhang Laosan all breathed a sigh of relief, and they also let go of their throats. Looking at the dead Japanese pirates, the three of them felt a sense of accomplishment in their hearts. A fierce Japanese who has lived thousands of miles away, killed thousands of people, and made Yingtian City's 100,000 defenders dare not leave the city!

   Now he died under the hands of the three of them. Although this is basically due to the master's strategizing, Niu Wu and the other three can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for being able to kill a Japanese pirate with their own hands.

  Niu Wu and the others succeeded, and other elite teams of the Zhejiang Army also succeeded.

   After all, the three of them teamed up to kill a Japanese pirate who was caught in the peacock tail and fell asleep, and it really didn't have much difficulty.


  Just as Niu Wu and the others stretched their black hands to the side, the Japanese pirates were about to strike again, when a shrill scream sounded in the hall, and it stopped abruptly like a duck being strangled by the throat.

This is when another group of people attacked again. The heart of the slaughtered Japanese pirate was different from that of normal people. It was deflected two inches outward, which made the Japanese pirate escape the fatal stabbing knife and did not die instantly. The severe pain caused him to jump from the peacock tail Waking up under the effect of the medicine, he struggled violently and let out a scream. The Zhejiang army who attacked him was frightened and rescued in time. He covered the Japanese pirate's mouth and nose again, interrupted his scream, and stabbed him several times in a row. The result is the sinful life of Japanese pirates.

Hearing the scream of the Japanese pirate suddenly, Niu Wu trembled. He should have covered his mouth, but he covered his nose. Zhang Laosan, who was in charge of stabbing the knife, was also startled, and stabbed the dagger that should have stabbed the Japanese pirate in the heart. When it reached the Japanese pirate's waist, Zhao Datie, who was in charge of holding down his hands and feet, was also startled by the sudden scream. He didn't hold down one of his hands, and the Japanese pirate was covered with his nose and couldn't breathe. These factors strongly stimulated the Japanese pirates' central nervous system, causing the Japanese pirates to wake up suddenly from the effects of peacock tail medicine.

   "Ah! Baga!"

  Niu Wucuo covered the Japanese pirate's nose, but didn't cover the Japanese pirate's mouth. After the Japanese pirate woke up from the pain, he screamed and cursed reflexively.

The severe pain in the waist and the blood from the wounded mouth and nose stimulated the fierceness of the Japanese pirates. Under the threat of dying, the Japanese pirates broke out with far more combat power than usual. First, Zhao Datie who was holding his body was kicked twice Mi Yuan, the kicked Zhao Datie fell to the ground and vomited blood, and he didn't know how many ribs were kicked. It was broken, and then the Japanese pirates slammed it down fiercely. Niu Wu was torn out from the top of his head by the Japanese pirates like a chicken, and was thrown on the ground fiercely. live.

The Japanese pirate kicked this kick, which happened in the blink of an eye. Zhang Laosan, who was in charge of stabbing the knife, had not had time to react, but only had time to show a terrified expression on his face. He was about to pull out the knife and make another knife, but unfortunately the knife did not After pulling it out, the Japanese pirate who was sitting up clamped his head with his hands and twisted it hard, and the Japanese pirate broke his neck.

   "Baga! The Ming people are coming!" After the Japanese pirate killed Zhang Laosan, he yelled a warning with all his strength.

  Then, the Japanese pirates picked up the Japanese sword on the ground, and rushed towards the Zhejiang army beside them like crazy and fearless.

  A snow-white light flashed, and the nearest Zhejiang army was split in half by the Japanese pirates.

   "Don't talk about martial arts morality, and sneak attack on my Yamato samurai, everyone will die!"

  The Japanese pirates were bathed in blood, like a vengeful ghost crawling out of hell, and rushed to the next Zhejiang army with a knife.

But after all, he was seriously injured, and the medicinal properties of the peacock tail still had some effect. When the Japanese pirates rushed to the next Zhejiang army, they were kicked by a Japanese pirate corpse and fell to the ground. He recovered from his bravery and ferocity, took advantage of his illness to kill him, threw himself on the Japanese pirate, and stabbed the dagger in his hand vigorously, puff puff puff, stabbed seven or eight times in one breath, until the Japanese pirate remained motionless.

  (end of this chapter)

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