Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1503: Are you human?

  Chapter 1503 Are you human?

"You have a heart." The general looked at the beggars and hooligans who offered to volunteer in front of him approvingly, and nodded without hesitation, "Since you know how to repay your kindness. If the prodigal son turns around, how can I be a villain? You repay the favor, the way for the prodigal son to turn back, your challenge to fight, this will be done."

  The officials and people nearby couldn't help nodding their heads. A beggar still knows how to repay his kindness.

  The local ruffian and the prodigal son turned around and volunteered to fight the Japanese pirates. This is really a good story. After all, this world is a brilliant way, and this world is my world after all!


  The positive deeds of beggars and hooligans volunteering to defend the city spread instantly.

   Zhang Jing and other officials on the city wall also soon learned of the news.

   "The beggar knows how to repay the favor, and the local ruffian returns. Good, good, good, spread the news quickly to boost morale."

Hearing this, Zhang Jing couldn't help nodding his head. The gloom between his brows was greatly diluted by this good news. The Japanese pirates were showing off their power below the city, and the morale of the city was greatly hit. This news came just in time, and it was a good opportunity to boost morale, so He made a decisive decision and ordered people to spread the news in the city to boost morale. "

Soon, under the impetus of Zhang Jing and others, the news spread throughout the city wall and reached the ears of every soldier and civilian defending the city. .

"That's right, that's right, the beggars and the local ruffians have come to defend the city on their own initiative, the army's morale is available, I feel a lot more at ease now." On the Ande Gate, Wei Guogong showed a smile on his face, and said to the Marquis of Linhuai beside him .

Marquis Linhuai also nodded, the worry on his face disappeared a little, and he became a little more interested, "The beggar who knows how to repay his kindness and the ruffian who turned his back on the prodigal son are on that section of the wall, so I went to see them, If they performed well this time, it would be a good story to reward them with a background after the war."

   "Let's go and have a look together." Wei Guogong was also interested.

  So, Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou joined hands to recruit a general who was in charge of enlisting the people, and asked him which section of the city wall the beggars and ruffians were.

   "Return to the Lord, Master Hou." The general handed over his hands and was about to answer when he heard a loud "boom" from the city wall, and the city wall shook slightly. The general's words were interrupted by this surprise.

   Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Report, the Japanese pirates under the city put gunpowder into the wine jar and threw gunpowder at the gate of the city. Fortunately, General Yu shot the gunpowder. The Japanese pirates could not get close to the gate, so they had to attack the city wall. The explosion just now was the gunpowder thrown by the Japanese pirates." A soldier looked scared. At the same time, he reminded worriedly, "I saw that there were several wine jars in the Japanese pirates' hands, and they probably contained this kind of gunpowder."

   "What? The Japanese pirates still have several gunpowder jars in their hands?! If they are allowed to explode close to the city gate, the city gate will be in danger?!"

  The people on the city wall once again panicked, as if the city gate would be blasted by Japanese pirates sooner or later.

   This news could not be blocked. Everyone on the city wall could see the wine jars placed on the carriage behind the Japanese pirates.

  These wine jars cast a thick layer of haze on the city, and the crisis of breaking the city lingered in everyone's mind.

Tremendous stress!


   Morale dropped to freezing point again.

"Which section of the city wall are the beggars and hooligans who took the initiative to fight? Let's go and see them, reward them in advance, and boost morale." Asked once, he wanted to encourage morale again by rewarding the beggars and hooligans.

   "Grandfather and Lord Hou, they are not on the city wall yet." The general replied.

   "Huh? Didn't they take the initiative to ask for a fight? Why aren't they on the city wall?" Marquis Linhuai asked doubtfully.

"I was about to report to my lord that the beggars and ruffians wanted to fight. They wanted to help defend in the most dangerous place, that is, in the city gate. They said that Japanese pirates had been eyeing the Andemen gate and tried to attack the gate many times, so they If they want to help defend at the city gate, if the pirates break through by chance, they will swear to guard the gate of Andemen. They will not let the pirates step into Yingtian half a step, and they will not let the pirates harm any of the people of Yingtian. A humble job cannot be the master. , I also ask you adults to decide how to arrange the beggars and hooligans who take the initiative to fight."

  The general reported to Wei Guogong, Linhuaihou, and nearby Zhang Jing and other officials, asking them to make a decision.

After Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou heard the words, their eyelids twitched and their bodies shook. Thinking of Zhu Pingan's thousands of exhortations yesterday, they looked at each other in tacit understanding, with shock and solemnity in their eyes, as well as a trace of "you can't find it if you step through the iron shoes." No effort at all" surprise.

   "Okay! Where is the most dangerous, they will go there. These beggars and ruffians have the style of ancient righteous men!"

   Zhang Jing and the surrounding officials could not help but nodded after hearing the report from the general, and looked at the beggars and hooligans again.

"Nowadays the Japanese pirates are trying to break through the gate with gunpowder and wine jars, and the pressure on the city gate is increasing. It is the time for employing people. Since they take the initiative to ask for help in the defense of the city gate, why should we not agree to them? This must be a good story after the war. what."

   "Of course, the lower officials seconded."


  The surrounding officials spoke one after another.

   "Okay, then arrange them to the city gate and give them weapons to help defend the city gate." Zhang Jing nodded.

   "Here!" The general took the order, and was about to turn around and go down to make arrangements, when he heard "No!"

   "No!" Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai stopped with one voice.

   "Huh?" Zhang Jing frowned and looked at Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou, and asked suspiciously, "Master Xu, Master Li, why did you stop them?"

   "That's right, this is a good story, just used to boost morale, why did the Duke and Lord Hou spoil the scenery?!"

   "The Japanese pirates used gunpowder to blow up the city gate just now. The city gate is in danger. They asked to stay in the city gate to help defend. This is a good thing. There is no reason not to agree to them. Why did the Duke and Lord Hou stop it?"

"The beggar knows how to repay his kindness, and the ruffian returns. They ask for help in the defense of the most dangerous city gate. They refuse to agree to this request. The Duke and Lord Hou are a bit unsatisfactory, right? Or is it the Duke and Lord Hou? Is there a better arrangement for them?"

  The surrounding officials spoke one after another, accusing Wei Guogong and Linhuai Hou both in their words and in their words.

   "Not only can't promise them, but also send heavy soldiers to guard them strictly and carefully screen them."

   Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai spoke solemnly.

"What? Not only can't you agree, but you want to detain them?! What are the Duke and Lord Hou talking about?! The beggars know how to repay you, and the ruffian turns around and asks for a fight. You actually want to send troops to detain them! Wake up?! Please forgive me for saying something disrespectful, are you talking like a human?"


   "What nonsense!"

  Before they finished speaking, the surrounding officials couldn't help shaking their heads and interrupting them with righteous indignation.

  Zhang Jing frowned and looked at Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou, but after seeing the serious expressions on their faces, he couldn't help but startled for a moment, then frowned and thought.

   Hu Zongxian, who was on the side, noticed the abnormal behavior of Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou. If his heart moved, he also frowned and thought.


  (end of this chapter)

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