Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1506: Screening (on)

  Chapter 1506 Screening (Part 1)

  After the two generals led their heavily armed troops down the city wall, Zhang Jing and other officials kept following them, paying close attention to the development of the situation.

"Why can't I see that the beggars and prodigal sons below are the internal responses of the Japanese pirates? It is rare for beggars to repay their kindness, and prodigal sons to turn around and take the initiative to ask Yingying to guard the city. Don't blame others. This kind of heart, once it is cold, it will not be warm. came back."

  Until this time, many officials were still skeptical, and some officials were watching while making sarcastic remarks on the city wall.

   "You didn't realize that the pirates from Shangyu would come to harass Yingtian. You took nephew Ping'an's warning as a joke, but now, the pirates from Shangyu are showing off their power in the city. Let's see who is the joke."

   Wei Guogong was not polite at all and turned back, making those skeptical officials blush.

Logically speaking, as one of the three giants of Yingtian, his status in Yingtian's officialdom is not generally high. Wei Guogong is just a warrior who relies on the shadow of his ancestors, and the social atmosphere of the dynasty is so gentle and military that the status of Wei Guogong is far inferior to that of Zhang Jing, one of the three giants of Yingtian, and even He Gonggong. The status is much higher than him, Wei Guogong has long been suffocating in his heart.

   It was he and Marquis Linhuai who insisted on judging whether beggars and ruffians were Japanese pirates. These officials' criticism of this move was to criticize Wei Guogong, so Wei Guogong slammed back unceremoniously.

  Gong Wei’s proposal to bet on Zhu Ping’an, in addition to seeking a piece of military merit, is to reshape his prestige, win his due status, and let these civil officials who despise him look up to him and respect him.

   "Hmph, has Duke Wei forgotten that he was also one of the members who regarded Mr. Zhu's warning as a joke?!"

   After being choked for a while, an official snorted and said dissatisfied.

   "Ahem." Wei Guogong blushed and had to cough to ease the embarrassment.

   "We know our mistakes and can correct them, unlike some people who know our mistakes and don't correct them, making mistakes even more mistakes," Linhuai Hou said in support.

   "Hmph, if there are no Japanese pirates among the beggars and prodigal sons in the city, let's see how you end up."

  The official choked.

   Soon, in the sight of everyone, the two generals and their soldiers had arrived at the city, before the beggars and ruffians.

"You know how to repay your kindness. The prodigal son turned around and took the initiative to ask Yingying to defend the city. The adults appreciate you very much; your request to help defend the city gate at the most dangerous city gate is even more appreciated and praised by the adults. The adults specially sent this book You will be rewarded with a set of full-body armor, and you will be allowed to go to the arsenal in front of you to pick out the weapons at your fingertips. Whether it is swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, hooks, bows, crossbows, and firecrackers, you can choose as you please. At the same time, after this battle, you will be authorized You can stay in the barracks to serve, and the treatment is the same as other soldiers."

  A general stood in front of the beggars and ruffians, and said to them approvingly.

  Well, the acting skills are good, and there is nothing revealing. Zhang Jing and other officials in the city were very satisfied with the general's performance.

   "Thank you, my lord. The little one must guard the city well, and prevent the Japanese pirates from entering the city. I will live up to my lord's expectations."

  When the beggars and local ruffians in the city heard the words, they all burst into smiles and expressed their sincerity.

   "Look, this is an outpouring of true feelings, so there is no internal response from Japanese pirates." Some officials in the city couldn't help feeling emotional when they saw this scene.

"Come on, they will be brothers from now on. Give each of these brothers a badge, and then take them to receive armor and weapons." The general beckoned, and his opponent held a tray, on which there were stacks of soldiers with badges ordered.

   "Obey." Several soldiers came out from behind the general, holding trays with stacks of badges in their hands. They came to the beggars and ruffians and handed out the badges to them one by one.

   "Yaoxi." A beggar with a dirty turban wrapped around his head, received a waist card, couldn't help smiling, and blurted out Japanese when he was happy. These Ming soldiers are so stupid that they achieved their goal so easily. When they get their armor and weapons, they must "do well" to help the Ming army guard the city gate.

  The expression of a beggar who was also wrapped in a turban beside him changed suddenly, and he stretched out his foot and kicked him immediately.

The beggar suddenly realized that he had lost his composure, but he reacted very quickly. He rolled his eyes and hurriedly said, "Yaoxi, why not, my hands are too dirty, and I even stained this waist card." gone."

If the general didn't know in advance that there might be Japanese pirates hidden among these beggars and ruffians, he might have been confused by the beggar's contingency, but his task was to guard and screen the Japanese pirates among beggars and ruffians, so he was always in Paying close attention to every move of the beggar and the ruffian, just now when the beggar blurted out the word "Yaoxi", the general's eyelids couldn't help twitching, trying to put on a nonchalant expression on his face, and said to the beggar with a smile, "No need to wash, wait for the battle." It’s not too late to wash it again, you go to get the armor and weapons first, the Japanese pirates are in the present, everything is more important than the overall situation.”

   "Yes." A group of beggars and hooligans responded one after another.

"There are two temporary blade and armor supply places at the base of the nearby wall, and each supply place has four warehouses. In order to increase the speed, you are divided into eight teams, and each team goes to a warehouse to receive armor and weapons. After putting on the armor, take Bring your swords to help defend the city gate. Take them to the warehouse to get armor and weapons."

   The general ordered.

  Beggars and ruffians no doubt had him, they were divided into eight teams under the command of the general, and the soldiers led them to different directions.

  The eight warehouses were all at the base of the wall, but they were all very close together. Soon they arrived at the warehouses where armor and weapons were stored.

   After all, it is an armor and weapon warehouse, so it is normal for it to be heavily guarded.

   After all, it is a warehouse for armor and weapons. It is normal for the guards to be seriously ill and fully armed.

   After all, it is a warehouse for armor and weapons. It is normal for heavy soldiers to surround us, right? ! and many more! Why surround us? ! What about armor and weapons, why didn't you see anything?

   This is not normal at all! !

   "What are you going to do?" A beggar with a scarf on his head changed his face and shouted loudly.

"Change your armor, take off your clothes, take off your headscarves, let us see what kind of armor suits you, so that we can put on armor for you. Swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and armor is a good thing. It can save you in critical times. It's all about Shangguan taking care of you, so don't be ignorant of good and bad."

  The heavily armed soldiers surrounded eight teams of beggars and hooligans, and ordered solemnly and undeniably.

   "Ahem, you don't have to be so particular, it's almost fine." The beggar and the hooligan waved their hands again and again, forced their smiles, and politely refused.

  (end of this chapter)

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